Yes. You need to talk to the admin staff first, advising them that legal action will follow if nothing is done
2006-11-05 17:10:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Being a teacher is a hard job. Every parent thinks they can ido it better. I am a teacher, and I can tell you, that it is a hard job. What you are describing is normal. Part of a teachers job is to allow children the room to fix their own problems. Kinda like if a parent keeps doing their childs homework.. they dont learn how to do it. Children have to learn how to work out their own problems, if they dont, then they dont learn how to stand on their own two feet. As far as suing the school, I dont think you can in your situation. The act is not for this type of situation. Your child has to have more done than hitting. What I would do is call the school, and request a meeting with your childs teacher. Teachers are usually there about an hour after school at least one day a week. I am sure they would be happy to talk about it. One thing to remember, dont go into the classroom with your guns blazing... you dont know if your child is to blame or not... I have had some pretty embarassed parents sitting in front of my desk. When all else fails, this is a good lesson for kids to learn. Your child is becoming a stronger child because of this. Good Luck!!
2006-11-06 12:29:55
answer #2
answered by WestWife 3
I had a problem with my child in her kindergarten class. I talked to the teacher about it and it seemed to have a minor effect on the situation. I was not satisfied with the results so I went into the schools office and talked to the principal. We had a long conversation about the issues I saw. I also thought deeply about all aspects of the situation and found that my daughters attitude had some influence. When I got all the details from both sides and came to the realization that my angel isn't perfect, I was able to build a solution with the teacher and principal. As far as a law suit, I would use that as a last resort. Teachers and schools already suffer from financial woes. Sueing the school wouldn't only affect your child in a negative way, but it would effect many other innocent children. Talking to the teacher and principal should clear up the problem. If it doesn't, go to the district office and so on. You will have better luck finding a solution that taking a monetary route, and your childs education won't suffer from ridicule from peers.
2006-11-05 17:19:11
answer #3
answered by me_laub 3
No you can't sue the school. Your child is in a public school, there are going to be all kinds of things that will come up. I suggest taking the problem to the principal, or to the school conselor. Attempting to sue the school will only get you laughed at. The school has more students than just your's teach your child to stay away from the other child. Find out WHY this other child is hitting your child. (Maybe your child is the instegator?). Also maybe something HAS been done about it, but the schools are limited as to what they CAN do about a child hitting these days.
2006-11-05 17:17:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are your childs advocate. You need to speak to the Teacher and then monitor the situation VERY well. If that does not work, go to the principal AND the parents of the child who is doing the hitting, Last resort is the school board and if all this fails. You chat to the police. Just in case this does go further than the teacher and the principal..document everything...Good luck.
2006-11-05 17:12:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think you're jumping the gun a bit by talking about a lawsuit; that sounds a little psycho passive-agressive to me...sometimes life is unfair, and you have to not only deal with it but teach your child to deal with it. In addition to the wonderful suggestions about sitting in the classroom, talking to the teacher and principal, (also try talking with the other child's parent) etc, may I suggest teaching your child how to stand up for himself. It's unsettling to know that this has happened more than a couple times and still your child's reaction is to seek help from a grown-up. Obviously this bothers him, but he may be having problems with confrontation...that won't do well for him later in life; please teach him how to stand up for himself (without going overboard.) Maybe a kid's self defense class or a team sport...I think that putting a person in touch with his physical power can do wonders for happiness, self esteem, and social skills.
2006-11-05 18:05:44
answer #6
answered by chelleedub 4
I would go and talk to your childs teacher and tell her your concerns,if the teacher does nothing then I would go straight to the Principal and discuss it with him/her, still nothing call the Board of Education they will do something about it.
2006-11-06 05:52:58
answer #7
answered by Urchin 6
Just go to the school and talk with the teacher. If you are not satisfied, move on up to the principal.
2006-11-06 00:17:12
answer #8
answered by Lydia 7
No you can't sue the school. Just tell the principal.
2006-11-05 18:19:26
answer #9
answered by baddrose268 5
i would talk to the teacher about this. He may of had a track where he has lied about this sort of thing and now she does not belive him anymore. I would just talk to her and see what is going on in her class room. If nesserary if you can if he is not that old go and sit in the class room and look for your self if you can do that.
2006-11-05 17:11:32
answer #10
answered by knowssignlanguage 6
I bet only half of what he says is true. Talk to the teacher about it first. Your son might not know what is being done as they don't always make announcements.
2006-11-06 04:55:16
answer #11
answered by KathyS 7