So I just got married and the talk of kids has come up for months now. I feel totally ready. I'm 26, have my masters, and a stable job. My husband is 32, stable job and has his bachelors. We've been together for nine years and own our home. He says he wants kids too, but not now because he doesn't feel financially secure. We do have debt, but it is manageable and we're not living paycheck to paycheck, we have some savings. I asked him where he felt we should be before he is comfortable and I was shocked at his answer! I told him realistically to be that financially secure would take us 5 years and I am not interested in waiting that long. His response to that was we'll see and he gave me the impression he didnt want to talk about it anymore. So, after all that my question is whether I should just leave this alone or try and talk with him about it further? I don't want to be a nag, but not even trying until we're 31 and 36 troubles me, especially if we have trouble conceiving!
16 answers
asked by
Just Me
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting