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Pregnancy & Parenting - 29 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My son's weight has dropped off the growth charts and I need some ideas to increase his calorie intake without feeding him too much sugary or salty food. Any suggestions? He's only 17 months old and a bit of a picky eater.

2007-06-29 23:43:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

My 14 month old girl had a fever of 38.4 last weekend and it seemed to settle down, she has had no noticeable fever this week but now the fever is back at 38.3. She has recently (3 weeks ago) had her 1 year shots. We think she might also be teething as she hasn't yet cut her first tooth. I don't think it sounds like an infection or ear ache as the fever was gone all week. Has anyone ever heard of a reoccuring fever and can a fever get that high for teeth?

2007-06-29 23:20:03 · 9 answers · asked by maidmiriam01 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

2007-06-29 22:52:02 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

When do babies stop putting things in their mouths I have 2 small grandchildren and am watching them all the time everything goes straight to their mouths 1 is19 months and 1 is 7 months

2007-06-29 22:50:05 · 12 answers · asked by marg4kizz 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

me and my boyfriend had sex about two weeks ago unprotected, but he pulled out. Its been a week since my period should have been here, should i get a pregnacy test done now? Ive also been reallyu stressed out lately, so maybe that is what is delaying my period. I dont know which one it could be?

2007-06-29 22:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by Rebeccajean. 1 in Pregnancy

I got pregnant. We r both minors and still live with our parents not to mention 600 miles apart. HELP!

2007-06-29 21:44:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 31 weeks and am having a c-section due to problems with my first child that I delivered vaginally two years ago. I am scared about the pain afterwards. I really don't want to have the c-section but have no choice really. Can anyone tell me specifically what it feels like? Will I be able to play with my daughters? Pick either of my children up? Or will it hurt too badly? I don't think I could go a whole 6-8 weeks without picking up my toddler and that's what all the websites say.

2007-06-29 21:28:39 · 9 answers · asked by SarahW 2 in Pregnancy

I was listening to a radio show where they had a phone in about peoples thoughts on breast feeding in public. One lady said she was feeding her baby in a quiet corner of a restaurant when a guy approached her and said he was disgusted and that she should go to the toilet to feed the baby. The lady later went over to the guy, picked up his plate and told him he should take it to the toilet to eat his food there! I thought that was classic because I personally think women should be able to feed their babies as and where they need to but what are your thoughts?

2007-06-29 21:19:30 · 44 answers · asked by Scorps 2 in Newborn & Baby

im almost 15 and im wondering what jobs would hire a 15,16,17 year old example:baskin robins,target??? idk

also in miami flo.

2007-06-29 21:00:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

These are some of my friends names and I was wondering if what they are named suit what other people think they should be like. Tell me what you kind of person you think of when you see these names (Looks, Personality, Interests etc):

Jessie Maureen (lastname)
Kalila Louise (lastname)
Isabel Amelia (lastname)
Julia Ying (lastname)
Josie Anna (lastname)
Rose Elizabeth (lastname)
Katie-Rose Jessamine (lastname)
Zoe Anne (lastname)
Emilia Sophie (lastname)
Laura Anne (lastname)


2007-06-29 20:55:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

My daughter's 1st birthday will be on November 7th andI am trying to figure out where I should have the party. Obviously I cannot do anything outside since the weather would not be permittable where I am from, but I am not really wanting to spend a ton of money on the location either. Any suggestions?

2007-06-29 20:17:57 · 14 answers · asked by LAH 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I'm one month pregnant. I had a small surgery to remove a cyst. In ER i got anesthesia and vicodine. I also got prescribed two antibiotics. Keflex and another one for a vaginal infection. I know you are not supposed to drink anything during pregnancy but my health was at risk. My question is...if i have the baby is this something that can affect the pregnancy or the baby when is born? Because of all the prescription drugs I've been taking I was considering a miscarriage afraid that the pregnancy is going to be affected by it.

Should I keep the pregnancy?

2007-06-29 20:08:41 · 7 answers · asked by Susy Li 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

For all the parents out there that have given their children weird and wonderful names, do you believe society will take them seriously as they grow older? These names are very cute when they're little but what happens when they go out into the adult world, will we ever have a prime minister Barney, or Charlie, Madison, Lexie or Thor?? Do you think a persons career is determined by what they are called? For the record my son is called Joshua and my daughter is called Erin. I believe these are names that are nice now and won't embarrass them as they grow older and will stand the test of time.

2007-06-29 19:33:52 · 32 answers · asked by The Kittys Whiskas 2 in Baby Names

I went to a family party the other day and my 11 (nearly 12) year old neice was wearing bright red lipstick.
I thought she was too young to wear make-up.
She wears bright red nail polish too(I think that may be ok)
but she looked a lot older than 11!
What do you think?
She is also allowed to use lots of styling mousse and gel in her hair to make it very full.
I was concerned as she was sexually abused as a very young girl.
Didn't say anything to h er mother (as probably none of my business)
just concerned as an auntie.

2007-06-29 19:25:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-06-29 18:53:02 · 11 answers · asked by dom 2 in Pregnancy

I've only been really serious about it now for the last two days. She did pretty good the first day but today she only went in the toilet once even though I was asking her every half hour. Please help! :)

2007-06-29 18:38:35 · 10 answers · asked by JANELLE 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

And I'm afraid it'll happen at try-outs???
I don't have any padded bras (at the moment) because they're all in the wash. What else can I use to stuff my bra that won't fall out when I bend over or jump?

And don't tell me to stop stuffing my bra and to "be myself", because I CAN'T. They don't let you onto the team unless you've got something there, which I don't.

I know because I heard them say it. Plus, I saw all the flat girls get turned down. Last time I tried out and got in, but I was wearing a padded bra.

This time i have to stuff it.
What if it falls out?

2007-06-29 18:32:02 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-06-29 18:09:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

My 5 1/2 month old nurses most of the time with about 2 solid meals a day. He nurses to sleep at night and sleeps for about 4 hours till he is ready to eat then fall asleep while nursing. However, next week I'm in a wedding of my best friend thats 3-hours away. My in laws are flying into town and are set to watch him for two nights but I'm worried he won't be okay. I tried leaving tonight for the bachelorette party but was back less than 2-hours later to nurse my hystarical baby who wouldn't take a bottle to sleep as my husband wasn't able to comfort him.

If I take him with me, I will be constantly worried about him and risk getting spit up on my bridesmaid dress or what not. Also, my inlaws never get to see him and would be stuck 3 hours away. But, if I leave him with my inlaws I'm worried about another hysterical episode and me having to drive back in 3 hours during the wedding. HELP me please! Is there anyone that has gone through a similar situation? Thanks and God Bl

2007-06-29 18:04:48 · 18 answers · asked by paschaderk 2 in Newborn & Baby

I am twenty seven and I am married. She does not want me to have kids. I do want kids but later on when I am done with college. I want also have a steady job. I do not know why she does want me to have kids.

2007-06-29 18:03:13 · 16 answers · asked by nikki_lav_2288 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I Already Have Mylicon Infant Drops And Tylenol Infant Drops Is There Anything Else.

2007-06-29 17:49:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

She has 8wk old twin brothers and I am sure getting used to not being the only child has a little bit to do with it, but up until about 2 days ago when her behavior started, she was doing extremely great with them. And, they are still only eating and sleeping, and I have been working on giving her EXTRA attention, so I don't think it's only this situation. Also, while on maternity leave, our family has been staying with my parents, her gma and gpa for a couple of weeks. So, it probably has a lot to do with being away from home. But, she all the sudden one day decided to be defiant to the point, she mocks me and thinks its funny. She was quite well behaved before. Not only will she not mind at all, but she has started biting and hitting me. I am concerned because today she got aggresive with her brothers around and threw a stuffed animal at one of them in anger. I have tried time out, spanking, and simply talking to her sweetly, and still she is so stubborn, she prefers the trouble.

2007-06-29 17:41:18 · 10 answers · asked by lirpa41757 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

i am gng to have an abortion & i'm very nervous
can anyone who had an abortion tell me the steps & how much time it takes. its side effects. pls help me urgently.

2007-06-29 17:40:28 · 36 answers · asked by hot b 1 in Pregnancy

not to like name your children with though

2007-06-29 17:29:38 · 13 answers · asked by Leonardo DiCaprio 2 in Baby Names

Due date's fast approaching now! (7/24!)

My sweetie has chosen the name Wyatt for one of our boys, so I'll be naming the other one.

So far, I like....

What do you guys think of any of those? Or do you have any othr suggestions? We like names that are not too common (don't want 3 in a classroom with the same names or anything), but that also aren't too weird or out there.

Thanks! :)

2007-06-29 17:16:48 · 84 answers · asked by Kristen K 4 in Baby Names

I'm 36 wks and had a doctors appt. today and they said that I was 2 cm dilated. I have more discharge than I have had throughout my whole pregnancy and am cramping also. Although the cramping is not occurring right at this second, I do keep getting really sharp pains right above my vagina, in the pelvic area. Can anybody tell me what this is?

2007-06-29 17:15:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am having trouble getting my son to eat healthy foods. I have tried many things, like giving him dessert if he eats everything, letting him cook with me, and even keeping him from leaving the table untill he has eaten all his veggies. Nothing has worked, and often I end up just making him something he will eat like a peanut butter sandwich. Any suggestions?

2007-06-29 17:08:06 · 17 answers · asked by iwishicouldgrantwishes 2 in Parenting

Alright.....these are my top names...please rate 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest....

Braelee (bray-lee)
Brynna (br-in-a)

Quiten (key-ten)

Those are my favorites in order for boys and girls. What do you think? Please rate. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

2007-06-29 17:05:00 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

whats your name? do you like it.. or is it just unusual ?
my name is jayden and i love it because it reminds me
of jade & i love the color of jade.. that green color (=

2007-06-29 16:41:50 · 20 answers · asked by jayden_327 2 in Baby Names

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