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Pregnancy & Parenting - 20 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

hi all, how would you handle this? I have a sister in law that is the most anoying person in the world. I have 2 kids of my own and my husband and i live on our own my sister in law lives with her hubby and 2 kids at her parents house. Every time we call over to talk with my mother in law she is always there going ohhh were busy mom hang up and call them back later. It drives us nuts. Also anytime that we go over ( holidays ect..) her kids are so out of controll its not funny and they teach my kids bad behaviors. She doesnt diciplin them at all and if her mother sys anything to her children my sister in law gets in her face and tells her to mind her bisness. Its driving me nuts my husband has gotten in to it with his mom over this there is no nice way to deal with my sister in law. And the funny part is there are days when we will randomly get phone calls to go over because the kids want to play with mine and i just dred it. This is my husbands family so i dont want to look like the

2007-06-20 23:59:28 · 11 answers · asked by kitty81301 4 in Parenting

ethan or julian

2007-06-20 23:58:56 · 27 answers · asked by Me 3 in Baby Names


WOW! What a week! I posted a question about my daughter and her high temp last week and all of you gave really good answers, the doctors kept sending us away but I didnt listen and stuck to my guns and told them that something was wrong with her, they didnt believe me but when they eventually tested her they found out she had pneumonia! I cant believe they just sent us away and dismissed us like that! Anyway she is back home now but we had to stay in the hospital with her hooked upto a drip for over a week.
I had my 20week scan while she was in there (the day before she came home) and we found out that we are having a boy BUT we cant decide on any names! My daughter is called Elsie Ann so something that will go with that. I like names such as Harry or William but dh doesnt, he likes Robbie, Riley or Damon. We are at a loss, can anyone help us?

2007-06-20 23:05:16 · 36 answers · asked by angelcakes 5 in Baby Names

I've never seen a baby really do this before. Is it normal? My daughter has been hitting herself a lot these past few days mainly on her belly or legs, and I'm getting a touch worried. Nervous first time mum, hehe.

2007-06-20 22:34:16 · 10 answers · asked by Jade 5 in Newborn & Baby

i had unprotected sex on the 10th and recently i have been feeling tired/getting headaches and am hungry most of the day even when i eat. my periods are irregular. could i be pregnant

2007-06-20 19:10:34 · 27 answers · asked by hugeocfan14 1 in Pregnancy

So far my wife and i have...carson, pierson, logan.....what do you think or what names do you have in mind?

2007-06-20 19:04:46 · 40 answers · asked by diggerm82 3 in Baby Names

I'm trying not to overreact but i think its total BS. He's going to be no use to me all messed up so if i have to i will drive myself to the hospital and leave him here. Am i being too hard on him? Its not our first child, we just had a son last july.

2007-06-20 19:01:24 · 32 answers · asked by Angel R 1 in Pregnancy

I was just wondering.

2007-06-20 18:48:57 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I am under no stress what so ever. My period for may started on the 13th, and I had sex with my bf on June 8. My period started two days later, and I started spotting on the 13th & 14th. I've been tired lately than normal. I've been having mood swings, lower bach aches, and cramping on my sides near my ovaries. I've been nausauted for 10 days now. I can't keep some food down b/c the taste and I love BurgerKING. I have been crampin and my period isn't due until two weeks & I"m bloated. I just started having headaches. My breasts are kind of sore. Took at test and it was negative. I've never been pregnant before, So I don't know what to expect.

2007-06-20 18:44:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

iight im 17 and i had sex wit my boifriend and he used a condom buhh ive been feelin the signs lyk my stomach hurts and i been gettin real bad cramps alot and ive been gettin extremelii hungry and ive been peeing alot i know he used a condom buhh they sound lyk the begining effects cuhh i looked it up so lyk im afraid it had a hole or somefinn and im freakin out. and im gettin realli scared cuz my mom would murder me.

2007-06-20 18:40:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

having children naturally could really hurt me health wise. so i have no interest in being pregnant, but my husband and i would still like to be parents, in a couple of years. and i know it takes a long time to adopt a child. we really want to do this. and i need some advice on how to get started and how much money we will need to become parents. any info would be great.

2007-06-20 18:39:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adoption

hi i had a question. I recently lost my virginity like a month ago to my boyfriend. We used a condom and he also pulled out. My period is due any day now but for some reason im freaking out that i could be pregnant...theres no way right? i think its just because i recently did it that im really nervous...i mean i even took 2 pregnany tests and they both came out negative im just really afraid my period won't come. we've been really careful and ive been getting cramps too but what if its implantation cramps? I also recently just got some birth contol pills...DESOGEN...are those good? im also very confused on when to take them and why does it matter? whats the difference if i take them the day of my period or the sunday after...im just confused. anyways thats it thanks

2007-06-20 18:39:37 · 9 answers · asked by Melissa 1 in Pregnancy

i wanna give my kids funky names like brooklyn bay, january skies, saturn reyes, etc....i need more

2007-06-20 18:34:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

If a female reproduction area is exposed to sperm, sometimes the body knows it and hurries to get the egg out there a little early so as not to waste the sperm.

2007-06-20 18:33:34 · 5 answers · asked by sam w 1 in Trying to Conceive

I've been on it for 4 yrs and I want to get prego now but I want to know about how long it will take before I will be able to. I had a friend that took the pill and it took her a few years after she got off. Any ideas? I only have about 7 days a month to try due to the fact that my other half works off shore.

2007-06-20 18:29:21 · 5 answers · asked by Heather 2 in Trying to Conceive

I took a blood test to see If I was Pregnant because the pee on the stick one said + but I wanted to make sure it was right since it's only been 2 1/2 weeks, wanted to make sure it wasnt a false positive. The blood test confirmed that I am in fact, pregnant :) But I just got my period.. it that ok?

(I'm excited then scared about expecting but YAY)

2007-06-20 18:28:02 · 12 answers · asked by xKATx 2 in Pregnancy

I am 32 weeks pregnant and am going to be induced around 36 weeks due to pre-eclmapsia, on that note and since its gettin close to D day, i just have a few questions, since being pregnant i have got whats considered a happy trail? docs said its normal due to increase in hormones, but will this go away or should i shave it?
lately i have been having, not so much pains, but discomforts at the top of my uterus, mostly when i bend over, or roll over at night, its strange? i've heard this could just be my uterus stretchin out and even said something to my doc and she dont seem to be worried, can anyone else relate?
also does breast feeding really burn calories? i plan on doing it either way, but just wondered if this was a myth? thanks ladies, sorry if they're annoying questions! at least I didnt ask am i pregnant :P

2007-06-20 18:26:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2007-06-20 18:22:06 · 27 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Baby Names

I have recently been asked by my in-laws to take my kids to Disney World for a week and half. My family and I have lived in Spain for the last 4 years and just recently returned to the states. The last time my in-laws saw my two eldest children was 2 years ago, when my daughter was 3 and my son was just 9 months old. My husband and I have two different opinions on this. I don't want my kids to go with them for several reasons and my husband sees nothing wrong. I understand that my in-laws are completely capable of taking care of my kids, but I'm a stay at home mom and has been since the birth of my daughter. I am a bit on the protective side, but nowadays I feel I have to be. My husband is making me feel like I'm a bad person for not wanting my in-laws to take them, but I also feel that for their first visit to Disney World...I would like to be there with them as well. I just want to know how others feel. Is it wrong for me to be like this? Please don't judge me, just opinons.

2007-06-20 17:53:19 · 24 answers · asked by AJ 1 in Parenting

i'm almost 17. biological father left when i was 2 then came back then left less than a yr to go stay with his 2 kids and wife. i'm the 1st child so he cheated on my mom. when i was 8 he bring me n my little sister out once in a while. we get along. but i won't forgive him for what he did. we're not that close.

now the girl who have the same mother as me is almost 14 and went to go live with the guy who left us. why would a girl want to live with a man who left us for a family he created by cheated on our mother????
our mother don't abuse her or w/e. she loves us. is it because he has more money and buys her and lets her do w/e?

2007-06-20 17:48:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I'm 13 years old.I want to become a model more than anything. I was wonder:

1. How do I ask my mom about it?
2. How do I insure that the agent I find is safe?
3. Where do I find an agent?

2007-06-20 17:43:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

okk so my brother who is a year younger than me got caught drinking and smoking tonight(sophmore in hs) and since he got caught he decided to bring me into it and told my parents everything. like he said i drink all the time? which i dont only a couple times a month and he told them where my hiding spot in my room is and they took my beer=( but it was weird my parents laughed about it and hes in troube haha goddd i HATEEE my brother though i hatee him hes soo stupid and i cant believe he would do that what should i do i cant even look at him!!!!!!

2007-06-20 17:41:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

my nuchal fold test was normal and also all the measurements they did came back normal for the age of the baby? what does this mean?

2007-06-20 17:39:36 · 3 answers · asked by maya415 1 in Pregnancy

Children and Behavioral Issues

2007-06-20 16:47:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I know I've asked a lot of questions about spanking, but, like I've said, I want to spank the exact right way. Sometimes my daughters will get in trouble together and I will have to spank them together. That means one gets spanked first and another has to watch, then it's her turn. Should I spank the older ones last, so they get a feeling like they've acted below their age or should I spank them first, so the younger one dreads the future, making the punishment stick more? Any opinions (please, only parents or people who believe in spanking).

2007-06-20 16:43:26 · 15 answers · asked by stmotherer 1 in Parenting

do they work well I put one on my son it seems ok but I am so use to pampers

2007-06-20 16:41:35 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I'm not sure how to ask this . . . okay . . . If my last period ended on June 1st and my next one is supposed to start on June 27th . . . would it be very possible to have gotten pregnant on June 14th/15th...?

2007-06-20 16:30:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

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