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Pregnancy & Parenting - 3 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2006-11-03 04:05:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Is it worth it or should I just enjoy my life and not have mouths to feed?

2006-11-03 04:04:41 · 50 answers · asked by JIVE TURKEY 2 in Newborn & Baby

I need some information on folic Acid.

Both me and my husband are trying to conceive, i just came off the birth control patch last month,so i went to the doctor and she told me to start taking Folic Acid. So my questions are

1. what are the sides affect?

2.does this really helps a women get pregnant faster?

3. Do you know someone that was or is using Folic acid?

4.Should i start on Folic Acid?

And my last question is

5.What else is it good for besides getting pregnant and having a healthy baby?

Or you can just tell me what you know about Folic Acid.

2006-11-03 04:03:43 · 20 answers · asked by One Love 4 in Pregnancy

Will you pls continue to pray for all the kids and the parent and teachers? sx-specially the stay at home moms and the elderly too?

2006-11-03 04:00:10 · 1 answers · asked by fe2bsho 3 in Parenting

I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I keep having constant period like cramps in my lower back and stomach...the pains aren't really that bad, just constant and they just makes me feel somewhat sick. Also, I've been getting sharp little stabbing pains in my crotch/groin area every now and then, and I have to pee constantly! Sometimes it comes just all of a sudden and I HAVE to go! Also, the past two or three days I've had trouble bending over to tie my shoes, and that was never a problem before until now...and my belly isn't all the big. Oh and the past few days I've started waddling too...

Do you think the baby has dropped already?

How do you know when they have?

♥ Thank you! ♥

2006-11-03 03:53:33 · 44 answers · asked by Huliganjetta 5 in Pregnancy

When my boyfriend and I have sex I squueze a muscle in my stomach, it won't hurt thr baby will it?

2006-11-03 03:49:01 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

me and my hubby have been trying to conceive for three months now. On sunday i had tan brown spotting only one time. On monday it spotted the same but the spotting was darker in color(brown) and i spotted twice that day. On tuesday, i didnt spot until i was about to go to bed and it was was tan brown again. On wednesday, i had nothing at all the entire day. Today, which is thursday, i had the same brown discharge again but it came out a little more than the other days. i saw no red color at all just brown. i bought an ovulation predictor and it showed that i ovulated on Oct 18.my periods are irregular sometimes, but this is the first time the spotting has ever happened. i had myself checked for STD's and stuff and i was fine. I took a preg test this morning and it was neg. what do you think this could be?

2006-11-03 03:49:00 · 10 answers · asked by jackie 2 in Pregnancy

2006-11-03 03:46:27 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

two days ago i found empty condom rappers in my daughter packback i i confronter her about it and she said yes mom i am having sex, me and my daughter are closed so am so hurt i can't stop crying, please help.

2006-11-03 03:46:04 · 42 answers · asked by dulcegrlhilda 1 in Adolescent

Earlier i had asked for school pics - now i am wondering how much you paid for your teens ... and what did you get in the package deal? thanks

2006-11-03 03:43:42 · 15 answers · asked by nanko 2 in Parenting

Ok, so I was trying to find a group that can maybe answer a few questions. My boyfriend and I are trying to have a baby.. I guess you can say I have a regular cycle.. I usually get my period the 1st or 2nd week of every month. In October, I got my period on the 10th. It lasted for about 3 days.. so Im wondering when I was ovulating. I know everyones different, but im just looking for estimated answers. We had sex in between the whole rest of the month practically.. every other day to maybe about every other 2 days.... not really sure. WHat are my chances of becoming pregnant? And also what are the chances of having sex 1 week before your next period"?

2006-11-03 03:42:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for the past three years and we just found out that he has no sperm. The only thing they can do is a testicular biobsy to find out the cause and maybe retreive some sperm. Our only other option is a sperm donor. Has anyone ever been through this?

2006-11-03 03:42:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

my periods are usually pretty regular now that I'm taking bromocriptine for a high prolactin level. It is supossed to make my chances of getting pregnant just the same as anyone else. My last period was on Oct. 11th. According to an online ovulation calender I was fertile from Oct. 25-29. Me and my husband had sex during that time. On Oct. 31 my breasts started hurting and now they are extremely sore. A little bit of nausea but it comes and goes. My period is not due until Nov. 11th Is it possible that since Oct. was a long month(5weeks instead of 4) that it could be coming early or Am I pregnant? my boobs usually hurt anyway a week before my period but not almost 2 weeks early so that is why I can't tell. what do you think?

2006-11-03 03:40:57 · 7 answers · asked by Sanaa 2 in Trying to Conceive

dr. say im having contractions according to the monitor but I dont feel anythin. I had my first daughter at 38 weeks and when i went into labor i was 5cm dialated with her before I had painful contractions. Im due nov. 9th and it is nov. 3rd. they estimated through palpation that she was just about 7lbs on oct. 31st. i dont want an unplanned home pregnancy because she is at a 0 station. any advice?

2006-11-03 03:40:43 · 15 answers · asked by mamamia 2 in Pregnancy

I am 10 weeks pregnant and my hips are killing me during the night and sometimes during the day. Is this them spreading cause of the baby or something else? Also has anyone else experienced this and what did you do to help with the pain?

2006-11-03 03:39:04 · 12 answers · asked by ♥USMCwife♥ 5 in Pregnancy

Santa has not kept up with what is new out there.

2006-11-03 03:37:05 · 11 answers · asked by Johnny S 2 in Newborn & Baby

if you dont want a baby keep your dang legs shut if you were raped and got preggo have the baby and put it up for adoption why kill it not that babies fault and you are murdering something!

2006-11-03 03:36:15 · 35 answers · asked by lita 5 in Pregnancy

Tom orrow is my second baby shower!!!! My fiance has a 5 year old daughter from another women and she knows about the baby...I was thinking about getting her a big sister present to open tomorrow and she will also be helping me open mine ( that way we are making her feel as though she is a part of this too) anyways. Anyone have any suggestions on what to get her....

yester day went to the doctor....she says everything is normal and head is in position....i'm due december 15....is this about the time that the head gets in position????? this is my first!

2006-11-03 03:33:36 · 13 answers · asked by D L 1 in Pregnancy

My son was sent to stand outside his class today because he tutted at himself because he didn;t know a word. The teacher said its because he has declared his classroom a "non-moaning" zone !!! He wants us to re-enforce this at home by not allwoing our children to moan about anything. Does anyone else think this is wrong? If he had shouted ou "for F sake" os something then of course he should be punished but not for just tutting surely. He's 10 by the way.

2006-11-03 03:33:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

please can someone tell me how long the average womans cycle is and if 38 days since last period i should be worrying..thank you

2006-11-03 03:31:20 · 11 answers · asked by sheltink 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-03 03:26:57 · 35 answers · asked by tina*21 2 in Newborn & Baby

I am doing a research essay and I want to see the ratio of people who say yes and no. Thanks!
Were you spanked as a child?
Are you going to spank your children?
Do you spank your children?
Did you change your mind once you had children?

2006-11-03 03:24:57 · 39 answers · asked by pythonprincess 2 in Parenting

they are selling pregnancy tests at dollar stores now? what do you think?

2006-11-03 02:48:21 · 29 answers · asked by mc 2 in Pregnancy

In my first prenatal visit my dr did a paps smear. Since then i have been spotting. Is it normal ? or should i call the dr and inform her about the same.

2006-11-03 02:42:38 · 15 answers · asked by Pia 1 in Pregnancy

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