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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i just went to the loo and im sure their is a very light drown discharge in them it is very very light

i did do a bit of walking to the shops this morning about 20 mins their and 20 mins back but on the way back i had this realy bad like a bad stich on my right side near my hip but i dont no if that is due to me being consitpated or not

and i did have sex this morning 2

2007-11-13 20:59:50 · 4 answers · asked by sonya2580 2

im 39 weeks and i felt like my breasts havent grew much. i was 34 or 36b. i dont know about now but it looks a bit heavier. will it grow bigger once i give birth?

2007-11-13 20:38:33 · 8 answers · asked by sally 1

everytime i eat or drink ..and i burp or make my self burp lil bit of food or water comes up all the time plz help>

2007-11-13 19:52:29 · 5 answers · asked by babystuff4real 1

Some people have posted that they didnt even have any pain or bleeding when they miscarried. I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and everything was fine there was a heart beat and everything. Im now 12 nearly 13 weeks pregnant and I havnt had any scans or anything since and how am I meant to know everything is ok? I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago for the usual tests and if something was wrong would that have picked it up? It was to see if I had aids etc, its a routine blood test.

If theres a heart beat at 5 weeks and Ive had no pain, cramping or bleeding is there a chance I have miscarried?

Any stories and opinions would be great. Thank you.

2007-11-13 19:49:01 · 7 answers · asked by Mummy2Luca 4


How long does it usually take to ripen a cervix that is hardly effaced at all?

2007-11-13 19:34:23 · 6 answers · asked by Mommy to 2 Princesses under 2 4

2007-11-13 18:55:49 · 3 answers · asked by Rachelle S 1

ok me and my fiance have been hoping for a baby for a couple of months now. i try not to think about it to much and just keep trying. i am now 14 days late and have took 2 hpt's (7th nov-today) but both negative. these are my symptoms.
* missed period (obvious)
* very sensitive nipples/darkening of nipples
* feeling sick after eating/drinking
* tiredness all the time
* constant headaches
* feeling sick to normal everyday smells
* bloating
* light cramping on/off
* enlargement of breast
* now beginning to get backache.
my doctors also dont do blood test, they do urine test. should i wait a little longer or go to my doctors. my sister was 3 months pregnant when she finally found out with both her kids.
all answers appriciated thnx xx

2007-11-13 17:35:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 8wks pregnant. I work in hospital so had one of my dr's put in an order for a HCG test for me. On 28 oct my levels were 4488. than today I did another just to see and it was only 5522. I did a ultrasound last monday and saw a HB, fetal pole and yalk sac. The dr's didn't say anything looked wrong, but I do have another US tomorrow. Has anyone else ever had low HCG levels like this and go on to have a healthy pregnancy?

2007-11-13 17:19:12 · 2 answers · asked by cingrn 3

How long should you allow yourself befor you get back to the weight you were pre-baby. Just personal answers or medical ones. Thanks

2007-11-13 16:46:15 · 6 answers · asked by jacquelinemeddows 2

What Are The Chances That She Will? And if She is...How long Will It take till after sex that she will Know With a Home Pregnancy Test??

2007-11-13 16:32:48 · 12 answers · asked by chi_south_kid1 1

The doctor suggested i start taking this stool softener....i took only one tonight...should i have taken more or is that enough and when does it kick in?

2007-11-13 16:15:59 · 7 answers · asked by angelstarszzzz 4

Birth control stops you from getting pregnant so how is that any different from having an abortion.

Being Pro-choice is your choice for abortion and birth control then if you are Pro-Life then tell me how you can take things to stop from getting pregnant?

2007-11-13 16:13:24 · 27 answers · asked by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7

im 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. shouldnt i have started losing the mucus plug by now?

2007-11-13 16:08:15 · 3 answers · asked by omama 3

Today I was told that when woman have induced labors it causes contractions that normally wouldn't happen to happen, therefore they are much more painful than natural contractions. I was also told it causes less oxgyen to the baby so it makes everythign more stressful. Is this true about inducing?

2007-11-13 15:58:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never get cramps during my period they are usually irregular and lite and never bother me, but I have been really tired, and cramping like crazy and my stomach aches and I have been getting headaches which I never get. Is it possible to be pregnant. Also my breats hurt a little but not as bad a severyone says they should???? I took a pregnancy test but I think it is too soon to tell. Can someone help.

2007-11-13 15:37:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 18weeks 5days i have cramps that go from the side of my lower back down my bottom and down my leg. gosh its so painful. it dosnt happen all the time. im not sure if i had them with my first son. is it normal. my mum said it could be the baby on a nerve or maybe because my son is 13months and im bending down to him all day. and picking him up. I have my scan tomorrow im not to worried about the baby as i feel it move all the time but it does get painful as i cant rest for ot long with jayden crawling everywhere.

2007-11-13 15:04:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posted earlier, I'm 38 wks. I lost my m.plug last week and for the past couple of hours been having bloody show, it feels and looks much different than mucus plug. I'm very crampy, but not steady hard contractions. This is my 5th baby and yes, it will be a c-sec, but wondering what comes next? Since I've had c-secs with others, never really got to go into labor on my own, so this is sort of new. Do reg contraction start immediately for everyone else or could it be later on tonight? Husband on night shift tonight, so want to wait till for sure need to go to hosp. Will my water break? Like I said, never been through the beginnings of this before. Having lots of menstral cramps, but waiting for the regular hard as a rock contractions. Trying to soak it all in and enjoy this last little bit, since it will be my last baby. What is the general timeline for these things and how did it happen for you? As I said, it's definately bloody show, not mucus plug, -

2007-11-13 14:51:55 · 10 answers · asked by manthamom 4

ok i keep getting nose bleeds but not bad ones and im 33 weeks pregnant is this a normal thing????
it isn't cause of the heat in my place cause i like the cold so what could it be???

2007-11-13 14:49:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think I'm pregnant because I have a rather large belly (feels full of butterflies)and I'm having strong, painful urges to push. Or do I just have a stomach ulcer?

2007-11-13 14:46:35 · 15 answers · asked by Amers 3

about 5 months ago (PLEASE dont judge u did not know the situation) and now the guy im with now whats to try to have kids. I dont know if i should tell him that i had one or not. He is totally against it and i dont know if he would look at me different. Does he have to know? Or should i just keep it inside forever?

2007-11-13 14:40:02 · 31 answers · asked by :) 2

Hi, I'm 21 weeks prego. I've been experiencing these crampy breast pains mostly on my left breast on the under side....it mostly happens when I touch it...but it also happens at time when i'm not even moving....or when i lean over...is this normal...?Should I be worried because I kinda already am...I have anxiety problems and I've been to the hospital I don't know how many times at least 8 in the past 4 months just for them to tell me nothing was wrong. I really don't want to go if nothing is wrong, but this kinda hurts. Can anyone give me some tips to make it stop hurting as much?

2007-11-13 14:39:13 · 2 answers · asked by pseudojane 1

okay i visited the doctor today and he told me that he couldnt see asny heartbeat , im 10 weeks pregnant and he said a baby has a heart beat 6weeks. but i told him im not bleeding or anyting and hes sayin that the misscarige didnt happen *** yet but he couldnt see the body or nothing and then he wants to set me up to vacum it out. shouild i go to the another doctor to find out or should i believe what hes saying?? has any ladies had this happen to them

2007-11-13 14:36:42 · 7 answers · asked by rhea 1


can a positive test be wrong??? i took one today after asking advice from u guys and my test was positive...is it possible it could b wrong??? i dont want it to be wrong

2007-11-13 14:30:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 27 weeks pregnant.
I can't stop smoking, i have tried literally everything i can think of, including acupuncture, patches, gum, hypnotherapy, affirmations and even thrown away a packet with 19 cigarettes in them. I would try those tablets but they won't give them to me as i'm pregnant. I've told my midwife about this and she said she would refer me to smoking cessation classes, but she hasnt done anything about it. I used to think i had alot of willpower before this, NOT NOW lol. I smoke about 10-20 a day.
Any suggestions?

2007-11-13 14:18:34 · 61 answers · asked by Kim-x 2

2007-11-13 14:18:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today i had decaf coffee in the AM.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 1pm
Ravioli at 3pm
Zitti with meat sauce with the kids at 6pm

i don't think i am eating enough or eating right...
i am 6 weeks pregnant.

2007-11-13 14:15:41 · 5 answers · asked by Miss Kelly 4

I've taken tylenol 3 times today.. and my head hurts so bad I want to cry. Ive tried an icepack also. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

2007-11-13 14:14:43 · 13 answers · asked by tracy b 2

had sex november 2nd, started spotting on november 3rd, have been spotting since and it is now the 13th, but on teh 12th my expected period day i had a heavey flow in the morning, and then spotting. and today the 13 i had nothin till this evening and alittle pink just notiveable when i wipe. i have feelings that i have never had with a regular period. i ahve been wearing a pad every day just incase but nothing on it once in a while a drop. i took a hpt yesterday (12) and it was negative. did i take it too early? all answers are appreciated. it could be just hat i am worreid.i also take metformin which i have read causes ovulation and can increase the chance of pregnancy. i have had scares in teh past but was never pregnant and i totally missed periods. this time is different. i also have felt bloated but it goes away, where as the pain just enough to feel it and cramps come and go also. any answers?

2007-11-13 14:11:07 · 6 answers · asked by karry232001 1

I am 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant, when i first found out i weighed 118, now i am up to 127. is that bad? How much weight should u gain during your whole pregnancy to be healthy?? How long does it take to lose the access weight after birth?

2007-11-13 13:59:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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