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Pregnancy & Parenting - 3 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Right now I'm having a horrible night, I'm 38w2d pregnant, and feel like I'm loosing it. It's 3am, and I can't sleep. I have a headache from hell that I can't get rid of. I have a prescription for vicodin to help, but it does nothing to dull the pain. I'm measuring over 40cm. I can't think clearing, and I can't sleep. I have to work in the morning, which I won't be able to do because I won't be able to focus on my helping my customers running on very little sleep, and I am out of sick leave, so the only way I can stay home from work is to use some of my maternity leave, which I don't want to do too often because I am going to need it after the baby's born. Everyone close to me that I can talk to is asleep (since it's 3am) so I'm stuck with ranting in here and in my blog. I can't do anything to clear my head. All I want is for this pregnancy to be over with...but the chances of my doctor inducing me before my due date are slim! Help! I need someone to talk to who has been there before!!

2007-07-03 23:14:36 · 10 answers · asked by Dani 5 in Pregnancy

Have just been shopping for new clothes for my daughter who is only 15 months old.... was looking at summer stuff in size 2 and lots of it is midriff tops, hotpants, mini skirts etc. I am no prude but this bothers me, why can't little girls look like little girls, rather than teenagers out looking for their first boyfriends??!! what do you think?

2007-07-03 23:02:02 · 14 answers · asked by uenuku 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

im 19 and have a 6 month old. i also live with my partner who is the father.

2007-07-03 22:54:25 · 10 answers · asked by Sarah 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I have 6 children ages 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, & 20. They all live at home still while going to college, school and working part time.The problem is that this is summer & school is out, college girl is on break, & part time job boy starts college in the fall. My husband and I want to be romantic & just plain have sex but there are kids everywhere at all hours of the day and night. We could take a little trip, but not every time we want sex. My husband wants it 4-6 times a week & we have thin walls & nosy kids. I suppose he could stuff a sock in my mouth to keep me quiet but that would take all the fun out of it. With no school schedule to get them in bed at a decent hour they run amuk all night long. My husband claims to have blue balls constantly & is very cranky all the time. Besides offering him the bag of frozen peas I keep in the freezer for medical emergencies I just don't know what to tell him. Any suggestions? And please don't worry about me getting preg again, I had my tubes tied.

2007-07-03 22:21:03 · 10 answers · asked by checkthisout! 5 in Parenting

Well, this morning at 5:45 as usual, I went out for a jog as I'm used to. I do it at 5:45 because during the time I have school I wouldn't have time if it was later than that. Well during my jog, a police car pulled up and a police man came out of the car, and asked me how old I was and I said 13. He then told me he would need to take me down to the station and asked me where I lived and I pointed to my house as I usually don't go far from there. I didn't understand what was going on at all. He then called my parents at the station, fined them 300 dollars and then told them about the youth curfew which apparently is(without an adult):
11 and under = 10pm - 7am
12-15 = 11pm - 7am
16 and 17 = 12pm - 7am
I never knew that and neither did my parents and well I don't think the curfew was fair or the fact that I had to go to a police station for being out early in the morning running close to my house and that my parents were fined 300 dollars. And I thought they wanted youth tobe active

2007-07-03 21:23:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

being spoiled and then not being spoiled is a cycle in my family and a bad one at that. i was not spoiled. my parents were very spoiled. i wont even go into it, but they throw fits even on christmas if they dont get their way etc. its just awful.

because i wasnt spoiled, i am afraid that i might spoil my kids by giving them everything they want and need, just like my gparents. but then i was thinking i might spoil them too much.

so i was wondering how i can strike a balance and raise a polite child who isnt spoiled. however i dont want to not give them anything nice and make them suffer. i want them to be happy. but how can i make them nice and not arrogant?

i saw this with my friend too. her mom has nothing as a child of 10 children on a farm and she spoiled my friend. i love my friend, but she is obnoxious, looks down on poor people etc. its awful. thinks shes awesome because of her ritzy money. doesnt perceive human values.

how can i avoid this?

thank you.

2007-07-03 21:02:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My cousin had a baby last night, the Doctors said she was about 38 weeks. She says she had absolutely no idea she was pregnant. I've heard about women not knowing until they're about 5 or 6 months...but how can you not have any idea and take a baby almost full term??? I'm not trying to say my cousin is a liar I'm just trying to figure out how this could happen...

2007-07-03 20:32:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

two n a half weeks back i had unsafe sex, although i had urinated few mins after ejaculation. no signs of arrival of periods yet. from yesterday i've started taking hormonal pills 'primolut-N' on a friend's advice to initiate dates incase they are getting delayed cos of some hormonal problem. but at if dates still dont arrive??? how to get it confirmed without havin to go to a doctor ? and wat to do if m pregnant? how n wen to get rid of pregnancy?? pleassseee help.... urgent!!!!!

2007-07-03 20:18:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

This is just a little quote/humor I thought I'd share with moms.

When I was born, I was so surpised I didn’t talk for a year and a half! – Gracie Allen (1906 – 1964)

2007-07-03 20:15:16 · 8 answers · asked by ♥Ani♥ 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

She is 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant and she is angree most days. She gets so cranky sometimes that she punches the walls, throws things around, and yells at the top of her voice.

I understand why she is cranky today
- She had her docs appoint and she found out that the Gloucose Intolerance test results from 3 weeks ago came back slightly high and she has to fast tonight and do the 3 hour test tomorrow (1 needle once an hour for 3 hours). and she hates needles. she has had a rough pregnancy and nothing anyone does seems to work to cheer her up.

i am worried, is her bad moods harming the baby?

is there anything i can do to help her in her last weeks of pregnancy?

2007-07-03 20:13:53 · 8 answers · asked by Justin 1 in Pregnancy

Any recommendations?? I've been on Trinessa for about a year and Yasmine before that for a few years so been on the pill about 4 years straight and I'm just wondering if there is a pill that once your off it your chances of getting pregnant are good.

2007-07-03 19:43:58 · 6 answers · asked by ChrZay 3 in Pregnancy

Im engaged....and me and my fiancee really want a baby now but im only 15.

2007-07-03 19:40:12 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

i have a beautiful 3-year-old niece that i see quite often, like every couple weeks. and everytime i visit my sister to help with something or to drop something off, i see my niece who runs and gives me a big hug and says something cute. there were a few years that i was not able to see her because of my living quarters (i was in johnstown, pa going to school and she lives in wheatland, pa. its a 3 hour trip both ways). anyways, i ask her to point to her mother when i say 'wheres mommy?'. she points to her and says 'mommy'. i do the same thing with her two brothers (ages 14 years and 11 months), again she points and says their names. the same with ehr father, babysitter, and grandmother. shell seldom say my girlfriends name. in all her life, i think shes only mentioned my name 5 times. when i ask her who i am or whats my name, she draws a blank. usually it results in me telling her.

yes i know it seems like im whining, lol, but what do i do?

2007-07-03 19:28:34 · 5 answers · asked by jamz 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

And why?

2007-07-03 19:24:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-07-03 18:53:31 · 7 answers · asked by Working Mum 4 in Pregnancy

My sister in law and her husband are planning to adopt soon, they have had a house study? done, and are going to meet with an adoption lawyer towmorrow morning. What can l say to convince her that this is a big mistake? l'm not against adoption pursae, but they haven't even considered using IVF yet, just went straight to adoption! Does anyone have some suggestions on what l can do or say?

2007-07-03 18:52:25 · 28 answers · asked by Darlene 1 in Adoption

Sorry for the multiples of questions. I'm 40 weeks pregnant and very curious about this.

I recently saw videos of labor via babycenter.com and noticed that some mothers breastfeed the baby immediately after birth.

Is the colostrum safe to feed your baby and is this how you're supposed to start breastfeeding?

Is it ok to wait until after one has recouperated from labor in order to breastfeed or will waiting cause an issue?


Your answers are always appreciated!
Thank you in advance.

2007-07-03 18:37:55 · 17 answers · asked by mroof! 6 in Pregnancy

Do you think that they are common?
Boy: Neil Ryan
Girl: Valerie Rose
You can be honest!
Also what other middle names go with Valerie do you think?
Thank you so much in advance!

2007-07-03 18:14:49 · 23 answers · asked by ♥Jennie♥ 4 in Baby Names

According to John C Bennett Joesph Smith sent women to him to abort their babies when Joesph Smith had gave them pregant. is this true. I know Mormon church is against abortion.

2007-07-03 18:12:16 · 4 answers · asked by Tinkerbelle2007 3 in Pregnancy

okay its dumb of me i know already but im just wondering if anybody knows what i should do, me and my bf have been together long enough and he already says he'll help me all the way and i trust him we just werent smart about condoms..hes 17 though and he knows the consiquences if anyone finds out..we have places too go if i runaway or something but should i or should i be smarter and just tell my mom just what?im planning on getting a pg test but im like a month and a 1/2 late. help please!=]

2007-07-03 17:57:08 · 29 answers · asked by emo_zombies 1 in Pregnancy

My friend has been having contractions through out the week, about 3 days this week she got them, she wants to know if it is normal to have b/h all the time or what exactly do all these contractions mean? And she only has 4wks left in her pregnancy! She has called her dr. more then once and they told her to just keep track of them. but she is (i think) just curious if this baby is going to be coming sooner then expected! lol Thanks for all your answers they mean alot!

God Bless
Brandie & Friend

2007-07-03 17:55:04 · 6 answers · asked by Mama Boyce 3 in Pregnancy

I'm afraid for my son to get his one-year vaccinations. I know they said that they took the preservative out of vaccines that were supposedly causing autism back in 1999, but there are videos on youtube that show children after one year turn into totally different people that were dx with autism. When I asked one particular lady about what may have caused it (I knew about the vaccines but didn't mention it) she said what I had feared... that she believed that her son's autism was caused by his vaccination. Has anyone else experienced this? She said that right after his first birthday, there was a steep declination of speech and wanting to be held.

2007-07-03 17:43:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I am worried that my vagina wont look the same after I give birth (I am aware an episiotomy would result in some change) I'm more worried about the labia or clitoris stretching and becoming floppy? (for lack of better explanation or word)

2007-07-03 17:39:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Karly Nichelle(not michelle)
Mackenzie Nikole
Hayley Starr

do you think any of these are nice..thank you in advance

2007-07-03 17:26:04 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I don't like the name at all--I think it sounds stripperish, but she insists. Can I get some opinions here?

2007-07-03 16:57:58 · 38 answers · asked by MamaBear 3 in Baby Names

is this significant at all?

2007-07-03 16:57:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am just curious if anyone has had a planned primary c-section or is planning one for "non medical reasons". I would like to hear why you wanted to do this? this is for a research thing I am doing. I don't want to hear why or why not a person should or should not do this. I just want to hear from those who have and why they chose it.

2007-07-03 16:49:22 · 6 answers · asked by Panda 7 in Pregnancy

2007-07-03 16:40:24 · 36 answers · asked by Maddie's Mommy 3 in Pregnancy

We are trying to decide on a name for our baby girl to be born soon. We are between these two-- please vote on your favorite.


2007-07-03 16:40:17 · 56 answers · asked by masonmama 2 in Baby Names

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