As many of you know, there are thousands of people who die each year in the United States while they wait for some good person to donate an organ. The only way for most organs to be donated is when someone dies, and he or his relative has authorized the harvesting of the organ. The single biggest problem is that not enough people sign donor cards. Here's the plan. If a person signs a donor card, and if the person dies (suicide excluded), he is entered into a million dollar lottery conducted each year. There is not just a million dollars given out, but perhaps 20 or 50 million dollars. Therefore, the chances of his beneficiaries getting a million dollar inheritance would be quite high. The money could easily be generated through wealthy benefactors. The organ donor would not benefit financially, but would sign the donor card for altruistic reasons - to help strangers as well as his family. This is a win-win situation that would literally save thousands of lives per year.
2 answers
asked by
The Oracle of Omigod