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Law & Ethics - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-10-25 05:45:45 · 9 answers · asked by Coper 1

A member of the staff said that secrets between friends are illegal, and, I want to prove him wrong, because, a private conversation is Private, and I said I would never tell ANYONE, and I don't intend to either.

2007-10-25 05:41:48 · 20 answers · asked by ooogamoooga 1

In the US, we have a right to participate (or not) in whatever religious tradition we choose. This freedom of religion means allowing others to have their own moral code; people might have their store open for business on Sunday, or attend a mosque for worship, or drink/smoke/gamble, or write books/make movies about offensive topics, or have sexual relations outside a committed relationship, or even form a household with someone of the same-sex.

Laws should forbid things that are intrinsically, verifiably, and significantly harmful to people and/or society. Same-sex marriage, IMO, doesn't fit those criteria. Therefore, a law against it would be based primarily on religious opinion. BTW, giving rights to only traditional marriages IS THE SAME AS outlawing SSM.

Either you believe in the Freedom of Religion and therefore legally allow people to hold and practice either Christian or non-Christian values AND ALSO not legally endorse one value system over another OR YOU DON’T.

2007-10-25 05:31:59 · 8 answers · asked by nc 3

father and his brother partitioned the ancestrol property in India during the year 1959.In dthe partition deed the minor son was also added as party.A daughter was born afterwards.Father died in the year 1980. Daughter married after 1988. Son claims half of the share of his father and declare that the daughter is eligible for her share only in the balance of the property along with him..kindly offer your views.

2007-10-25 05:30:49 · 4 answers · asked by selvaraj s 1

Requiring mandatory spaying/neutering. If you decide you want to breed a dog then you will be required to obtain a breeders
license. They are passing such an ordinance in Huntington Beach

I'm trying to gather more information on this issues. If you know anything could you please respond.
Thank you

2007-10-25 05:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by Breed-Specific Bans 1

Is there any way to get out of your license not being suspended for a minor in possession? I've read that the penalty is one year, I was planning to move back home to Nevada in January but cant do so without a drivers license. Also my current drivers license is Nevada issued, could this have any implications.

2007-10-25 05:24:19 · 4 answers · asked by Kevin H 1

I was told that I had a violation because someone did not like my answer even though her question said the Pres. Bush was mast******ba**er twice. and her question was not a violation! T

2007-10-25 05:23:33 · 19 answers · asked by Linda S 6

I have a misdemeanor on my record and failed to disclose it on my notary application. The SOS found out and revoked my license. Do you know what I should expect tomorrow? How should I prepare myself for the hearing? Would you happen to know what my chances of having my commission reinstated are? Thanks for your help!

2007-10-25 05:20:36 · 3 answers · asked by Erika S 1

For example, if there was a murderer whom everyone knew was guilty, but a key piece of evidence was thrown out, and therefore the jury would not be able to convict. Why does the government allow this even when it is obvious that the defendant is guilty?

2007-10-25 05:19:39 · 7 answers · asked by marky p 1

Man in his mid 30's works with an overweight woman (in this case, the woman has had to have a special chair ordered to fit her rather large carriage).

So, apparently duing a meeting, there was discussion of accidentally bumping cars in the parking lot (backing in, putting a car in gear and letting it roll...etc)

Well, this woman's car hit another one in the parking lot...

The man asked "well, was she in the car?"

Someone responded "what difference does that make?"

He said that "well, if she were in the car, and it rolled into another it would most likely be wrecked"

Someone told him to stop... this was IN A MEETING!

He then asked "have you ever read a physics book"...(referring to the momentum the car would gain with the large lady inside).

What would have happened at your workplace in this situation?

2007-10-25 05:14:24 · 18 answers · asked by Reserved 6

The school district we just moved into says they use corporal punishment on all students, and parents do not have a right to choose if its used on thier child or not. Could this be true?? I can't and don't believe it is ...

2007-10-25 05:14:05 · 4 answers · asked by rebecca w 1

after termination

2007-10-25 05:08:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Bankrupcy Lawyer and I uncovered the Fraud of 3 "proofs of claims" filed by 3 Creditors with the New York Bankrupcy Court, from (2) Lawyer's and (1) Doctor. They were filed December 2005. I can no longer afford my attorney, what can I do with this information at this point?

2007-10-25 05:02:47 · 3 answers · asked by Lea S 3

I would have never thought it would happen to me, but Child Protective Services invaded my home a couple of years back and took my daughter for no God given reason. I did a little of my own investigating and I found that they were trying to use my daughter in an adoption scam. I don't know what to do because I have audio tapes, written statements, etc. A lawyer won't even talk to me here in NC. Is there a lawyer that will do this case probono? Is this even grounds to sue? CPS devestated my life and I regained custody of my daughter a year later, which cost me 5 thousand in my entire savings. Now my daughter has to visit with a out of pocket therapist because she still has nightmares when they so viciously took her away that fateful night! Help?

2007-10-25 04:55:19 · 5 answers · asked by LKimme 1

Im just as poor as she is and I don't have free houseing like she does either.

2007-10-25 04:54:19 · 10 answers · asked by Margaret D 2

Flipping channels I came across Rush Limbaugh and couldn't believe what an idiot he is. a caller called in that didn't agree with him and Rush acted like he was so mad that he had to count to 10 outloud and then proceded to call the guy names. He didn't have any solutions to problems but spent all his time bashing people who don't agree with him. This is not news, what is it??? No wonder people are so intolerant of each other and don't feel the need to compromise if this is what they listen to and believe is what the truth is. Aren't we all better than that???

2007-10-25 04:50:35 · 22 answers · asked by Ktcyan 5

This fence will bisect the San Pedro river, a river that is already threatened and is dry in many sections during summer. This was the second time this year that Chertoff used his authority to waive laws requiring an adequate environmental impact study prior to construction, claiming that further delays threatened national security.

I thought the main threat was from Islamic extremists, not Mexican immigrants. But maybe I missed something? The principle of waiving U.S. law for largely partisan political reasons is rampant with this lame-duck administration.

2007-10-25 04:40:28 · 8 answers · asked by Pat K 6

2007-10-25 04:34:05 · 1 answers · asked by maine161991getmoney 1

I need some help with writting my essay on gun control and comming up with ideas. I'm not for it but im not against it.

2007-10-25 04:20:05 · 14 answers · asked by Superman 1

I know in mobster movies bodyguards always seem to be enforcers or security/ management of illegal activities also thus making them criminals any way you cut it but I always wondered if a person was just the drive and/ or bodyguard of a Mob boss like Al Capone would they still be criminals. I guess to me it seems silly to have security enforcement and management all intermingled like you see in the movies. My question again is if your a mob enforcer or run an illegal enterprise your breaking the law and thus a criminal but are you still a criminal if all you do is bodyguard the criminal or drive them around? Another way to look at it is if Michael jachson or the rat pack sang for the mob or in their clubs should they be listed a criminals after all the rat pack could pack a casino which likely would line the pockets legally or illegally of some gangster in the old days so would the rat pack be considered criminals for aiding & abidding or contributing to a criminal

2007-10-25 04:19:06 · 8 answers · asked by bpeter3196 5

Earlier this week, my friends and I were enjoying a friendly game of poker. One of my friends who was at this game is a girl, who I actually attempted to date a while back, before learning that she was a lesbian, and her girlfriend.

Thinking that their four tens (four of a kind) would be a winning hand, her girlfriend suggested that my friend sweeten the pot by adding that the looser would have to give the winner oral pleasure and my friend placed this bet.

I was the last one in the game at this point and believing that it was unlikely that they could beat my straight flush, accepted this bet and won this pot.

While my other friends, myself, and her wanted to settle this account immediately, her girlfriend insisted that she was too drunk and whisked her away.

2007-10-25 03:56:22 · 11 answers · asked by Ex-Trailertrash 1

If I got surgery (on hand) and they requested money on front, I paid with a check (under someone else that let me borrow money) and then a stop payment was issued on the check... can the clinic sue me??? I mean the $ amount will get pay by me but unfortunately periodically since I have no money.
(Figurative, it is not me)

2007-10-25 03:55:39 · 8 answers · asked by :) 3

Many of these fathers suffer mentally and emotionally.They are required, and they should be to pay child support if the mother chooses to have the child.Why would they not have something to say about aborting it as well?This would be fair and require all envolved to be responcible for their actions.

2007-10-25 03:45:38 · 26 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

if you are caught driving under the influence what are the consequences...best/worst case scenario? also, it will probably go on your permanent record so what would that mean in the future(declined jobs, higher insurance, etc.)? thanks! (this is for the state of illinois or could be in general)

2007-10-25 03:45:35 · 4 answers · asked by gibsongtar101 3

I’m in NY, my ex is currently responsible for 62% of my daughters child care costs, is that based on his income alone or is it also based on my income? I ask because we’re going back to court because he owes me money for summer camp and I’m wondering if the fact that I got a raise will reduce the portion he’s responsible. Thank you in advance for you answers! =)

2007-10-25 03:41:53 · 5 answers · asked by ruth p 2

In the UK, new laws state that foster parents must promote same sex marriage to children. I am totally in favour of same sex marriage, but fail to see why the State should dictate how families bring up children, especially as there is no such law for non-foster families.
And how will the social workers react when Muslim foster parents refuse to promote homosexuality and same sex marriage, on their own religious grounds? Will they be exempt?

2007-10-25 03:39:08 · 1 answers · asked by Z 1

My son's father does not help me take care of my son. He does even work. I filed for child support because of this and now there's a warrant out for his arrest. I told him that I would never keep my son away from him no matter what we go through but he doesn't even take care of him. We got into an argument because he want me to take him off child support so the warrant will go away. He says that I'm a only thinking about money and not the fact the spending time with my son. Now he wants me to bring my son to his house so he can spend some time with him. But I told him he has to come here if he wants to see him. I'm uncomfortable with letting him go because of the arguments we have and i don't want him to take him one day. Here are the other reasons, He has no job, he doesn't really want a job cuz he's tryna be a rapper, he has no fixed address, i live in MD and he in VA, he sleeps at different peoples homes. He has no money, and he sometimes com pares himself to jesus! Am I wrong?

2007-10-25 03:37:26 · 9 answers · asked by 15 2

My son and his GF. are not together and my beutiful grand dauter of 10 years old is being held from us.because they can't get along that is not fair.

2007-10-25 03:37:12 · 3 answers · asked by philtoldyouso 2

There's a story in my newspaper today about a man who rolled in front of a semi truck, was hit and killed. His friends say he was suffering from depression and suicide was the likely motive.

I've always wondered if the person who is driving the vehicle that a suicidal person decides to leap in front of can be sued or held liable for any crimes -- like manslaughter, for example.

2007-10-25 03:31:26 · 6 answers · asked by Jeff 3

fedest.com, questions and answers