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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

How old do you have to be to register guns in your name, buy, carry, the whole 9 yards... Thanks in advance! btw INDIANA

2007-08-29 06:55:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-29 06:49:56 · 5 answers · asked by computer_pc_doctor 2

investigation? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApVpZO8j1C5F9Y5yZYftE8rsy6IX?qid=20070829102830AA8QQ16

2007-08-29 06:47:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where are we headed? When our RIGHT to liberty and freedom is being threatened by our own government? Government enforced dress codes? Whats next? Where will it end?

We're AMERICA for crying out loud! Not Malaysia, not Iran, not communist China (all of which have enforced dress codes).

Not only that, but this law is clearly unconstitutional and we will only waste the valuable time of the Supreme Court in order to overturn it when it just should never have been implemented.

Who cares if you don't want to see boxer shorts. I don't want to see speedo's on the beach. Too bad. Don't look at it. We don't need laws to validate OPINIONS.






2007-08-29 06:44:47 · 16 answers · asked by slushpile reader 6

2007-08-29 06:40:19 · 4 answers · asked by yolanda g 1

I dont know if this is the best place to ask this, but its the closest I could find to a legal system.

Verizon has recently told me that if I cancel my home phone and keep only my internet service with them then they will no longer be able to send me a paper bill. Instead, I would have to set up a credit card only payment with them. NOT a debit card. But only a credit card.

Frankly this is absurd. I have recently gotten around this by ordering their Cable TV service. Oddly enough, NOW they can send me a paper bill again.

My question is...is this legal. And more importantly, how do they get around the CASH issue. It is my understanding that money issued by the Federal Govt is "Legal tender for all debts, public and private". So, is it legal for an American company to sell a service to an American living in America and to tell me that they wont accept Federal currency?

Thanks in advance.

I have a credit card by the way, I just dont like to use it. Esp not for Verizon.

2007-08-29 06:03:46 · 6 answers · asked by motokarma 2

How does it affect the trial and sentencing?

2007-08-29 05:53:13 · 16 answers · asked by futuretopgun101 5

i have to write an agrumentative essay abotu the crucible and i had to pretend to be a lawyer i have to defend or prosecute one of the characters and prove why that individual is either guilty or innocent of a crime.. i picked abbigal and now im trying to figure out the crime she has commited

2007-08-29 05:51:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i began working at a home health care agency and started off at a great salary. I brought in a degree that was unaccreditted but was not aware of this at the time. During my 2 month stay at this job, I realized why I was hired. My 4 yr experience and the fact that this company was being audited and frequently is for foulplay. However, when I refused to participate in the illegal acts my employer (which I have evidence) insisted upon, she threatened to turn me in for bringing in a degree that was not accreditted. I am basically the only white person in the office who was handling the paperwork and I helped her get through the audit by writing false reports. Once she was free of the audit, she threw me out into the feild and reduced my pay and gave me a client who lived one hour away from me in hopes that I would quit. She called Me a white snitch and swore she should have never hired me in the begin. Now I have to pay to work there and she is making it very hard. Any laws agnst?

2007-08-29 05:47:16 · 7 answers · asked by precious girl 1

My friend has a 5 year old that is entering school soon. She was never married to the father, and the child lives with her, etc. She wants to tell the school not to allow any info to be sent to the father, and everything school related to be sent through her. My question is, does she have a legal right to do that? as far as i know he pays child support, something that was agreed by them. I guess he is not around or something. Just wondering!

I was raised by a single father, and i think that fathers need more rights! (deserving ones that is)

2007-08-29 05:44:23 · 8 answers · asked by MakeAmyUp! 4

My son's last name was changed to my husband's over the summer. About 2 wks before school started I gave them the court order and his ss card w/his new name. But now school has begun and they are still using his old last name.
My question is, approximately how long should it take for the school records to reflect his new name? I had to fill out forms for him from school and I put his new name and he said the school was not too happy about that. But I certainly wasn't going to write his name as it used to be. Legally and actually, his name has changed, right? What exactly takes so long to change it on his records? It has been about 3 weeks now since Igave them the necessary paperwork.

2007-08-29 05:36:10 · 4 answers · asked by sm17 3

My 19 year old son decided to go camping with a few of his buddies 2 weekends ago and the other guy bought a caseof beer. Another camper somehow backed into the guys car and did damage, so the cop came and saw the stupid kids with a case of beer. But no breathalizer tests were done. Just got the fine in mail over $200.00 Even thought my son left the house late, and just got there ( hard to find camp spot in dark) he was there when the cop showed up. Any chance he could win? I heard alot of kids go there and never get caught, and I know he doesn't like beer, but of course wanted to Sat night. with his buddies. He never camped out with the guys before. Not that I'm condoning all this but he sure has bad luck. A few weeks ago some lady found something on the parking lot surface and blamed it on my son since his car was parked there and he just pulled in and no proof where it came from since the shop was crowed with cars. I think she saw he is a teenager and he did it

2007-08-29 05:35:41 · 16 answers · asked by koalabay52 3

many employers don't realize about felons is that: 1) they are bondable by the government which means if they commit a crime against your company, you get paid an insurance policy; and 2) you receive $2400 in work credits to employ a felon. You get 10 felons working for you, GRATEFULLY, and you bring in tax credits of $24,000 to your business.

How true is this information and where could I find it set in stone?

2007-08-29 05:35:25 · 2 answers · asked by Bo B 2

It happened in broad daylight on their grounds, and now I am finding out that there might not have been a security guard around that day. If anybody knows what I should do or if there is any one who is possibly a lawyer reading this what are my rights???

2007-08-29 05:29:53 · 10 answers · asked by ilovemylittlepony83 1

.. are they serious, this is the silliest new law ever! this is defiantly a violation of our constitutional rights. Im 28 and dont sagg my pants anymore but i remember the days when i used to. when i was in 6th and 7th grade was when the whole baggy pants thing started. Now they are trying to ban this!lol. IM sorry but banning baggy pants are not gonna stop the violence. who aggrees with me or disagrees?

2007-08-29 05:28:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a midwife that we owed money to call my family and explain that we owed them money? Is this a violation of some federal law????

2007-08-29 05:26:21 · 3 answers · asked by abbysdaddy1005 1

Asking this person is not an option.

2007-08-29 05:23:13 · 4 answers · asked by amyestabrooks@sbcglobal.net 2

Instead of having to have the person buried in a cemetary, is it okay to have them in your backyard? Why wouldn't it be? It's your property, right? I really want to know!

2007-08-29 05:15:15 · 14 answers · asked by Kira 3

When did the government change it to become legal? I thought it was legal during the Clinton administration until Bush took over and change it back to illegal.

2007-08-29 05:03:05 · 15 answers · asked by somjzmine 1

I'm from California, my boyfriend works around the Sacramento area, I'm concerned about his work, latley it's been making him really depressed and I don't think it's legal for him to work soo much hours, he's only 19... his daily schedule has gone worse in this past month, he works from 5:30 am to 6 Pm and again that night at 8:30 pm to 3 Am, then goes back to work from 5:30 am and continues the schedule.
He's on salary for $1,800 a month, but I don't think that's legal it's wayy to much work for anyone, regardless of age. I have a funny feeling his boss just put him on salary so he can work extended hours with no overtime and just have the same limited amount of money. is it legal?

2007-08-29 04:59:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what does an executor do? how to appoint him or remove him? what else do you know about executor other than that?

how bout administrator? how to appoint him or remove him? what does he do? anything you guys know about him?

it is something to do with probate, but I don't quite get it.
any1 can help me?

2007-08-29 04:57:30 · 2 answers · asked by Yvonne 4

_____party candicates rarely win elections but they can effect an election's outcome and influence government and social policy?

b)democratic republican
c)bull moose

what is the generally accepted name for an interest group representative?
a)an elected official
b)a lobbyist
c)an interest group representative
d)a filibusterer

the_____ technique means convincing the public to vote for an idea or condicat because victory is already certain?

a) bandwagon

2007-08-29 04:53:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a eighteen year old college student, 2 months before school i purchased a used car from my dads friend. i used it for about two months and bought basically everythin for it than my dad took it away from me but im not stayin with my family anymore but they still have my car. and now he has basically takin all my stuff off the car that i had in there and has been driving it since i aint there. so if i paid cash for the car but the title is in no ones name do i have legal rights to take the car away from my father? and if i dont than what can i do to get my car back?

2007-08-29 04:47:42 · 5 answers · asked by emokidcrys495 1

Yeah so its the end of the month and so the police in my city are out in droves. No one in the city likes them so their budget keeps getting cut, but they'd rather write more tickets than fire anyone.

I got pulled over last night and he didn't really have anything on me so long story short, I've been charged with a CRIMINAL offense of having two valid driver's licenses. Both are of me, identical info etc, so its obviously not related to any sort of ID fraud of ill intent. How is it justified that carrying two IDs is a criminal offense?

How do I best argue this case in court?

2007-08-29 04:47:36 · 4 answers · asked by freedom first 5

We have had 41 overnnights in the last 3 months when we should have only had 16, we have the kids every other week most of the time for the entire week,even school nights and we dont live in the same town. I dont think it is fair we have to pay support for the weeks that we have the kids all week and she has no expense. We have tried to get her to let us have custody of them and she wont but I dont think she really wants them, and we dont have 10K to go thru a huge custody battle either. What can we do?

2007-08-29 04:39:21 · 8 answers · asked by JESSICA A 1

checking it for republican senators?

2007-08-29 04:31:19 · 12 answers · asked by The Twist 3

I live in KY and we let two acquaintances stay with us for a while. Originally it was supposed to be three or four weeks, and they wanted to set up a tent in the backyard. But they quickly took over the garage. They don't pay any rent, nor utilities, are there any specific laws about making them leave?

2007-08-29 04:08:55 · 10 answers · asked by sticky nikki 3

Recently both an illegal bringing a child to this country, where they can't get passed his school or work because they are illegal, and having same sex parents have been called child abuse. Which one is worse?

2007-08-29 03:45:26 · 6 answers · asked by blktan23 3

does the state have to provided someone to be of counsel if they are beign called in to court.
they went to court yesterday and they asked them how do u plead i called my GF which is the mother of the child and i told them to say not guilty they are beign accused of breaking a school cammera and trespassing now on the trespassing yes they are guilty but in breaking the camerra which they said they were not the only ones in the school at the time,yet the school sayd they have them on tape yet in court they did not provided with that evidence can someone tell me what is going on and what can i do.

2007-08-29 03:37:59 · 6 answers · asked by jojo j 1

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