my sisters kids need to be taken away from her, i hate it but it is what has to be done, she neglects her children's medical ,dental and emotional needs child protection has been called but it seems like they may not remove them, why i don't know, i have spoken to the case worker myself and he seems to agree, is this just a long process??? i want them out of there now. its not that she doesn't know what she needs to do, she is just lazy and i think she doesn't care, she almost never hugs her oldest daughter (age 6) calls her a little b#@&h and says that she feels "retarded" when she hugs her, screams at her all the time, doesn't help her with homework, and let her go for 2 weeks with a bladder infection, she has a 4 year old that we were thinking was autistic, but after having him at my house this weekend, i don't think there is really anything wrong other than he is very neglected, i just need some advice if there is anyone that can help.
4 answers
asked by
Larissa D
Other - Pregnancy & Parenting