I had injured my hand at work and I was send to the workers compensation doctor.They told me just to make push ups and my hand is going to be fine.Well it was`t and I refused to let go,because I could`t sleep at night or work from the pain. I had to get a lawyer just to make them send me to another doctor.They did and the doctor after bunch of testings and lots of physical therapy(which by the way seemed to make my hand worse) made an xray.His diagnose was TUBERCULOSIS!!!I went for a skin test and it showed positive.After this I was taking pills for tuberculosis for 9 months.I got from my company 2500 dollars as workers compensation and never got to court.However.I had to go for a physical examination and they needed my xray,that was already done.I was told-you never had tuberculosis and your skin test showed positive,because my vaccination,that was done when I was a kid was with the actual bacteria and the doctor sad,that will always show positive.
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