Not sure what it might be. Our son normally is a very healthy 35lb 31in boy. He is always very energetic and happy. He normally doesn't cry unless something is wrong or he doesn't get what he wants. Recently he has been having just short out bursts of painfully crying and then it goes away, there isn't anything leading up to or following as far as being upset. He has no signs of anything wrong, he is eating and keeping everything down, not that he has ever had a problem keeping anything down, he is still active and energetic, there doesn't seem to be any bumps or bruises anywhere or any type of swelling. He is sleeping well and everything else seems to be great. He bumped his head square on a piece of base trim about 2 weeks ago and that seems to have healed and when it happened the swelling came out and not in. With all of this information is this just a way of getting attention or is there something here we need to worry about?
9 answers
asked by
andy r
Newborn & Baby