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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

One only has to check out Bush's record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush's executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate's strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber's "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.

Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me."

2007-02-10 18:13:55 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-10 18:02:47 · 13 answers · asked by l u m i n o u s 2

My ex-wife filed Assault and Battery charges against my long term live in GF for alleged assault against our daughter for pulling her shirt. Which is stupid. My daughter just like most other children you have to tell her to do something 100 times before she will listen. Well my GF has nurtured and cared for my children from a past relationship for as long as we been together. She has never physically disciplined my children in any way. My 6 year old was no paying attention to something my GF was telling her to do so my GF has grabbed her by her sleeve in a (listen can I have you attention?) kind of way. My ex-wife found out what happened and a simple attention getter turned into this crazy assault and battery charge which was not the case. My ex wife coached our 6 year old daughter took her to the police precinct to give a statement then was a lot different then when I ask her what happened. My GF has never been in trouble. She has a lawyer. What are the chances she will go to jail?

2007-02-10 17:41:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many youngsters show up on passion's cams. They are mostly Phillipino, And passion.com gives its nod to this?

2007-02-10 17:35:37 · 2 answers · asked by Nebraska Connection 1

A CPA from the state of California falsely threatened me with a lawsuit in order to keep me from doing business with his partner in a musical duo.

2007-02-10 17:35:20 · 4 answers · asked by Lisaclarke S 1

In the middle of a bitter custody dispute and my child's counselor is advising my child's other parent to act against court orders. We have joint legal custody so all medical decisions are made by both parents. I signed a consent form for her to treat my child when we signed him up, but now that I know she is not professional, how do I revoke my consent?

2007-02-10 17:30:36 · 4 answers · asked by aouija 3

My daughter was murdered by her best friends 16 y/o brother, shot in the face with a sawed-off shotgun. And he only got a 6 yr. sentence they plea bargained.

2007-02-10 17:24:30 · 3 answers · asked by angeleyes09389 1

I just don't understand it!

2007-02-10 17:12:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-10 17:03:21 · 5 answers · asked by Porcel18 1

If so, was it painful?

If not, then why do some people have such negative opinions about them?

2007-02-10 16:53:03 · 33 answers · asked by Sir Alex Awesome Valentine, Esq. 3

In most states, an ALLEGATION of "violence" (which has a very broad definition now) is enough to require the police to make an arrest. Evidence or not. If I move in with a woman, I am empowering her to have me sent to jail at the drop of a hat, based on hearsay. Isn't there something in the constitution about due process? Mutual arrest is also frowned upon by feminists, who have enacted policies for police to arrest only the primary aggressor, defined emphatically NOT as the instigator, or the less injured, but as the more "physically threatening" (read-male).

Okay, okay, enough of my rant. My actual question is (for all you law people out there): has this been challanged on constitutional grounds (due process clause of the 5th and 14th amendments) and if not, why not? What do you think the result would be?

2007-02-10 16:50:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have been inondated by problems of global warming and fuel shortages and yet when I submit some posiable solutions no one seems to care! Just like I told my boss about all the waste generated by the bread companys and that someone should collect this waste and produce ethanol out of it and he just looked down on me like I didnt know what I was talking about! I recentley submited an Idea I have had for some time and have been testing about running a jet engine on corn flour to General electric and got the responce "you submited your idea to the wrong place". All they would have had to do was to redevert my email with a couple of clicks so this told me it fell on deaf ears. So what I want to know is are we really looking for answers or just blowing smoke! Oh and by the way don't give me your cheep uninformed answers from the nut gallery please!

2007-02-10 16:47:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

....happened to you?

2007-02-10 16:46:30 · 7 answers · asked by Sir Alex Awesome Valentine, Esq. 3

allowed to go home (perhaps on a tether) to end their lives with their family? (assuming only a month or two left, as in advanced cancer)


2007-02-10 16:40:50 · 10 answers · asked by Lost in Erehwon 4

She is 14, almost 15 and I am 16. We live in Virginia. would it be illegal for us to have sex, or is this area a matter of judgment call?

2007-02-10 16:30:14 · 13 answers · asked by andy 2

(except india)

2007-02-10 16:22:43 · 5 answers · asked by kehsihba 2

I read a study that said if people were allowed to carry arms, it decreased violence. It seems to be true because most people who carry guns and hurt/kill people, probably arn't even supposed to have that gun. And since in most places its illegal to carry arms, they would still probably do it, even if it was illegal. It also said in this study that the muggers, rapists, robbers, who carried these illegal guns, would more likely not want to attack in fear that the victim might be carrying a gun.. I would like to know your opinion on this..

2007-02-10 16:12:15 · 15 answers · asked by love_alw_693 3

Hi, I am a foreign student who arrived in MI for 5 month, so I do not know exactly what I should I do after I get a ticket.

It was snowing when it happened. Someone hit the rightside of my car when I was turning left. I turned the left signal on and watched for the distance but she still hit me.... when the police was coming, I just told him my car was hit and no more details, I thought the person who hit me will get the ticket, not me. But when the police turn back after talking to her seperately, he gave me this ticket. I was really surprised. I tried to explain but he told me I can go to the court to tell them the story...

The Citation shows

Type: C/I
Descripion: yield left turn
Charge No. : A

Traffic Crash, Damage to Property
Hearing Date(if applicable) on :within 10 days (this option box is not checked, but he writes down the 10 days and check the box of contact court)

May I ask should I pay for this ticket? if yes,how much? is it good for me to go to court?

2007-02-10 15:47:03 · 7 answers · asked by Chen Z 1

Our state and federal government is spending Millions of tax dollars fighting a war on drugs that includes Marijuana, yet our streets are still full of it. The drug trafficers are getting rich and millions of people are having their lives ruined for something that is not really causing any harm that I can see. Would it not be better to let the Marijuana user have the right to grow a few plants for their own use. Still keep it illegal to transport, sell or trade if the Goverment so wanted. But allow the user the right to have posession in their own home for personal use in their home confined to their property. Would this not take a big chunk of money out of the foreign traffickers, would it also not free up a lot of prison space and tax dollars? Would it also not free up a lot of man power and more tax dollars to go after the harder more harmful adictive drugs? I think it is time for a change. Let the smokers grow their own. and focus on more important things. What do you think?

2007-02-10 15:45:14 · 10 answers · asked by Drifter 2

I was driving down a long island highway here in ny, and i was just crusing down the road listening to music, not really any cars around me and i didnt realize how fast i going..The cop saw me and pulled me over. I didnt try what so ever to get out of it, i accepted it and understood why i was being pulled over. The only thing that got to me was that i was giving a ticket for failing to change lanes without a blinker which i always do because it even annoys me when people dont do it. I didnt complain that cuz i wanted to be respectful and just figured id talk it out in court..I have a court date for next month and i believe now i have 8 points for the ticket and 2 or 3 for the blinker which equals 11.Which probably means suspended license..I had one other violation about 2 years ago by making a U-TURN on a street i didnt realize i wasnt allowed to..I plan on pleady guilty and being upfront with the judge. Should i get a traffic lawyer to try to reduce the Fine n point ill be recieving

2007-02-10 15:40:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think it is 17 but i am not sure and i really want to know

2007-02-10 15:34:55 · 4 answers · asked by jennifer d 1

What is the penalty for driving without a license in Massachusetts. Not driving on a suspended license, just driving with no license period.

2007-02-10 15:30:49 · 4 answers · asked by jt114881 3

for EXAMPLE if i get pregnant & the doc says there is over 98%chance that my baby and me will DIE due to health complications,
& my doc gives me option for abortion - why would it be your business? (and NO im NOT referring to abortion for birth control, im referring to a life/death situation)
who are YOU to judge me and my life&look through my medical records? would you want ME or any other stranger to look through YOUR medical records and dictate what you should or shouldnt in this time of MEDICAL crisis. Abortion is a MEDICAL ISSUE.
don't you think i as a person am capable enough to make my own decisions regarding this matter?
abortion is a medical issue between ME & my doctor. who are you to take away my choice? who are you to look through my medical records? my reason for abortion would be none of your business, cause it would entitle you to look through my medical records. do you want me or strangers looking thru records and deciding what procedures to have on you

2007-02-10 15:29:08 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a truck driver and i got into an accident while driving my boss's truck. And now my boss is making me pay for the damages done to the other person's car. He has taken $ 3,000 out of my checks. i believe that his insurence paid the other person for the damages done to her car and that my boss just wants the $3,000 to him self. how do i get my money back? what am i supposed to do? where do u go?

2007-02-10 15:22:21 · 7 answers · asked by crazylilangel_91 2

seriosly if a 18 year olds willing to go and possibly die for there country why are there laws against them being able to go to a bar and get a beer. im about to enlist in the marine corps and ill be doin an extreemly dangerous duty for my country but i wont be ablet to drink cause i am not of age in my oppionion that is bull $hit

2007-02-10 15:18:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


Are you responsable for a crim if your friend dose it?

2007-02-10 15:09:25 · 10 answers · asked by v-girl 1

"suppose an act... be prohibited by thr sovereign under the penalty of death: if I commit this act, and i object to the sentence, that is contrary to the law (or contrary to the moral law)... the court will demonstrate the inconclusiveness of my reasoning, by hanging me up" (Mark Murphy Philosophy of law, page 19-21

what does this really mean?

2007-02-10 15:04:18 · 1 answers · asked by Meece 1

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