My doctor wants to test me for gestational diabetes. I show none of the risk factors (I have had normal weight gain, am under 25, no one in my family has ever had it, am not thirsty or urinating a lot, etc) and the doctor admitted that he doesn't believe I have it.
Normally, I would just have the test, I have had every other test they have ordered, but I am hypoglycemic, I would throw up the glucose drink or would pass out before the test could be completed. I already eat like a diabetic (5 to 6 small meals a day, limited carbs per meal, very limited sugar intake) and am more then willing to up my blood glucose testing from 2 or 3 times a day to 4 or 5 times a day if they would like.
They are insisting that I get the test and are telling me I am being selfish for questioning it. Has anyone else with hypoglycemia run into this?
I want to do what is best for my baby, but I have to think about my health too and for a hypoglycemic to do this test just seems like asking for trouble.
6 answers
asked by
Diann C