As a generation, we are trying hard to be the best parents we possibly can. This daunting task is being made even more difficult because we Americans have been convinced into the idea that an over-scheduled, frenetic, hyper-parenting child rearing style is the best way to raise children. Actually, rearing kids in this way has damaged our family lives and has harmed our children’s capacity to create and to be self-reliant. It also may also be contributing to the unusually large number of children diagnosed with ADD and depression, and adolescents who get involved with drugs, alcohol, and premature sex. As a hyper-parent in partial recovery -- on some days -- I think that our child rearing style often undermines the goals we cherish. It actually may be diminishing our children’s ability to reflect, introspect, and become thoughtful adults who feel that they are the authors of their own lives rather than frauds living a role in someone else’s script.
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