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Law Enforcement & Police - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

smuggled contraband cleverly hidden inside the vehicle would you be allowed to keep it or get a reward for turning it in or get arrested for possessing it? I'm thinking either stolen jewels or drugs.

2007-02-19 08:26:06 · 7 answers · asked by Lleh 6

I tried to commit suicide a long time go when I was 16, I was really down in the pits because i thought i failed everything in school. I was admitted by my own choice to go to a mental hospital. I realize how stupid it was and if you asked me today i'd say your an idiot. When i admit it to the board, will that mean automatic disqualification or is there still a chance that they'll hire me. Oh, and I did see a doctor for several years after the incident and still do; maybe I'll use her as a referral

2007-02-19 08:18:28 · 6 answers · asked by glenn s 2

I live out in the Country and there is a horse trail riding business right a cross from me,so I can see everything.
I have just noticed that one of the mares ( who is fully pregnant) is being used as riding horse.
I think that you would have to be a total SAVAGE to ride the poor thing!
......A safe guess is that this savage who is sitting on her is at least over 150 lbs or 69kg or 10.7stone .....Very disturbing.
Does anyone know if this is common,normal stuff and not unusual?
And if this is totally unacceptable should i call the cops ???????.

I am fortunate that I live in a state where it is a felony to abuse poor innocent animals.

I don't want to make enemies with the neighbours...what should I do?

2007-02-19 08:13:13 · 22 answers · asked by ™ ♥♥♥ 3

I was arrested and the police took $1300 from me. I was later released and no charges were filed when I asked for the money they had of mine they said I would have to wait 30 days and gave no futher explaination. Its been 30 days and I still cant find out where my money is or how to get it back.

2007-02-19 08:12:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm most likely going to go to jail for 30 days for simply drinking. MC, I'm 20. We have news reports constantly bombarding us and politicians requesting huge budget increases to alleviate jail overcrowding. It seems this problem would be solved by simply reducing the amount of jail sentences and increasing the amount of fines. Marijuana, prescription drug and underage alcohol users could all be given fines and community service which would positively affect our community and reduce the load on our wallets through jail overcrowding. Why should we spend money isolating and ruining the lives of people with vices when we can make money and leave these "criminals" outside of the untouchable caste in civilized society.

Why do so many people think jail is an appropriate solution to such minor problems as marijuana, prescription abuse and underage (18-20) alcohol consumption. It's like trying to kill a fly with a shotgun. Way too harsh, way too arbitrary and way too unjust. This is law?

2007-02-19 07:46:43 · 15 answers · asked by Chris K 1

I was just wondering what you need to put in your mouth in order to pass a breathalizer test/ other breath tests

2007-02-19 07:11:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The cop had given him a dwi and knew his liscence should be suspended. He was charged with driving on a suspended liscence. This is in the state of Missouri. How much will it cost him to retain a lawyer? What will his fine be?

2007-02-19 06:52:20 · 13 answers · asked by I love screwdrivers! 5

he broke in the house started a fight threatened the guy..so he got his *** kicked went tot he hospital died 2 weeks later and now the other guy is getting charged with manslaughter...doesnt he have the right to defend himself when someone breaks into thehouse...maybe he would have been better off shotting the guy point blank instead of trying to fight him off

2007-02-19 06:26:44 · 4 answers · asked by mom2b 1

i ws sleeping.he kicked in the door.tore the laundry room up..left..seen the owner bragged about it..then came back into the house a second time starting a fight?is that not home invasion?

2007-02-19 06:24:28 · 8 answers · asked by mom2b 1

Is it better to teach a child how to safely handle a gun at a young age. Or is it better to hide guns from your kids untill they are 16 or so. If you hide them from your child then they will not know how it works if they find it, which could be dangerous. But if you teach them at a young age then they will know how to safley handle it when they do find it. You can of course keep your guns locked up and keep the key hidden, but even young kids are very smart and might be able to get to it even when it is locked up. What do you think?

2007-02-19 06:09:39 · 17 answers · asked by Umbra 1

If anyone knows of this law, I would like to know where I could find it... also I am in Hawaii so the laws may be different, however I appreciate the assistance.

2007-02-19 05:57:29 · 10 answers · asked by deep in thought 2

A friend of mine's son asked me for a cell phone for Christmas, which I bought him. The phone was a razor phone I only added him a line to my current plan so it's only 9.99 a month & I share mintues with him. Note: I pay the 9.99 for the extra line. Here is the messy part, my friend is seperated from his son's mother but they are not divorced yet. Since December she has taken the phone from Jessi (the son) because of her being mad at his dad and not allowing Jessi to talk to his dad. It only lasted a few days and she finally gave it back to him. They got into a dispute last week and she took the phone from him again and this time my friend (Jason) asked for the phone back. She told him no that he isn't getting it back until the divorce was final but neither has filed yet. I need to know how I can get this phone back. I went to file a report at the Police Station but they said it was not needed that I needed to contact Magistrate Court...

2007-02-19 05:11:02 · 6 answers · asked by Vanessa 1

...also an accomplished artist / illustrator, could he or she be arrested for drawing pictures of nude kids strictly from their (admittedly sick) imagination? I mean, just totally making it up, with no kids used as a model, and not working from an actual photograph. There would not be an actual victim, so how could it be child porn?

Yeah, I'd probably punch a hole through a sicko like that with my fist, but could the law do anything about them?

2007-02-19 05:06:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Check out the story here

2007-02-19 04:50:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in London this weekend and saw a bodyguard with a female client walking through the City. As the pair passed me the bodyguard's lapel fanned open wide enough for me to see he was wearing a pistol in an underarm holster.

If this bodyguard is non-military, is it legal for him to be carrying a sidearm?

Any info on the relevant laws gratefully received- is it likely the bodyguard was working 'freelance'? Thanks

2007-02-19 04:47:46 · 17 answers · asked by DaveyMcB 3

The body is ruling the mind, the mind says no, but the repuglcian body takes over. What do I do?

2007-02-19 04:43:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does a probation officer help the offender find employment? Or what? Or do they just check up on the offender from time to time to time? What if the offender is a first time offender and is a model citizen? He would be a low priority and would not have to be monitored closely like some felons. This offender only has a misdemeanor.

2007-02-19 04:38:26 · 3 answers · asked by ic 6

When anti-war protestors refuse to disperse, what is the best non-lethal force to use? Batons? Tear Gas? Rubber bullets?

2007-02-19 04:28:27 · 23 answers · asked by officer meeney 1

has anyone had any luck passing a urinalysis for thc? I test in 2 days by which time i will have 6 full days clean. i also purchased 1 of those "flush" drinks. Has anyone had any experience passing a urinalysis under similar circumstances? plase help1

2007-02-19 04:13:20 · 7 answers · asked by mikesean8360 1

???can they urine test me in court????

2007-02-19 03:58:02 · 11 answers · asked by Aaron M 1

The only thing that I am concerned about is my education background. First thing, is I had to redo a year in school because I was in the hospital a lot suffering from migraines which I've gown out of. When I went to military school, I had to leave in the middle of the year due to a incident; wasn’t criminal nor anything I did wrong it was someone did something wrong to me VERY WRONG, I wasn’t kicked out, I left on my own decision. Problem after is the incident destroyed my moral so I didn’t work as hard in school and left 2 schools, even tried to commit suicide. I know it was stupid; the time I got it together I was behind. So I worked for 2 years and than got my GED; I am now working on continuing my education like a criminal justice, weapon training, and hand to hand combat training. I am also paying for myself to go to the academy. I would like to keep my mouth shut about the incident, will this come up as an issue at all or will they be able to find out about it.

2007-02-19 03:47:35 · 12 answers · asked by glenn s 2

I have just moved into a new house and houses are still being built around me, at 6am this morning a JCB woke me and my nephew, are there laws against operating loud machinery before a certain time and who should I contact?

2007-02-19 03:37:21 · 12 answers · asked by ilovestooky30 2

I went to visit him yesterday and he shows me a bulletproof vest, cables, and small metal boomerangs that he got.

He found this dumb police scanner weeks ago, now all he does is listen to it.

He thinks the cops don't respond quickly enough to the calls, and that he could do better.

He is also obsessed with Superheros like Batman and Spiderman.

He's getting really whacked out, and was even more inspired when he saw this story on the news:


I'm really worried he will put on a mask & take "his tools" to the streets himself any day now.

He's 30 years old, lives a stable life, no history of psychiatric illness, what is going on here?

What should I do?

2007-02-19 03:22:16 · 11 answers · asked by Reserved 6

How do I go about finding information on a person using a County Court Public Record.Most I have tried want to charge a fee.Can it be accessed without a fee being paid.Thank You

2007-02-19 03:19:42 · 4 answers · asked by hockey_fan_two 1

Traffic violation from Machester Tennessee - Coffee County

2007-02-19 02:51:52 · 2 answers · asked by amanda_hammons1 1

There were more accidents on building sites in the UK last year than in the previous year-Despite this excuse for a government passing mind numbing employment legislation that only makes sense to the most jobsworth Health and Safety geeks.These people are causing more problems than they will ever have the brain cells to solve.We must repeal lots of the legislation or become a third world industrial nation!!

2007-02-19 02:34:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I did not pay for an item that I bidded on ebay would there be a legal case to answer to if the plaintiff wanted to pursue it? How would this work in practice?

2007-02-19 02:33:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think....

2007-02-19 02:14:03 · 12 answers · asked by gorglin 5

got caught speeding on sunday night 49mph in a 30
Just pullled away from some traffic lights accelerated changed to second gear then slowed down again. as I was turning left into a carpark. Car only travelled 100m from a standstill

30 min later a cop pulled into the carpark and asked someone to get the driver of the subaru to move it into a parking bay.
As soon as I went to move the car he called me over and gave me the good old 3 points and 60 quid fine.

I dont know why he didnt just follow me and book me right away why did he wait so long

2007-02-19 02:08:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the penalty of using a fake ID in Florida if you just use it to buy M and AO ated video games?

2007-02-19 01:46:36 · 4 answers · asked by Dylan J 1

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