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Parenting - August 2007

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My 17 year will not let me hug her. She even has trouble with me sitting close to her. She even won't let me touch her.

Once she had a leaf on her and when I went to get it off her she jerked like I was going to hit her. I had to lean over her once to get something out of the back seat and she look like she was going to come out of her skin or puke cause I was so close..

I ask her why she is this way and of course I get the either 'no im not' or 'I dont' know'..

Why is she this way.? Please tell me it will pass. I really hate it.. She has never been molested or touched in any way or ever beat by me or her father..

She hasn't alway been this way, just about since she was 14 or 14.

I don't think I smell or anything like that and it is not like I want to hug her ever time she leaves the room but her getting discusted when I pick a leaf off her is just hurtfull..

2007-08-20 00:41:37 · 6 answers · asked by LadyCatherine 7

2007-08-19 22:53:34 · 22 answers · asked by Razor 5

me and my partner are leaving to a different country for a couple of years and i don't no whether we should introduce me to the kids before leaving or when we come back. they are 8 and 6 now. we are also planing on marryin while overseas.

so if i should meet them now, who should i tell them i am? where to meet them? i have no idea whatg to do and neither does he.

thanks for any help

2007-08-19 19:01:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you agree with mothers when they say that radios and music videos make their children whores?

i know this is a typical teenage thing for me to say but radios dont do that.

they need to take better care of their children. i do agree that media does push that stuff hard on children but it the parents job to be a parent and not let their kid turn into whores and jerks. the kids do need to be brought to alittle of it or when they get a taste of it later in life they get messed up but.

do you think the media makes children into jerks and whores or are the people just doign thier jobs?

2007-08-19 17:28:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

consider my ex to be acting out of negligence concerning our son in many ways & he refuses to listen to my concerns so I'm at a loss at what I can do to get him to listen before it is too late. Our son is 6 but tonight my ex put him in the front seat of his truck (even though there is a back seat). I asked our son to move to the back my ex told him not to. My son has also came home on many occasions without being in a booster seat (for over a year now) and my son told me the other day my ex let him ride WITHOUT a seatbelt at all a few weeks ago because his back was sunburnt and it hurt. My son's grandmother (my ex's mother) also told me my ex told our son NOT to wear a helmet on his bike (plus it is the law). I really feel like my ex is putting our son's safety in jeopardy for no reason or just to spite me and its stupid. I'm not a person to sue but I certainly will sue the pants off him if our son ends up hurt but then it might be too late.
I need suggestions to get my ex to stop!

2007-08-19 16:57:36 · 7 answers · asked by jenny s 2

I can't believe that now, in the 21st century, spanking is still legal and even sometimes socially acceptable in a "civilized" country like the U.S.! Spanking is a terrible form of violence, and it teaches children that violence is acceptable! Not to mention that spanking is a form of sexual assault, because the buttocks are a sexual region! All parents who spank must be pedophiles who get sexual pleasure from beating their children on a private, sexual region of their bodies! And when kids are beaten on such a private part of their bodies, it teaches them to submit to pedophiles! Spanking also teaches girls to submit to abusive husbands later in life! Spanking is primitive and outdated! It's a fossilized relic from a bygone era! Why do parents still use such a brutal and primitive method of discipline now in the 21st century? Spanking should be illegal everywhere and parents who spank should be burned at the stake or crucified or drawn&quartered!

2007-08-19 16:49:41 · 16 answers · asked by VITCH 2

I brought up four boys on my own having got them away from a violent Father.
All I did was to give them everything that they *needed* (which was not the same as what they wanted).
I set fixed routines for them (adjusted acccording to their age) and had a proper set of Family rules with consequences for breaking them and one was that I would not tolerate bad language because to me that was a prelude to violence (real,physical including when I was pregnant).
My boys thrived on that and all have good jobs now and one is a good Father too (and the rest shall be too).
Now I see my eldest grandson (8) starting to get out of control and being rude and have mentioned it to my son yet his wife says that it is "normal" and now she has told me that I was "too strict" with my boys.Now my son has never said anything of the sort and I think she is reading too much into it and trying to let Lewis do as he likes for *her* benefit and my son doesn't see it.
What should I do for the best?

2007-08-19 16:46:35 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

For a 5 years old child that crave constant attention from adults? We play with him constantly and we take him out for stimulations and entertainment, but sometime we have chores and job to be done, but meanwhile he's still constantly asking questions to distract us from business, do you think by getting a dog for a child, we'll be able to take a breather?

2007-08-19 16:46:31 · 11 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

My 4 year old son used a toy to break a window, I was getting the whole family 's lunch. I dropped lunch and as I was running towards him (I heard the window break) he tried to stick his hand through the window, I was yelling "NO NO that will cut you and hurt you" and I got to him right before he would have cut his wrists trying to get into the window. He was trying to save a spider. Yes, I yelled and I swatted him on the butt 1 time through his clothing. My mother-in-law is saying to everyone who will listen that I screamed at my son & beat him; which is not true. I swatted him on the butt and he lost bike riding and other priveledges for the next three days.

How would you handle the nosey mother-in-law?

2007-08-19 16:35:08 · 12 answers · asked by YesIDid 4

my neighbors daughter just turned 9 and my kids are 3 and 14 months...

What is the youngest age babysitter you have used for what age children?

2007-08-19 16:08:07 · 18 answers · asked by beach answerer 5

I am 17 and live in Montgomery County, Maryland. I have a 19 month old. The "father" is in jail and therefor ot reciing any money from him. I plan to go to college, once I graduate HS I am currently a rising senior. I have my future very planned out and I know what I want to do and who I want to become in life. My problem is money. My mother has been helping me out with my daughter, but money is getting tighter and tighter. There is this government program which pays for your daycare, but they look at my parents income and surepass the elegible income level. Once I am 18 they will look at my income, hopefully, and I don't plan to work until after I get my RN.

But the thing is I don't know if they would pay for the daycare or not and I don't want to put her in a daycare right now because it would be impossible to pay.

I just want to know a little about the system and how it would work for a person in my situation.

2007-08-19 15:48:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

list each one separately.

2007-08-19 15:39:29 · 16 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3

what are your childs strengths, talents and proudest memory?

I need a letter from my parents or a family member for a school assignment. I have told them and have explain to them in all the languages I know and trust me I know a lot of languages, but stilll no letter.This is do on the 1st day of school (this tuesday) and its the only thing I need to finish. Can you guys help me, school is very important to me and I have honor classes so if I miss assignments or not complete them. Its very hard to make them up.

2007-08-19 15:37:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you happy with your outcome?

2007-08-19 15:22:46 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

just by looking at it. im ready to force feed her but i know there's no point in that because she'll spit it out or throw it up. help me!!!!

2007-08-19 11:57:36 · 8 answers · asked by aged grapes 3

If you answered NO WHERE you are correct. This is the most misquoted part of scripture.

It says he who spares his child the rod of discipline hates his son (Proverbs 13:24)....of course it also says you shall beat your child with the rod in order to deliver his soul from hell. Proverbs 23:14.

So with out getting into a debate about spanking.....why do people assume that discipline is punishment....discipline is teaching which includes positive and negative reinforcement?

Also, why do people insist on throwing the Bible around when they don't really know it....and why do they throw it into an argument with someone who is not a Christian......the Bible means little to nothing to them.

I'm a Christian...I'm just trying to understand this. There are many things in the Bible I would NEVER apply to my children (ie Abraham was willing to kill his son and Lot offered a mob of men his daughters). Ephesians says "Parents do not provoke your children." Never hear that one!

2007-08-19 10:48:36 · 10 answers · asked by jm1970 6

2007-08-19 08:06:34 · 17 answers · asked by mikee 1

I began my family at the age of 17 and i have now got 4 gorgeous kids who i adore. I am now 23 and still with my partner of whom has fathered all my children. We have been together since i was 16 and him 18. We have never claimed benifits, we are buying our own home and both of us work to provide for our little cherrubs. How many people are still together after starting a relationship in your teens?

2007-08-19 06:15:56 · 27 answers · asked by *fallingfoss* 2

I'm a stay-at-home mom and would prefer to stay that way, but a few extra dollars each month would help. Do you have an at-home business? A hobby that brings in a little extra? Any ideas are welcome...thanks in advance!

2007-08-19 04:44:02 · 10 answers · asked by Heather 3

Can someone tell me the list of ingredients on the box?

I need it for my childcare project on nutrition. Thanks!

2007-08-19 02:31:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember years back lead being recognised as a danger to children and lead paint on toys was banned,lead soldiers that boys used to play with gave way to plastic,lead water pipes were replaced and some of us campaigned sucessfully (and against fierce opposition from many motorists I might add) to have lead removed from petrol.
Now it seems we are importing lead-coated toys from China -


In America it wasn't only toys but even imported toothpaste was found to be contaminated and over here children's clothing is being coated with teflon and other chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin and do harm -


Shouldn't governments *and* parents make sure that the toys,the clothes as well as the food and toothpaste etc. they buy for their children are SAFE above all else and never mind that they are cheap or "non-iron" etc.

2007-08-18 18:17:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love the mother with all my heart I'm not going to bail out on her, but I'm scared and I just need some tips

2007-08-18 17:44:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went over to a friend I meet down the street a few months back to visit. When I got there her oldest son age 8 was standing in the corner. She made it clear he was there for tracking paint on the carpet from his shoes that he spilt in the garage. She said he lyed about it. While in the corner he ask to go to the bathroom. She told him no that he wasn't going to get to go for a long time mister. We talked like we always do, but I could not help but to get mind off the fact that her son was in desperate need of the toilet and she was not let letting him. I stayed for an hour and he was still there when I left. He was crying and asked again before I left. She told him no again and that he better not ask again or she was going to make him stay there longer! I do not know how long he was there before I came or how long he had to wait after I left. She is really strict with them, but I never really seen anything abusive before. Is what she was doing abuse? Should I do anything about this?

2007-08-18 17:15:56 · 26 answers · asked by tomcat123 1

did you plan on 2 or 3? or would you only like 2?...

2007-08-18 16:52:49 · 35 answers · asked by mommy 3

I have four kids. When I leave I tell the baby-sitter all the information but she always ends up forgeting and calling. How to you handle baby-sitters? Notes, planners, binders?? Explain.

2007-08-18 15:38:26 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-18 14:04:35 · 20 answers · asked by Eric Inri 6

2007-08-18 13:21:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does she think he's Daddy? We have a prob....?
My bf is the god child of his neice and he watches her quite often..they live right next door... His brother doesnt interact wiht the baby as much as my bf does and the bf seems to respond better to my bf.. Him and I are worried she might think he's her Daddy not his brother.... any advice? We know if she calls my bf daddy there will be probs and we want to avoid that....but looks at her like our kids look at him

2007-08-18 12:44:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

So me and my husband keep foster children..We currently keep 3 and was wondering why the 5 year old boy is not taking temper tantrums and showing bad behavior. At the last foster home, they gave him up because of his numerouse temper tantrums and bad behavior. He has lived with us since June and has not taken even one temper tantrum and is a perfectly well behaved little boy. Could he not have been shown enough love and affection at the other home? There were alltogether 9 of them living in the other foster home including the foster parents and the children were 5 years older and up. Maybe he feels he wasn't being given enough attention? I noticed he does talk ALOT and likes to be paid attention too. Whats you guys opinions? Was he not being paid attention too and it resulted in anger?

2007-08-18 12:15:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-18 12:13:30 · 6 answers · asked by thundercatt9 7

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