I am 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant. 4 nights ago i was in labor & delivery b/c my contractions were 3 mins apart, but i was only 2 cm dialted and after an hour i was still only 2 cm, so i was sent home. I continued to have those contractions for 2 days. Now they have gone away from the most part, But the contractions i get now are ALOT more painful, but way further apart, and arent rythmic. All day yesterday i had flu like symptoms which i know can be a sign of labor, & i went to bed with period like cramping. This morning when i woke up i was having HORRIBLE cramping and a lower back ache. And every so often, i get a horrible pain in the right side of my butt, and also last night i was having rectal pressure. This morning, sitting on the couch i was having some real strong contractions, so i figured i would go walk walmart for 2 hours. Now after doing that, the contractions have gone away completly, and i feel fine. Is it normal for labor to stall like this? What should i do?
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Mommy of 2 little girls<3