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Pregnancy & Parenting - 24 November 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2007-11-24 14:30:58 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

2007-11-24 14:28:37 · 5 answers · asked by curvy_chick000 4 in Pregnancy

my daughter is about to turn three years old in less than a week, and she has a very bad rash on her area, and it is alittle on her upper thighs near her area, they are like big red bumps resembling blisters but not really, and she has a pretty bad rash on her butt as well but not quite like what is on her area. This just recently started I have been using diaper rash cream but it is not working very well, she crys and says she is in pain, What could this be? She is potty trained but does have accidents every now and then, I have not changed soaps or anything, I am just clueless on what this is, I will be taking her to the doctor on monday but I need some help with what to do with her now, it really does hurt her. Any suggestions on what this may be or what I can do to relieve some of her discomfort would be great. thank you.

2007-11-24 14:28:12 · 11 answers · asked by cmarie31 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

He started out wonderful breastfeeding, but at around 3 weeks seemed to get frustrated and would do the head bobble-thing and cry. So I gave him a bottle of pumped milk and he seemed to like it better, he also sleeps better and longer after taking the bottle. However, I feel bad about giving him a bottle, I really wanted to breastfeed. Anyone else go through this? All advice welcome.

2007-11-24 14:20:38 · 15 answers · asked by tyna_2001 1 in Newborn & Baby

so they can have moderators delete rants, like abortion questions, ranting about breast vs. bottle feeding, circumcision, etc? When the question only serves to stir people up it could be deleted before even being posted.

2007-11-24 14:13:03 · 10 answers · asked by Ryan's mom 7 in Pregnancy

I have a baby sister and a lot of her clothes have pockets, why, she can't use them its a stupid question. im just curious!

2007-11-24 14:12:59 · 9 answers · asked by Wondering about things 2 in Newborn & Baby

I have a 1 and 2 year old and I'm looking for a way to keep them out of their dressers. They like to play in the room but they just cant keep themselves from pulling all their clothes out. I don't know if the childproof drawer locks would work on their dressers... any ideas?

2007-11-24 14:11:27 · 12 answers · asked by Ashley D 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

please gimme names that are rare and beautiful - and they start with s.


2007-11-24 14:01:45 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

My Mom recently told me that my Aunt who is 71, used to hit and beat her 3 sons when they were children, throwing them against walls-pulling their hair,, she said her husband beat them as well with a belt.
My Mom also told me she kept a lock of the refridgerator so they coudlnt eat when they wanted, only when she opened the lock.
My Aunt has always verbally abused me, put me down, i never understood why..she recently cut my Mom off for going to Rome for Christmas instead of spending it at her house. so my Mom is explaining to me why shes a control freak, but my Mom said in her generation it was normal and common for parents to beat their kids up, is this true?

She also told me she encouraged my Mom to beat me up as a child, my Mom confessed to the only time she ever hit me as a direct influence by my Aunt.

2007-11-24 13:58:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My niece is almost 4 months. Right now she has diarrhea and a diaper rash. How can we cure it? Is there a virus for diarrhea? Because my sister said that she might of got it from the other babies at her daycare because last week a lot of them had diarrhea.

2007-11-24 13:53:37 · 11 answers · asked by samantha<3 2 in Newborn & Baby

My step son has a baby on the way, 12-25-07! The mother already has 2 babies aged 1 and 2.5 yrs. She was with my boy for a short time during her divorce from her babies father. Now she and her ex husband are back together and she is talking about putting this baby up for adoption. He ex husband doesnt want to raise it! She lives in Indiana we live in Ohio. Our son is heart broken. He doesnt have a pot to p!ss in or a window to throw it out. He is currently living with us. My husband has asked me how I would feel about adopting that baby. Truthfully is scares the you know what out of me. Our youngest is 18 and a senior in HS! If I agree to this I want it to be our baby, not a baby with strings attached! I dont want to have to ask the boy, get permission or explain ourselves for actions we take in raising the child. Is that too much to ask?

Has anyone else had this experiance?

My mother was adopted by her biological paternal aunt, and her bio father did not interfere

2007-11-24 13:48:28 · 9 answers · asked by grapelady911 5 in Adoption

i doubt it but if i was "raped" and after a while i have simptoms of pregnancy could it take a few months or a yr for the sperm to fertilize the egg???

2007-11-24 13:44:42 · 14 answers · asked by Jesyka K 2 in Pregnancy

I am a teen mom. My boyfriend just left me. My daughter is 4 1/2 months old. I am just wondering what you think about being a single teen mom. Is it hard? Do you wish you were still with the dad?

2007-11-24 13:43:20 · 11 answers · asked by נєѕѕι¢α (ανα'ѕ мσмму) 5 in Adolescent

How much is your new baby of only a week eating? Mine eats about 3 oz a feeding. Seems like she is always hungry.

2007-11-24 13:38:37 · 10 answers · asked by Jennifer K 3 in Newborn & Baby

ok pretty long story

i'm 17 i was adopted and have 2 other sisters same age 16 17 and my "mom" doesn't like my boyfriend (jack) from age 13 and hes 17 too.

So i started to stay with him at his house living in the basement with him because he has 2 other brothers to about same age and ones adopted too
and his mom is never around and his dad left him when he was like 2 years old

so then i didn't want to have sex until i was married so i wanted to wait and he said ok we can wait then turns out things flipped around and i decided to do it for the first time
but it wasnn't his first time it was his 2nd time

then i found out i was pregnent (3month) and in that same month my boyfriend started to have pain in his stomach and he went to the doctors and the soctor checked hime(down there) and there was a lump in his left ball and turned out to be cancer

so then he had to take it out before it spreads around his body

now i'm soo confused idk what to do!! and i think my mom

2007-11-24 13:32:37 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda A 1 in Adolescent

I'm speaking more specifically about kinders through third graders. I teach 3rd grade and am in the market for a new Christmas/holiday craft to do this year. I don't want to do something that many kids have done in earlier grades, but I don't want to do something too complicated either. What crafts has your child done, and which ones did you like the most?

2007-11-24 13:31:29 · 12 answers · asked by elizabeth_ashley44 7 in Grade-Schooler

he seems to have gotten very aggressive in the last few months. i dont know where he is picking this stuff up, he doesnt watch that much tv and goes to a church based preschool that im sure doesnt condone or encourage this behavior... any suggestions to get him to settle down.

2007-11-24 13:29:04 · 9 answers · asked by curiousin08 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

young niece ... she's undecided right now as to ... what to do ...

2007-11-24 13:25:20 · 8 answers · asked by burlingtony 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

my one year old just switched to whole milk. At the same time (5 days ago) - he got all of his 1 year old immunizations. He is now throwing up after most of his milk bottles. and he has horrible diarreah. i called the doctor who said it was probably a virus and if it didn't pass in 48 hours to bring him in. he seems so thirsty all the time (dehydration from vomiting?) and i am wondering if this a stomach virus would last this long??? (5 days) or if he's allergic to milk? or could this be a reaction to his immunizations - or has it been too long? he was on formula during the first year of his life and never had an issue. But he is now throwing up 3 to 4 times a day and his little bottom is so raw from how many times i've had to change his diaper. i have quit giving him the whole milk for the time being. no one in our family has any food allergies - could he be allergic or is this a virus or something worse? any help would be greatly appreciated.

2007-11-24 13:23:39 · 8 answers · asked by emily051405 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I have had a non stop headache for 5 days and I am 15 weeks pregnant I am thinking about going to hosptial to see if any thing major is wrong. It not only a headache it is a pain through out my body and it hard for me to do much anymore with out wanting to cry... If anyone has some advice please tell me cause the way I see it my only option is hosptial..

Thank you for all your help
Nicole Minard

2007-11-24 13:09:39 · 10 answers · asked by nicole w 1 in Pregnancy

is this bad or ok. It is just a little bit like if i have a little bloody nose or something but its when i throw up and its usually when there is nothing much to throw up.. what to do? is it ok?

2007-11-24 13:03:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My niece is 1 1/2, and she's developed this terrible habit of chewing on her blankets. All her blankets. The problem is that she's been chewing them so much she swallows pieces of them. I made her a baby blanket that she loves terribly, but it's made partly of yarn. My sister noticed the problem when she changed her diaper and there were pieces of yarn everywhere, then caught her almost choking on a piece of the yarn. She has plenty of chew toys, but just seems to relax by chewing on her blankets. My sister's had to take all her blankets away, because chastising her just doesn't seem to be working, but my niece really misses her blanket!! Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there some kind of bad tasting baby-safe spray you can apply to the blanket or some other trick to get her out of the habit of chewing on the blankets? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you so much!!!

2007-11-24 13:02:34 · 6 answers · asked by Miss Molly 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Okay well my daughter at first about a month ago got a small circlular spot on her butt that was chapped red skin then it started to spread. Well I thought it was just from the cold weather and put ointment on it then it seemed to get a little better then all of a sudden it has spread all over her front area, bottom area and even above her diaper in front and on her back is starting to get little bumps. What is this? She is now 6 monthes and its just become this bad. We did do things differently this month so do you think it could be either one? Well we normally get Luvs diapers then we got some pampers after they were gone. Now she had the pampers swaddlers the whole time she could wear 1's and 2's but we did not see a difference. Is it possible for a different cemicle or material to be in swaddlers vs crusiers? Also we used a diaper rash ointment that her pediatrician gave us called butt paste said it was something they recommended? Please any advise or experience?

2007-11-24 12:50:45 · 15 answers · asked by DeborahUlloa 2 in Newborn & Baby

My 15 year old friend left her home because she was having problems with her mom, now, the thing that's concerning me is that the person that she left the house with is a 26 year old, married man, who's wife is in Iraq. Now, I am really worried because Stephanie is changing so much, and I am scared that this guy could be doing something to her and neither her family or me know about it. Her mom is aware that Stephanie left with this guy, but she just seems to not care. What should I do? Call the cops? Tell the counselors at school? I don't know what to do, because I am scared that Stephanie might not talk to me ever again. Please help me!!!

2007-11-24 12:47:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I went to the doctor today and she said that it is a big possibility that I may be pregnant but I took a home pregnancy test and it was negative. She told me to return to her on Monday and I may have to get an ultrasound. Can this happen and if so why did I bleed for the 2 days? Also could the test be negative because it is so early in the pregnancy. If anyone knows any sites to deals with this please let me know because it is very strange.

2007-11-24 12:39:03 · 1 answers · asked by jangel6715 1 in Pregnancy

I know nothing about computers...nearly nothing. Our 8yr old daughter loves downloading PC games from disk to her computer. The problem is, we've always bought her used computers and they have never lasted long or many of the new games we buy her don't work!
What should I look for in buying a computer thats main use will be for games? I want to buy her a brand new computer but don't want to spend all kind of money on something that wont work well. Please help...

2007-11-24 12:38:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

my best friend Rachel is 18 and she broke up with her boyfriend recently who she was very sexually active with.. and now that they've broken up, she's extremely horny all the time.

so heres my question:
why is she so horny? and is it something she "needs" now..is she addicted or something?

just curious..

2007-11-24 12:36:19 · 9 answers · asked by K.B. 1 in Pregnancy

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