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I relocated to be with highschool sweetheart is a total azz.I have a ten yr old daughter and never wanted anymore children.As soon as I moved here to Wash,DC they stole my truck.They found it thank God and now they are working on it.Well I got sick about 2 weeks ago and went to the hospital and they told me I was 7weeks pregnant.I was very upset,I know Birth control is not 100% and yes I am on noroplant,this is my 4th yr.And it's done right by me so far.I know no excuses,but he is an asshole his family is assholes they all walk around with guns and he's not the same either.He's real slick and sneaky!I'm ready to go as soon as they finish my truck.I kept my apt in Va,Beach.He's already talkin he hopes it's a boy so he can bang his chest in so he won't be a fag and stuff like that,(IGNORANT)! I really need some advice,I have never felt this down in my life.How can I leave without it being any drama?No he's never hit me,and I'm not scared of him but remember my daughter.Please any advice?

2006-11-05 15:59:54 · 8 answers · asked by dccuttie75 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

My 10 yr old is from a 12yr realtionship.She's not his.

2006-11-05 16:11:22 · update #1

8 answers

It sounds like you've already made the right decision, which is to leave and quickly. You had the survivalist instinct to keep your self a door open for retreat when you kept your apartment. If you don't like his ideas now you'll like them less as time goes by and you get to know him better. Don't put your daughter under any more of his influence. You don't have to cause any drama when you leave. Just pack up what you brought with you and go.
Where you are not LEGALLY married. Your boyfriend has no legal rights as far as the baby is concerned. You don't have to have his permission to go. Go back to where you know you and your daughter have safety and moral support. Work out what ever issues you have with the boyfriend from that position. Not where you are pretty much at his mercy and at risk of his manipulation. If need be look up the local LDS Bishops warehouse. If you need any help of any kind they should be able to help you there or guide you to the help you need. Good luck!

2006-11-05 17:28:37 · answer #1 · answered by Carolyn T 5 · 0 0

You are just going to have to tell him baby or no baby - you and your daughter can not stay. He is the father so he does have a right to see the child. I am afraid that it is a bit late. You will have the baby most of the time so you can temper the chest beating down a little in the kid. You are not the first woman to make this mistake, go home and pray for a girl.

2006-11-06 01:40:43 · answer #2 · answered by obenypopstar 4 · 0 0

I will have to say to you is your daughter comes first in this situation. I don't think you need a ignorant *** man around your children. I must say you was smart *** hell to keep your apt and when he is out and about I'll leave and go back home among your family, who will help you support your kids. I know first hand how in-laws can be assholes. Girl get yourself out of that situation and go among people who loves you, and protect your daughter and teach her that it's not OK for people to be so stupid and ignorant all the time. I know you can handle raising your baby all by yourself and never make this mistake again learn from this and never repeat this.

2006-11-06 00:43:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

As soon as your truck is ready, announce you are going home for a visit. Leave and don't come back. Don't take all your stuff so as not to be obvious. As soon as you get back to Va. Beach contact a lawyer. Your boyfriend does have rights as a father but based on what he has said the potential that he will physically and possibly abuse this new child are too high for you to stay there.

2006-11-06 00:27:53 · answer #4 · answered by aibnyc 2 · 1 0

Sorry, but you cant just leave without causing some drama. He legally has the right to parent his child.

2006-11-06 00:08:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Just take your daughter, buy 2 bus tickets and leave. And don't let him see your baby.

2006-11-06 02:22:48 · answer #6 · answered by baddrose268 5 · 0 0

omg what have you gotten yourself into???

Well you need to leave asap when your HS sweetheart is not looking..go as far away as possible...wow..this is not envoirnment for you kids...you might want to tell him it's not his. just to protect your child...

2006-11-06 00:17:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

just get yourself and your daughter out of there--tell him you miscarried or hire yourself a really good lawyer and take out some P.O.'s to protect you and yours

2006-11-06 09:50:14 · answer #8 · answered by HappyGoLucky 3 · 0 0

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