What do you feel are the pros and cons of being a stay at home mom or dad? My husband and I have a 19month old daughter, and my husband is the working one. The hours arent too demanding, so he still has a good ammount of time with us. I also work from home when I have the down time, because I enjoy it, and it help build a retirement income for us. We really love the situation, and cant fathom having to pay someone to raise our child for us. I know other choose differently, and thats ok. What have your experiences with stay at home parenthood been? Pros cons? How did you make the choice? Was your own mom or dad a stay at home parent, and did you appreciate it? Just wanting to hear from others in a similar situation as me. Thanks and god bless you all!
Rachele Burke
email and IM: starsalso@yahoo.com
profile: www.myspace.com/rachelemonique
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