I relocated to be with highschool sweetheart is a total azz.I have a ten yr old daughter and never wanted anymore children.As soon as I moved here to Wash,DC they stole my truck.They found it thank God and now they are working on it.Well I got sick about 2 weeks ago and went to the hospital and they told me I was 7weeks pregnant.I was very upset,I know Birth control is not 100% and yes I am on noroplant,this is my 4th yr.And it's done right by me so far.I know no excuses,but he is an asshole his family is assholes they all walk around with guns and he's not the same either.He's real slick and sneaky!I'm ready to go as soon as they finish my truck.I kept my apt in Va,Beach.He's already talkin he hopes it's a boy so he can bang his chest in so he won't be a fag and stuff like that,(IGNORANT)! I really need some advice,I have never felt this down in my life.How can I leave without it being any drama?No he's never hit me,and I'm not scared of him but remember my daughter.Please any advice?
8 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Grade-Schooler
My 10 yr old is from a 12yr realtionship.She's not his.
16:11:22 ·
update #1