I was driving my roommates car with my cousin and got pulled over. My licence was expired, the plates were expired, the insurance had lapsed, and the licence plate light was burned out. The officer took my licence and didn't give it back, didn't give me a warning or a ticket, informed my cousin he had a warrent and didn't arrest him and told me to go home. The next day, three detectives show up at my door and say I was involved in a burgurlary and they "found" my licence at the scene of the crime. They accused me for awhile until I said they would have to speak with my attorney and I wanted them to leave my house. The next day I was at work they went back to my house and my roommate let them in. They searched my room which was locked without my permission and found nothing but had no warrent to do so in the first place. My roommates dad is the owner of the property and gave them permission to search the house, but I have a lease contract with him and had paid my rent. What should I do?
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