I too am a Missouri resident and the answer will vary with how much you can afford to pay a lawyer. Personally my parents were killed by a guy who liked to drive around to get more beer so I have little consolation for your choice in spouses but as I said...a good lawyer will prevent most of the financial consequenses that come with the offense.
2007-02-19 06:59:20
answer #1
answered by GameWarden 1
A lot had he been to court on the frist dwi an if he was found guilty the police have the right to pull him over they knew that he was driving on a suspended lic,hie fine will be high an he could get jail time the average dwi is around 5000.00
2007-02-19 07:03:01
answer #2
answered by bigdogrex 4
I really can't believe that you asked that question and expected to get a reasonable answer from people. Your husband should go to jail. I have no sympathy for drunk people let alone drunk people that drive and when your license is suspended for DWI, it is not OK to drive to the store to get more beer.
Maybe your husband will learn and here in the state of Michigan my brother in law had to pay to have a lock put on his truck tires after the judge suspended his license for drunk driving. He had to pay for it and now that if he wants to get more beer, he has to walk 26 miles one way or call someone to pick him up. Oh yeah he also had to go to rehab after blacking out from his drinking and assaulting my sister while she was holding my niece. Oh yeah and his job is on the line as well. In my mind people should just get a clue. Don't put my life in danger because you need a beer and had your license suspended for driving drunk. Don't break the law and I hope that he goes to jail and pays a hefty fine as well.
2007-02-19 07:57:05
answer #3
answered by aleynam 3
Expect to pay several thousand. The DA is going to say to the jury that he was convicted of DWI, had his license suspended, was caught driving, and was doing so to buy beer.
The jury is not likely likely going to buy any excuses your hubby's lawyer is going to have.
His fines? Could be a few thousand or jail time. Given that he's proven that he can't be trusted, expect the DA to push for jail.
2007-02-19 07:03:58
answer #4
answered by Jay 7
As the Rule goes, How Much Ya Got?. This type of case will vary greatly depending on the attorney your hire and WHO he's buddies with in the judicial system where you live. From experience My guess would be in the neighborhood of about $5-7 grand depending on your husbands record. And maybe He should think about NOT drinking, you think??
2007-02-19 09:04:51
answer #5
answered by Chuck-the-Duck 3
first of all good luck finding a lawyer that will be able to get your hubby anywhere but locked up. It wasn't a really smart move on his part to do that in the first place......he will get what he deserves, if the justice system does its job.
To answer you question, several grand to get the lawyer and the fine is determined by the actual infraction and that is determined by the location (city, state) of the infraction.
2007-02-19 07:27:51
answer #6
answered by NolaDawn 5
Your first question can only be answered accurately by the lawyer your husband retains, and the second question can only be answered by the judge WHEN he levies punishment against your husband.
If your husband's license was suspended for DWI, then why was he driving????
2007-02-19 06:57:43
answer #7
answered by Team Chief 5
Well, hopefully it costs you a fortune. It seems like your husband didn't learn his lesson last time. On top of legal fees and fines, think of the costs when he goes to jail and leaves you to take care of the home by yourself.
2007-02-19 07:27:01
answer #8
answered by jonmm 4
I hope it costs a BUNDLE (and I'm sure it will). How dare your husband drive on a suspended license, especially to buy beer! The whole idea is to keep this dangerous ****** from being on the roads endangering innocent people. I hope he goes to jail.
2007-02-19 06:57:06
answer #9
answered by Mama Gretch 6
Better call Brown and Crouppon!
2007-02-19 07:08:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous