1991, UN Mandate that Iraq terminate its weapons of mass destruction projects, and all missles that can carry these weapons. and to let UN inspectors in to make sure they are doing this.
1998, UN inspectors said, "yeah, they´re destroying some stuff, but we don´t have access to everything" then sadaam kicks all inspectors out...... (hmmmm, is that not suspicios?)
2001: Sadaam, laughs and makes fun of the US after 9-11
2002: Bush says, "you let the UN inspectors in, or we´re gonna come get you." Sadaam says, "no UN inspectors will ever enter my country, you want me, come and get me."
2003: we invade... find lots of "illegal" missles and weapons, but the WMD´s are missing....
2004 and on: every terrorist in the middle east goes to iraq to fight us and cause destruction....
where are the facts for: War-Mongering, and blood for oil, etc...
10 answers
asked by
James R