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stay at home mom with one or two kids??

2006-10-12 16:15:06 · 7 answers · asked by kiran123 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

7 answers

5:30 Get up, make coffee, make husband’s and cousin’s lunch for that day, feed cats, scoop the litter box
6:00 Wish husband a good day at work, make bed, clean room, get dressed and ready for the day
6:30 Make cousin’s breakfast, make baby’s sippy, pack diaper bag
6:45 Get cousin up, he eats breakfast
7:00 Baby wakes up--get him dressed and ready, while cousin is getting ready for pre-K (clothed, brushed, and just basic things to get ready
7:15 Load up the stroller with backpack and diaper bag. Make sure everything is packed and we didn’t forget anything
7:30 Walk cousin to school.
8:00 Get to school, talk to a few other moms, talk to teacher if necessary.
8:20 Walk back home
8:40 Check email, maybe ask a question on Y!A
9:00 Feed baby cereal.
9:15 Throw a load of laundry in, play with son on the floor while he crawls, and climbs
10:00 Read a book to son, give him some toys and a sippy, put him in his pack n play to fall asleep
10:15 Put load of laundry in the dryer. Unload dishwasher, load it back up with dishes from the morning.
10:30 Go into the living room--spend 15 minutes putting toys away or making sure it’s clean.
10:45 Go to the bathroom spray the tiles and tub with no wipe cleaner, rinse out the sink, get the toilet clean (takes about five minutes) I look on Y!A.
11:00 Baby’s up from nap. Go back in the living room and play with toys, read books, play in exersaucer, and just do whatever we feel like doing..
11:30 Walk to pick cousin up from pre-K
12:00 Talk with teacher, other parents, meet cousin’s friends
12:10 Walk home
12:40 Pull sandwich out of the fridge, put on a plate with some chips. Get bib, spoon, and baby food for son.
12:45 Cousin’s eating telling me about his day, I’m feeding my son
1:00 Cousin read books to son and we all play together. Sometimes we go to the park or on a walk.
1:30 Baby goes down for nap again while I spend one on one time with my cousin. We look online at his cool learning sites. We read books, we color, we learn about animals, we look at pictures, we just “hang out.”
2:00 We start settling down for some “quiet time.” This could be a nap or just time for my cousin to lay down for about an hour. Sometimes it doesn’t work out that way but it’s an attempt.
2:10 Fold clothes in the dryer. I go on Y!A to see what people have written about my question answer some questions, go on Myspace, or take a nap.
3:15-3:30 The boys are up again. I go into their room and we clean up. We throw away diapers from the pail, we clean up any toys cousin has left out. Just basic tiding of the room.
3:45 Feed son while cousin has a very small snack. We talk or he just plays.
4:00 Cousin has an activity book to help him (he has FAS and has a hard time with school.) I sit down and get him started on his work, tell him if he needs anything to just ask. (we have a breakfast bar where he sits and does his activity book while I’m in the kitchen. Son plays in his highchair with toys or whatever he needs.
4:30 I start cooking dinner. If my cousin needs help, I help him.
5:00 Husband comes home, gives us all kisses. He gets cleaned up (works on air planes all day and has greasy hands)
5:30 Dinners on the table. Baby sits with us but doesn’t eat--he has a sippy he can drink from and a snack.
6:00 I do the dishes and load the dish washer while kids are playing with their dad.
7:00 I have shows that I watch almost every night at seven so we all sit down to watch. Cousin plays or watches with us and son hangs out on my lap.
7:30 During commercial I get oatmeal and feed son cereal and flakes before bed time so he’s full. Cousin eats some cheerios if he wants to feel special.
8:00 Show is over I go get son undressed and ready for bath. My husband normally gives our son a bath and brushes his teeth while I hang out look at Y!A or Myspace. Cousin is either helping husband OR is helping me pick what they are going to wear the next day.
8:15 I get baby dressed and ready for bed. Husband is supervising cousin’s bath. He does whatever else he wants in the bathroom while cousin is bathing himself.
8:25 HUGE debate on wither cousin is getting out of the bath tub. We end up winning. Put on pjs, brush teeth, and brush hair.
8:30 Read a book and settle down. Hubby gets in the shower.
8:40-8:45 Lights out for the boys.
8:40-8:45 Lights out for the boys.
8:45 I get in the shower and ready for bed
9:00 We settle down together and do whatever we feel like doing.
10:00-11:00 Lights out for us.

I'm a busy lady but I still find time for cleaning, cooking, quality time, and time for myself. This is my life day in and out. On weekends we go to zoos, aquariums, or parks. I go grocery shopping every Saturday morning at 7am. My ideal day is exactly what I wrote. I strive for routine and schedule.

Sorry it's so long. It's my life though! My cousin has lived with us for close to two years now and is part of our family.

2006-10-12 16:20:27 · answer #1 · answered by .vato. 6 · 1 0

We get up around 6:00 am. We take my husband to work and then come home and make breakfast. During the time from around 7:00 am to around 11:00 am....he will usually do any of the following: watch favorite DVD's, play for a bit on the computer, make crafts/draw/play with play doh, floam, clay, etc. He usually goes down for his nap around 11 and sleeps until around 1 or so. He gets up and has lunch, and after that is when we run our errands..until we pick up my husband around 3:30. We come home and he keeps himself busy with playing, etc..We eat dinner anytime between 5-6. I give him his bath, read him some books...and he is usually in bed around 7:30-8:00 pm.

2006-10-13 17:26:17 · answer #2 · answered by rapunzel_1689 2 · 0 0

7:00_up cuppies filled diapers changed
7:30 breakfast for kids
8:00 kids dressed me might eat toast
8:30 me dressed hair and make up daughters hair
9:00 walk
10:15 home fom walk kids play while I check email
11:00 daughter sleeps son watches tv plays quietly while I get housework started
12:00 lunch for son
1:00 luch for daughter we play together or they play together while I do some more cleaning
2:30 walk again/coffee/son nap time
4:00 home fom walk/ prepare dinner and do dishes
6:00bath pj time and then we have gentle quailty time all 3 of us
7:00 kids bedtime

7-?mommy quiet time to use computer watch tv bath whatever to recoupe from the day
11ish sleep for me

tomorrow-do it all over again
mom of dakota 28m jersea16m

2006-10-12 17:54:32 · answer #3 · answered by Brandi D 3 · 1 0

I get up before my family (around 5:30am) and walk the dog for 45 minutes (my time)

Hop in the shower and get ready, have coffee with hubby before he heads out, make my 5 yr od son breakfast and get him ready for the day (clean clothes, hair, face, hands & teeth)

I work part time (11am to 3pm) so after breakfast we hang out playing, reading or doing chores around the house, somedays we walk to the local coffee stand for a latte and juice :0)

Then pre-school and work. Afterward we head home or run errands, I usually have an early dinner ready so we can chill or play (lot's of hide'n'seek at our house) Then bath and bed.

2006-10-12 17:35:58 · answer #4 · answered by Beatlegirl 4 · 1 0

much less foodstuff and greater workout will do the trick. the key is to do it primary and make a habit of ingesting much less and workout greater. Sounds undemanding even with the undeniable fact that that's plenty tougher than you think of. i've got been doing it for over 2 many years and prefer maximum folk I initiate out ok yet after approximately 6 months I truthfully tend to slack off and the load come decrease back. It does artwork in case you to stick to it. sturdy luck l

2016-10-02 06:11:24 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have two children: My daughter (dd) is 22 months old and my son (ds) is 3.5 months old.

In the morning I try to sleep in a little with ds, or if he wakes up early, I get up with him so he doesn't wake his sister up. If dd wakes up first, my husband (dh) gets up with her.

One of us makes breakfast, I nurse the kiddos, and dh usually changes their diapers and gets them dressed. He heads off to work and I pack the diaper bag for our day.

Most days we have a playgroup in the morning for a couple hours. This lets dd work off some energy and socialize with her friends while I give her brother a little one-on-one time. Mondays is the homeschooling co-op preschool, Tues.-Thurs. are playgroups, and Fri. I usually get together with a few friends and their kiddos at a local cafe with a play corner. Sat. dd goes to a dads' playgroup with her father.

We come home for lunch, I nurse the kiddos and settle them down for a nap, and take a little break. Then we spend the afternoon at home cleaning and puttering, playing, and making dinner, or we head out to do errands. If we're out and about, I try to stop somewhere fun in the middle, like the library or a playground. If we're at home, we usually go for a walk or get outside at least once.

When dh comes home, we have dinner, then I nurse ds and get him into jammies while dh takes dd for a walk and reads her a story. One of us will help her get on her jammies and brush her teeth, sometimes she has a bedtime nurse, and then she's out.

2006-10-13 06:18:39 · answer #6 · answered by peregrine1123 2 · 0 0

oh wow! i've always wanted kids but i've never thought what it's actually like to raise them. mommies you are heros!

2006-10-12 19:24:43 · answer #7 · answered by dianka(â?ªis a kidâ?ª)â?¢ 6 · 1 0

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