Honestly i think that is the bets movie ever. All traits of war,The bond between soldiers, replacements, fighting, mental troubles, friend troubles, and the fact that 1 squad can win the war by its self(as shown in Hollywood). You just cannot beat a movie that tells the story from the guys that were actually there. I feel so bad for all the veterans every time i watch that movie. All that crap they went through and for little pay. Thats why we won that war because they all fought with their hearts, volunteers. Everyone says,"I hate that movie". They probably hate it because it really shows the horrors of war and how realistic it is. A grenade cannot take out an entire building like Hollywood makes it seem like. People die in war and theres nothing anyone can do about it except train to make it less of a chance to happen. "From this day to the ending of the world, We will be remembered. We lucky few. We band of brothers. For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother"
8 answers
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nacho man