I'm 41 weeks, 3 cm, and contracting. Labor and Delivery sent me home last Wednsday while I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. I was so miserable. I eventually fell asleep, because I was exhausted, but I just think that it was wrong for them to send me home in that condition. I am absolutely miserable, and can barely get up from my bed without literally groaning so loud that my neighbors can hear. When I walk I look like I will collapse in any of my next steps. Is it possible to go into labor and just not dilate? I lost my mucus plug about a week ago, but still no water-breaking action. I really want to avoid a C-section, but I'm afraid that because of my small frame, and such a large baby, I won't be able to avoid it. Is there anything I can do? Can someone please give me some advise? I'm a first timer, and really don't even know what I should do. Also, being in the military doesn't help much, because the facilities have a pretty heartless staff.
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