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Military - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

1. Why was Rummy selling Saddam weapons in the 80s?
2. Why was Ollie North selling the Iranians weapons in the 80s?
3. Why were we arming both sides in a war between a fascist government with Nazi links and an Islamic theocracy that had just attacked us?
4. Why was the CIA training bin Laden?
5. Why did we choose to fight the Russians in Afstan? They invaded because of an incident where a bunch of their soldiers and Muslim women were beheaded by the muj. The reason was that the RUSSIANS WERE TRYING TO TEACH THE AFGHAN WOMEN HOW TO READ. THEY WERE ALL DECAPITATED! Yet we took the side of bin Laden and the mujahdeen!


2007-02-16 00:16:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-16 00:06:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few come to mind, but what about the Zulu Warriors.

2007-02-15 23:53:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 23:00:07 · 45 answers · asked by Golden S 1

Why do you want to go there in the first place ?

2007-02-15 22:48:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder how Americans will act if they were attacked, defeated and occupied by Iraqis.

Please answer this questions as candidly as possible.

2007-02-15 21:44:09 · 19 answers · asked by gmude2000 2

If so, what did you like or dislike about the base? How far is it to the to coast (hours of driving)? How are the surrounding towns?Are there many attractions nearby? What wildlife did you encounter? Was it safe to travel through the country? What is the weather like? What did you miss from the US?

2007-02-15 21:25:07 · 4 answers · asked by Kyle 2

Daily we hear causalities in US army by road side bombs, IED etc Why do US soldiers go patrolling if they are so much targetted in Iraq ? These patrolling jobs can be given to Iraqi soldiers.

2007-02-15 21:21:38 · 5 answers · asked by inin 6

Can it be just me but... Iraq and Iran are "neighbouring countries".. so, where exactly are these U.S. Surge troops going to end up?

George W Bush has once again told NATO they must send more troops to help out....?? http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/02/15/bush.ap/index.html?eref=rss_politics



It's a sure damn thing they'll NOT being going to the REAL SOURCE of this supposed "war on terrorism" otherwise every troop on the ground in this 2nd Gulf war would be going STRAIGHT TO AFGHANISTAN... "do not pass go, do not collect $200".. and do not chase the oil !!!

AFGHANISTAN is NOT a NATO war, but, it is recognised to be the source of this recent terror campaign and is therefore justified conflict. It is SUPPOSED to be a U.S.-LED coalition force....

77% U.S. troops were withdrawn in 2003 from there once NATO/UK help was obtained !

Iraq? I think not !
Iran?...Don't even go there - (figure of speech, but, if the cap fits...)

2007-02-15 21:06:26 · 6 answers · asked by Hello 3

Do you prefer diplomatic solution or violence?

2007-02-15 20:51:27 · 16 answers · asked by tizi ouzou 1

2007-02-15 20:45:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is the latest, breaking news. Do you have any idea where to find this? Thanks.

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) Al-Qaida posts an Internet video showing what is purportedly an insurgent attack on a U.S.-Afghan military post in southern Afghanistan.

2007-02-15 20:08:18 · 3 answers · asked by chole_24 5

I believe it is wrong to kill another. I acknowledge accidents should be an exception. But I propose that anyone who pulls the trigger or votes for another to pull the trigger, or who orders another to pull the trigger...which kills a person, should themselves be put to death. No exceptions. The idea would be for ALL POLITICIANS who vote for war to be put to death. All generals who plan wars would be put to death. Thus there would be nobody to order soldiers to kill others. My god, would this stop wars? Would it work? What do you think?

2007-02-15 19:37:34 · 17 answers · asked by judgebill 7


The first paragraph of this website translates to: "For acogerte to this call you must be citizen of some of the following countries:"

The second paragraph translates to: "You must have the Permission of temporary or permanent Residence or have straight recognized by law the access the Armed Forces for foreigners."

What does all this mean? Do I have to be a citizen of one of the countries or do I have to have residency in spain? Both? Citizenship in Spain? Residency and Citizenship are two different things. One means you can stay in spain, the other means you can vote in spain.

What does it mean by "you must have residency" and "you must be a citizen?"

(use google translation)

2007-02-15 19:20:20 · 2 answers · asked by dxarmbar06 1

Ulysseys S Grant once said of the Mexican-American war:

"one of the most unjust ever waged on a weaker country by a stronger."

Supporters of the Iraq War do you think Mr.$50, old Ulysseys was "with the enemy" or "giving aid and comfort to the enemy", or "with the terrorists".

Can we fianlly be mature enough to realize that wars where we are attacked (Afgahistan, WWII, 1812) are diferent then wars where we choose to intervine (Iraq, Vietnam, Mexican-American War) and that some wars like Iraq really aren't just.

2007-02-15 19:13:32 · 3 answers · asked by P H 3

What the HELL is wrong with the generals that are sending a couple of Hummers with no air cover into a WAR?!

In Los Angeles, they send out 10 squad cars and a helicopter or TWO just to catch a car-thief, should he decide to "terrorize" the freeway by driving the same speed as everyone else!!

Why can't we put SNIPERS on every tall building in Baghdad?
Why can't we send out a decent size convoy, when something needs to be checked out?
Why can't we drive Humvees on the streets that run parallel to the one the main contingent is driving down? (So as to make sure it is more difficult to approach it.)
Why can't we drive a remote controlled car infront of the Humvees?
Why can't we analyze where the bombs came from?
Why can't we arrest A SINGLE person when attacks happen?--I am not talking about dragging people out of homes; I am talking about CHASING and CATCHING terrorists like the police do in L.A.
Do any of you West Point (or other MILITARY school) grads think this is FUBAR?!

2007-02-15 19:01:59 · 4 answers · asked by joe m 2

Weekend warriors as they were called used to collect fat paychecks. Now the young guys are dieing and the other guys have back problems etc. so they stay here and still collect fat paychecks and work.

2007-02-15 18:48:38 · 8 answers · asked by solapine 2

I am trying to find information on what Naval ship delivered the atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. "I know that the USS Indianapolis delivered the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. Still, I can't seem to find this info on any google searches.
Thank You

2007-02-15 18:48:02 · 8 answers · asked by James O only logical answer D 4

Hi...I'm seventeen years old and am seriously considering the National Guard. I'm 6'2'' and a 140lbs (yikes, only one pound above the cutoff). I am in very good shape running-wise, I can run a sub 5 mile and distance running (10+) at a solid pace (6:30) isn't difficult for me. The problem is I'm not very strong at all. I struggle to bench 90lbs. Assuming I would do my training this summer, going into my senior year, how can I best prepare? I don't want to get there and be unprepared....I really don't want that. Thanks. Also, what kind of diet should I be on? I mean...I eat tons of food and by nature I don't gain weight, I'm thin...so I'm going to really have to eat to gain strength and weight.

2007-02-15 18:38:51 · 13 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4

2007-02-15 18:32:44 · 18 answers · asked by FaceFullofFashion 6

In which India promised to give them right of self determination?

2007-02-15 18:29:46 · 4 answers · asked by Ali 5

involved in the atrocities of the Halucaust, put him on trial,and then execute him. would you also believe that black folks should forget about the horrors of slavery and let by gones be bygones.

2007-02-15 18:25:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 18:09:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would it do to our economy and our future?

2007-02-15 18:07:34 · 14 answers · asked by cb450t 3

I'm considering it and want to hear if there is anything I should know about it that I won't get elsewhere. Thanks, I appreciate it.

2007-02-15 18:04:44 · 10 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4

if you werent german or aryan during hitler's reign, could you somehow become a nazi or something if you liked their ideas?

2007-02-15 17:53:40 · 19 answers · asked by HollyWounded 2

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