Very good question. I don't know the answer. I have seen it tear close family members apart. It is happening as we speak in my family between my sister, my brother and myself. I am the one saying not to let money get in the way. They are willing to let our relationship go down the toilet for a extra $4,000.00. So sad.
2007-10-25 07:51:19
answer #1
answered by Slipped Halo 5
Actually there could be many reasons. Of course we know that some people are greedy but sometimes it has to do with a principle interest and sometimes it is about revenge. The money isn't the problem. It is the obsession over it that is the problem!
2007-10-25 14:51:13
answer #2
answered by bonnieram1962 3
Money is POWER
MOney is GREED
Money buys STUFF
Money makes others JEALOUS
Money cause ENVY IN OTHERS
Money makes you look SUCCESSFUL
Money is the root to all EVIL
Money makes people fight and worse KILL
Money makes ugly people more ATTRACTIVE
Money can get you DATES
Need I say more..........Money does not buy you good health, respect, true love, inner joy and self respect
2007-10-25 14:51:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
People think money can solve all their problems, especially financial, i.e. bills, debt, etc. They think once these things are in good shape I am on top of the world. So they fight to get that power and prestige.
2007-10-25 14:49:15
answer #4
answered by SUCess84 3
well without money how would you do things... some have more than others... Not only that when it comes to the kids and the parent doesn't pay where are we suppose to do to feed the kids or clothes them..
2007-10-25 14:48:39
answer #5
answered by De 5
Because contrary to popular belief the root of all evil IS money, not the Devil's penis.
2007-10-25 14:59:07
answer #6
answered by grumpyoldman 7
only ppl that are broke fight over money and ppl with money just pay to see it
2007-10-25 14:47:57
answer #7
answered by J R 2
You always have problem's that require it. It isn't the money they fight abut its the problem's they get you ill and frustrated!
2007-10-25 14:49:45
answer #8
answered by Denise 3
The people who work for the money feel entitled to spend it how they please, so long as it does not harm anyone else.
The people who don't work for money feel entitled to it because??? They just do, and our government tell them they are right.
There's the line where the war is fought.
2007-10-25 14:49:02
answer #9
answered by Yahoo Answer Angel 6
As money is a measurement of power and mankind naturally craves power and once mankind power it is sadly natural to want more.
2007-10-25 14:47:55
answer #10
answered by Calum of Calderdale 3