... or did you just watch the news?
The guy was acquitted for a reason, and it was not race.
If you watched the trial you know evidence was planted.
You know...
Van Atter and Furhman lied, by their own testimony, from the very beginning.
they were followed to the crime scene carrying evidence collected at Simpson's home.
the famous socks were mysteriously missing from the numbered and ordered pictures taken on scene.
witnesses were intimidated.
ice cream Nicole was eating had not melted before the police arrived, an impossibility if Simpson did it.
the LA crime lab claimed human beings have a blood preservative in our blood.
blood samples miraculously appeared six weeks after the crime scene was washed, in places crime scene photos clearly show no blood.
If you did not watch the trial, you do not know this because the media simply failed to report these little details.
I doubt Simpson did what he was accused of, perhaps he did, but I KNOW police framed him.
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