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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

My husband wants to take our 10 year old daughter to the basketball game. He plans on leaving her in her seat if he needs to go to the mensroom(which he always does), is this safe?

2007-11-30 01:02:31 · 31 answers · asked by Artsy1 1

He is six years old and is painfully shy. How can I encourage him to be more confident?

2007-11-29 21:38:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is very emotional and can cry at the littlest thing. He doesnt share or accept that taking part in activities is fun he always wants to win although as not the most coordinated child this isnt very often. Although it is difficult to admit his behaviour can be very frustrating and I often think I love him more than anything but I dont like him and that hurts. What is more I am sure he picks up on this.I have attempted everything when he is with me to build up his confidence but nothing works. I have spoken with other children in his school and they just say he is annoying, crys at everything and tells the teacher on everyone for the littelst thing. I understand that it must be in part to do with the way I have brought him up but his younger brother is the exact opposite. Happy to take any advise but not sure which way to go. Thinking of taking him to councelling along with myself in an attempt to deal with this but wanted to know if anyone else had ideas I could try.

2007-11-29 20:35:18 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter started school in september this yr but she is really taking along till so settle in she wont talk to n e one not even the teacher i find it really hard when the children want to talk to he in the playground but she isnt willing to do the same its really embrassing when the parents look at me. i really cant understand how she can be like it she went to playgroup she has a brother and sister and also my mum is a childminder so she has always been around other children. at home she is a total different child she dont stop talking. has anyone else experienced this with their child/ren and how long did it last i just dont no what else to do to help her get out of this

2007-11-29 20:23:50 · 7 answers · asked by nat 2

my son is in 2nd grade ,tutors on wed ,thur w/ his teacher .the tutoring goes on from 230-300.well wed,i get there talk 2 couple people like i always do .my daughter and i start 2 walk 2 my son class 2 c how he is......well my daughter yells MOM MY BROTHERS NOT THERE.so i get 2 the class room and c his teacher w/another person and 2 of her other tutoring students.i said excuse me (she does'nt answer)she looking stright at me but nada...ok.well one of her students tell me well he left ...he left (i said) boy say's yes .teacher decides 2 jump in this converstion and say yes he left ....y i ask her ..y did u let him go( i said?)SHE YELLS AT ME SAY WELL MRS.***** what do u want me 2 tell you !!did'nt he know to stay 4 his tutoring....she say's well mike ask if he was going 2 stay ..MIKE !what do u mean mike he;s seven yrs old and your the teacher not this l'il boy she's yelling dont blame me dont blame me!!in front of her student i said 2 her i will not do this in front of these student .

2007-11-29 15:59:23 · 10 answers · asked by cindagirl 3

ok this is the thing...my stepson is 10 yrs old and his mom has been letting him hang out and spend the night at this 50 yr old guys house since the summer.the guy buys him everything..psp,games,camcorder.etc
my stepson denies anything is going on and he loves this guy to death.he shows no signs of being abused but i guess some of his moms friends called her and told her the guy is a sex offender so she confronted him about it and he said he was arrested years ago for lettin his 15 yr old nephew watch porn.so we got suspicious .we called the dr's to see if they would do an exam on him and they said we need to get a referral from the cops.and the only way to do that is tofile a report.so we went to the police station and told them the whole situation and they said we have nothing to go on.so my question what do we do now?my stepson is so mad that we wont let him see this guy anymore.

2007-11-29 14:45:30 · 15 answers · asked by kahlien05 1

alright im sick of it. hannah montana cannot sing, barely. if u wanna hear some1 sing listen to celion dion, christinia aguilera, or alicia keys, etc! at least when britney spears was in her right mind she could sing somewhat better than hannah! im sick of disney sugar culting everything. they make high school musical look sooo sweet, but really these people r our age, and they're just like us with hormones, thinking about sex 24/7,drinking, cussing, and doing some experimentation, as we've seen about vanessa hudgens.i don't know why every1 was so surprised about that, she's pretty and 17.leave her personal life alone.of course they do stuff with the opposite sex! & i guess now days if you wanna sing, or have ur own cd, just sign with disney for a show, and bam, u got it! they're just trying to make another mickey mouse club, without the club.the jonas brothers sing the gayest songs. im 17 and would be embarrased 2 sing songs like that!

2007-11-29 09:39:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-29 07:50:56 · 10 answers · asked by abbie.pink 3

I'm 13, and I was going to recess, and placed it on the ground. There is this rude girl, Amy. And she picked up my lunch box (without me knowing at all), and starting hitting on of my friends as a joke. (I barely even know this girl. Well, I kinda know her, I really don't like her at all) And she just put it where it was. One stitch came out and now my whole 50 dollar lunch box is ruined! I am grounded for it too, and that was my favorite lunch box! She didn't tell me about it either, one my friends did. What should I do!? should I make her pay for it? Should I tell my mom or just hid it. Would it be bad for my mom to call her mom?

2007-11-29 07:28:34 · 10 answers · asked by Smash 1

My friend has a four year old daughter and she is on welfare.She doesn't have any money for anything let alone christmas presents and her poor little girl is so excited about santa coming.How do you tell such a young child something like this? Obviously at that age all that matters is presents

2007-11-29 05:33:20 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you think its to much to allow my 13 year old son to have provacative posters of christina aguilera on his wall?should i worry hes doing more than looking at them?

2007-11-29 05:05:52 · 10 answers · asked by megmeg4697 1

this report card period she got 2 c's which is not like her at all take in perspective her math class she is in the high 7thgrade math so that is understandable for that clas but her reading clss is a c.so.. i had left her home to pick up the other kids at school she took the car keys for the other car we have went in the car started it and layed tire in the driveway and backed the car into the garage dented it not bad can be fixed.. and i didnt notice the tread marks till a few days after this had happend at first she lied about it and denyed it. after she came out and admitted it her story still doesnt make sense soo i had her write a sentence 100x..and told her i will let her know what i come up iwth for further punishment and asked her if she understand why i am punishing her and what she is punished for she got that.. so now i need some suggestions.. because normal groundation of taking things off her dont phase her..could it be her friends should i limit that as well..

2007-11-29 03:45:15 · 21 answers · asked by hooteehoo2u 2

So I am having my childs party at a facility that houses, 25 of those inflatable jumpers, I am getting pizza for the kids and I will keep the kids (25) there for 2 hours. So I am spending way more than I anticipated.

What is the rule for goody bags? Do I have to give them? There are going to be 25 +/- children going..if I do decide to give bags any ideas on what to give? I hate the idea of bags filled with crap, I would rather give a $5 gift certificate to all the kids for a local restuarant

2007-11-29 03:37:02 · 11 answers · asked by raycat97 4

2007-11-29 02:34:49 · 32 answers · asked by david m 1

He is 7 and never taken real medicine before. He is having trouble swallowing the pills. He needs his medicine, but I don't know what to do.

2007-11-29 00:12:51 · 22 answers · asked by Amber N 1

my 7 yr old is very jealous of my 2yr old daughter. He is abusive and rude whenever she gets any kind of attention
He even has started to be violent towards his childminder in my abscence.

I try to give them equal attention but he finds it difficult to understand that he is capable of doing more than her and so she sometimes needs more help.

i always greet him 1st when i return from work and he has almost 2hours with me in the evenings without his sister when shes in her bed asleep. plus we have trips out just me and my son - yet still this is not enough he just does not wish to share me with her.

I have requested an apointment with our gp for a referal for guidance, in the mean time please give me some advise as to how to deal with this situation.

2007-11-28 23:29:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have threekid no child suport and need help with getting the gifts

2007-11-28 18:50:45 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica A 1

my cousion who is only 12 (boy) moved to australia last september - so i gave his mum prezzie for xmas to take with her! - this year i'm going to send him some small things by post! - but what can i get for a 12year old! - it has to be something small that doesnt weight too much as parcels sometimes cost more than prezzie - i dont want to spend loads just something so they know we are thinking of then any ideas would be great thanks

2007-11-28 18:42:48 · 7 answers · asked by lillypops 4

I want to be comforting and not 'sorry' about the situation if he in fact has autism. Any ideas on how I can be understanding and not sound like I'm pitying her or him?

2007-11-28 16:01:58 · 10 answers · asked by j_abril 1

I'm writing a term paper on parenting the next generation and i need a website that doesn't have all that self-esteem/confidence bullshit. Can anyone recommend a site that is in touch with the realities of good parenting?

2007-11-28 14:58:19 · 7 answers · asked by skeeet 2

Our family moved cross country this summer. We enrolled our son in our neighborhood school for kindergarten. We've been happy with it but we don't think it will be the best place for him for 1st grade so we’re trying to decide whether to keep him where he is or send him to a private school.
Things I’m thinking about:
1) We know he will be safe in the current school for 1st grade but we also know he won't be challenged academically or develop strong friendships (80% of the students speak English as a 2nd language).
2) No matter what he will be changing schools for second grade (We're renting a house until we get a good sense of the area and plan to buy a home in summer '09.)
3) He handles “big changes” really well (getting a baby brother, moving across the country, starting K, etc)
So, do we make him attend four different schools in four years (Preschool, K, 1, 2), or do we give him a less than stellar first grade experience in order to provide a bit more stability. Thanks!

2007-11-28 14:55:39 · 8 answers · asked by Kat 1

i need jokes that kids usually say when they are in the school age (5-7yrs old) i cant really think of any except for your mamma jokes i think i cant use these ha!! its for my psychology test.. please help!!

2007-11-28 14:13:41 · 7 answers · asked by neniuuux 2

How can I throw a surprise Birthday party for a 6 year old? for a girl, it is going to be horse themed. ( Not My little pony but real horse). I need tips, ideas, etc. Also what kinds of food do you think would be good? I am thinking a cowboy type menu. Thanks

2007-11-28 12:52:52 · 7 answers · asked by Heather M 1

My six year old son is one of the smartest kids in his class. He is really interested in school, and loves to participate, which shows in the grades he receives from school. However, he is constantly getting in trouble for disrupting class and for talking back to teachers. I even have to tell him more than once to do almost everything.

He knows I am the boss, and as a single-parent, it is sometimes hard to get him under control and to understand that he should respect others and be able to make his own decisions about what is right and what is wrong. However, most of the excuses about bad behavior start with the phrase "But my friends asked me to..." I have told him to do what he feels is right, and I know he listens and understands what I am saying, but it seems he keeps making the same mistakes. And he even lies to me. He doesn't even try to hide it. They are such blatant lies, that it is rediculous.

How can I help him change his ways?

2007-11-28 10:57:22 · 11 answers · asked by Kristie 2

There is this kid at my school that is kind of in the possy of kids that think they are so cool and better than everyone else. He is kind of skater and is a big troublemaker in one of my clases. Everyone seems to think he's funny but me.All the "cool" kids are kind to me except him. He tells me i can't wear the clothes i wear because I am not "skater", and I actually do skate! He calls me a ****** and tells me to shut up all the time. He makes fun of me because I havent kissed my girlfriend yet. I dont know how to handle all this. Help please!

2007-11-28 10:18:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if you all could lend me a few pointers on my essay on child abuse. I need help starting my paper, my points I should use and also help with the conclusion. I know that sounds like the whole paper but if I could just get a little feedback from any and everyone that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance to anyone who offers advice, info or even just a comment!!!!

Have A Great Holiday Season Everyone!!!!

Keith in Huntsville, TX

2007-11-28 09:57:30 · 8 answers · asked by TrinidadAhee 1

My 9 year old son was sitting on this fold-up chair,And he sat on it and went down..His behind is bruised,He can't walk.Should i take him to the er? He says he heard a really big crack when he fell.

2007-11-28 08:45:07 · 13 answers · asked by Proud mommy of Jake & Eric 2

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