Has anyone had their answers or questions stricken from the records since participating within this forum? What was the excuse given for doing so, if this happened? Was it because another individual did not agree with your answer, thus making a "Much to do about Nothing" into an unwarranted something? Is Yahoo! Answers on the level regarding a level playing field or does it only allow what others dictate to be satisfactory regarding a host of various answers to a given question? Can people single an individual out, constantly bombard those who oversee, answers to have their answers stricken from the question, when it contained no profanity, did not threaten anyone, the answer just did not agree with another who gave an answer to the contrary! Censorship, based on unwarranted action is detrimental to Yahoo! Answers being a legitimate open forum website! If this is the case as I have experienced, it should be dually noted when asking individuals to join, a biased form of media Q & A!!!!!
3 answers
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