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Law & Ethics - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

And why was a war started before the investigation was completed?

Is due process of the law is a person guilty until proven innocent or innocent until proven gulity?

2007-03-02 11:06:04 · 6 answers · asked by andy r 3

I work in a pretty high profile government job ( my dream job for right now) for an extremely political and semi corrupt government. The government entity is trying to move away from that reputation. I consider myself extremely moral and fair. I go out of my way to treat everyone the same and I go by the book. The past few weeks some of the higher-ups have come to me and asked my to let certain situations slide, or to let their "friends" get away with certain things. I have told the bosses that I won't -- I will walk away from this job before I sacrifice my ethics. That is how I sleep at night- I am a good person and I do the right thing. Some people have suggested I should pick my battles and let these things go. Many of the others at my level in this government do just that, but the thought of getting sucked into the corruption makes me ill. However, the bosses could make my life a living hell. Am I doing the right thing or being overly "righteous"? Thanks!

2007-03-02 11:05:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whats the best way of getting someone communicating truthfully with you?How can you get someone to tell the truth, and know its the truth they are telling?

2007-03-02 10:54:05 · 20 answers · asked by THKE 1


Whats a combat MOS in either the Army or Marines that isnt just plain Infantry, something w/ a higher knowledge requirment; but stills a ground pounder?

2007-03-02 10:51:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I worked with a co. that closed its office. They had burned many bridges, ect, ect....and gave employees their offices to take home(computer, office supplies). And it is a real estate co. so it includes "sensitive paperwork" as they called it.
They told me, good luck if you can make something outta this. As far as we heard everything was getting repo'd or something. The boss even took me down to where he was "hiding" his stuff, from the irs and the labor board, to give me a desk and chair also. he said "good luck". "take care".

it didnt work out, working from home, i was threatened twice by customers becasue of the position he put me in, and he stole money from ups letter on my desk that was supposed to come to me, and he cashed it but told me that he doesnt know where it went! the customer has the proof that he cashed it under one of his alias business names. SO i told them so and now they want "thier" stuff back. The stuff that they GAVE to me. They have called and left me snotty messages. one came to my house whuile i was gone and left some note about how i havr to return it to them or they will file a police report, and report me to the appropriate federal branch or something, for holding sensitive material.
i know before they closed the office, some girl came around and had us ALL fill out new w2 stuff and she told me to date it dec 1 2006 even though this was towards the end of january. it had a new business name. i dated it current and she brought me a new one to fill out. these people use all types of business names. the notice brought by my house, unnoterized, unsigned has one name they used. and the new w2 stuff had a different name on it. i didnt sign w2 under this name they are using to request thier stuff. i mention this becasue thier was some clause about having to return all office stuff under the OTHER name.
my husband and my new boss say not to worry about it since this notice came unnoterized and unsigned. And that i should not talk to them or respond to their harrasment.
what am i looking at? Can i get in trouble? i dont have a problem returning sensitive material, ie, all the files i have. possesion is 9/10s of the law. and they freakin gave the other stuff to me! Indiangivers.

2007-03-02 10:51:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got a job interview with a huge Boston law firm to be a summer intern, although they have never hired college students before. Do you think they might ask me to work for them for free? They have invited me to an interview, and they said the word internship... Do you think big firms that have lots of money will be able to pay me, or do you think they might try to get me to work for them for the summer for no pay?

2007-03-02 10:51:06 · 5 answers · asked by reba 1

ok. I have a ADHD. And she wants to claim like have ownership on me still till I am 23 or so. How can I prevent that from happening? She thinks I can not make choices on my own and I make stupid ones or not wise ones. But, I know what I am doing. She does not on the other hand. We are having boyfriend issues she doesnt like the guy I want to spend forever with at all. I have that feeling that in "love" feeling you cant explain well, I have that with him. And my mom can not see that at all. So for that she also wants to claim me longer then just 18. So, What can I do for that to not go through? Any Lawyers that can tell me more please do so.


2007-03-02 10:43:02 · 20 answers · asked by jsmb124 1

I agree that i wont get my money back I do think I was scamed
but i think that ebay should make it more difficult for those who
contact people to scam them. Good people like to buy on ebay
hoping to get a bargin and when they lose a bid they go on to
the next but who is out there make things right when people
say they have an item for sale and do go thru ebays square
deal represenative and still get scamed. These are the problems
with ebay . More and more people are getting scammed every day
and yet even thou it gets reported in the news no aqction can be
done about it .No legal action or any thing people lose literally
thousands of dollars and yet nothing can be done it makes it
bad for buyers for the deiscent sellers and for ebay its self.
This is a consumer problem and a crooks
delite and that is why ebay stock keeps going down and will
continue to plumment if things are done to rectify this problem
people do need to react .

2007-03-02 10:31:42 · 4 answers · asked by nighthawk 1

I am not a poligamist, nor could I ever live that lifestyle. However, I think that it should be legalized, and here's why:

-What goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is none of the government's (or the neighbors') business. I bet we all do things that our neighbors and/or certain members of the government would find wrong.

-Ever watch Big Love? Yeah, I know it's fiction, but art often follows life. The main characters are all consenting adults, and they do not seem to be hurting anyone with their unconventional lifestyle. However, they KNOW that Roman, the 'prophet' is "marrying" little girls, and so are many of his cronies. Yet, they are not able to do anything about it without exposing themselves.

-Poligamy should be legalized so it can be regulated. One example: Since men with multiple wives are only legally married to one, the other wives are free to go on welfare, and they are bilking the government of millions of dollars.

What do you think?

2007-03-02 10:26:36 · 7 answers · asked by mloraine76 2

I have been brutally "terrorized" by a collection agency handling my student loans. To be quite honest with you, I just found out about it being in outstanding default only a few days ago. I am PAYING them money and yet I"m being treated unfairly. I screwed up a few years ago, got pregnant, dropped out of school for a while and then the loans defaulted. SO, it's all my fault. I understand that and I"m taking the heat for it. I've heard that you can write a letter and send it to them to fire them and they have to send your balance back to the original creditor. Is this correct? What is legal and what is not in regards to this idea? Please seriousness is all I ask.

2007-03-02 10:17:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

as they would for an attorney if a client confesses to the crime they are charged with? if the crime was confessed to the paralegal and not the attorney would the lawyer still have the duity to profess this to the court? also what if the client asked the paralegal not to tell the attorney of there confession?

2007-03-02 10:11:29 · 6 answers · asked by christine 3

I have a Felony warrent ( eluding on a motorcycle), and I have a job offer in germany can I leave the country?

2007-03-02 10:07:39 · 6 answers · asked by bluebullet394 2

2007-03-02 09:46:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I had a myspace.
Yesterday,Me and about 8 others were called to our school office to meet with the principle.
She was very,very upset the most anyone has ever seen and was crying and screaming at us.
She had found all of our myspace's in a group called the "I hate...(and our math teacher's name)"
She had printed all of our myspace pages out for proof and had them on her computor at the time.
We are all supspened from the school computors and the school is supposedly getting the computor lab computors checked.
All the computors are unplugged as well.
We had to apologize the the teacher and she cried.
None of us know what is going to happen but our computor teacher and principle told us we could be sued for slander.
There was never a topic or feedback in the group so we never bashed her or anything.
Could we all seriosuley be sued and what do you think might happen?
k.thanx.=] hayley1125@yahoo.com

2007-03-02 09:39:19 · 16 answers · asked by PolishChikka 1

Can somebody find the IRS statute that says you have to pay federal income taxes. The 16 admendment was never ratified. RESEARCH YOUR ANSWER WILL BE SURPRISED.

2007-03-02 09:39:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000

troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 32 months, and a

total of 2,912 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 55 per 100,000


The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per

100,000 for the same period. That means that you are about 25% more

likely to be shot and killed in the

U.S. Capitol, which has the strictest gun

control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington D.C.

ahhh politics.. pull out of iraq that will lead to prolonged suffering and extreamist and ignore greater death in our streets.. gotta love Democrats and the socilist state.

2007-03-02 09:38:38 · 14 answers · asked by uughh 2

2007-03-02 09:25:42 · 14 answers · asked by healing wings 5

2007-03-02 09:25:04 · 3 answers · asked by tommyslittlegoose 1

On the form "Authorization for Deed Preparation", whose name goes in the section 'The new vesting shall be:'? The grantor's or the grantee's?

Thank you!

2007-03-02 09:19:40 · 2 answers · asked by Bobbie 4

I have been watching in Indiana all these restaurants that have poor cleanliness ratings, I think it needs to be a law that the workers must wear latex gloves to prepare food. (to prevent disease).

2007-03-02 09:07:16 · 5 answers · asked by JBWPLGCSE 5

My boyfriend that I do everything for yelled at me today for taking weed out of this coat,that was my coat that I gave him. I was taking my kids to school and I could not find my new coat so I just put on his coat--you would think no big deal -right well I found weed in the coat. I took it out because of driving in the car-right. Well he is selling weed at his job and the guy who is buying it showed up to get-no weed in pocket right, so my boyfriend calls me on the phone and asks where is the weed? I said I took it out and put it on the computer desk--I told him I didn't know-sorry, He was very mean to me and said -DO NOT TOUCH MY STUFF ANY MORE AND I MEAN IT! I always wash his clothes-pick up after him and etc. He made me cry over weed. I do not understand we have been to together for 6 years. Why he talked to me that way.

2007-03-02 09:05:21 · 20 answers · asked by church k 1

I understand the history of lobbying which seems to be the answer that im always giving, but how do you do it. Do you go to someone and offer them money for their campaign if they do something you want, and if thats the case how to you lobby congress, cause there kind of set arnt they

2007-03-02 09:01:08 · 11 answers · asked by Rock Star 3

There weren't enough jurors to choose from so I asked for my traffic ticket case to be either dismissed or mis-trialed. The Asst. DA said no way and said it wasn't her fault that not all the jurors showed up for the trial and that if I didn't like the ones there was, I could go out and find my own.

2007-03-02 08:51:14 · 6 answers · asked by Randy L 1


2007-03-02 08:44:42 · 3 answers · asked by suitecoffee4us 2

If i was say 17 how old of a person could i be with? and where can i find info to support it?

2007-03-02 08:42:27 · 5 answers · asked by "BigDogg" 1

I mean finally, the Mint is actually following the constitution and not infringing on our rights.

And if you think my post is anti-God, against God, or anything of that matter, you're wrong. It's about following what our Founding Fathers laid out.

2007-03-02 08:39:23 · 29 answers · asked by OwNaGeR 3

i have seen a family torn apart because of my own jealous ways. if i call the da and tell him to drop the case will he. there is no evidence just a statment that was made. can i call the officer. i did not mean for things to get out of hand like this. can i call his lawyer , can i call the court. what can i do to end this and send him back home to his family

2007-03-02 08:34:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know a couple who had a 14 year old daughter who was a delinquent. They didn't know what else to do, so they took her to cps and voluntarily placed her as a delinquent, in hopes to help the child.Cps made them pay child support while the child stayed in couseling and other treatments.The child started improving and wanted to come back home. The parents were made to pay a fee to keep the child in place there. When the mother lost her job due to no fault of her own, they could not make the payments and asked the social worker to lower the payement, the social worker refused and said that if they did not pay it, she would reverse the child status as voluntary and charge the parents with neglect for failing to provide help for the child. The child died while in a group home. The workers found her unconsciuos and she never regained conscious. She had a bruise on her head, and the workers say she may have fell and hit her head. We think someone may have did it. She was not suicidal? Help?

2007-03-02 08:31:22 · 8 answers · asked by Nyema 3

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