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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Where can I find a legal document that states that online? Please reply anybody. I need help! Thank you.

2007-01-14 07:41:33 · 13 answers · asked by smashingko 2

is a post mortem still required by this country even if it is not in the country the person passed away in? a friend of a friend's mother died suddenly on holiday in egypt. She is despirately sad and wants to know exactly what her mother died of but no post mortem was done. it is too late now as they have cremated her but i feel i want to help at least with this question. it may help her move on.

2007-01-14 07:14:37 · 5 answers · asked by Lily 2

within a 2 month period i got 2 dui's my lawyer said they will probably combine it as one being its my first offense. what are some consequences

2007-01-14 07:10:30 · 8 answers · asked by hffmnshnnn 1

2007-01-14 07:02:51 · 2 answers · asked by orca5@verizon.net 1

I have two family members who are in the court process,and might be conviceted in a foreign jail, One of them has health problems.What can i do at this present time to lessen the sentence or/and if they get convicted what steps can i take for them to get deported without serving their full sentence first

2007-01-14 07:00:47 · 2 answers · asked by khalafadi 1


Ok here is the prob. last nigth i got like 4 calls from this girl and her friend and they kept calling saying that they know me etc. I told them to stop calling and then they threatened me by saying "call the cops i still know where you live" I tried the *69 and that did not work. So now what do I do? How do I find out who that was.

2007-01-14 07:00:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got charged with dui twice within a 2 month period. what are the consequences if they are combined as one for it being my first offense?

2007-01-14 06:53:27 · 14 answers · asked by hffmnshnnn 1

2007-01-14 06:44:40 · 10 answers · asked by orca5@verizon.net 1

the question might sound weird but what i'm trying to say is that there are documents that are printed out on security type paper that says "VOID" all over when photocopied. is there any chance the person can know if the document is photocopied by looking at the original paper?

2007-01-14 06:39:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A warrent was issued for me some time ago. This was my first dealing with the leagal system so i was scared and took a plea agreement. After the fact and looking thru my paperwork i see that the information the sherrif's department gave the court was inaccurate. To be precice they stated that i admitted to certain things. there are digital recordings of the conversation i have access too, i never admited to the acts and was not made aware that the conversation was recorded or read my rights, the conversatin was over the phone. would i be able to appeal or expunge charges based on this?

2007-01-14 06:35:20 · 12 answers · asked by TimmornS 1

I then asked, what about having a bunch of friends comming to your house and playing poker for money, they said that was probably illegal too. If it is illegal, how would something like that be enforced.

2007-01-14 06:34:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How is it that the Dems crucified Mark Foley for sending disquesting e-mails to a minor and SANDY BERGER was given a pass for stealing and destroying national security documents.

I sure would like to know what the Clinton Administration was attempting to hide in this traitorous act. But I guess probation, a $50,000 fine and losing his National Clearance for THREE YEARS is not essential to investigating something that could endanger us all.

To ever give him national security again is the most appalling thing I can imagine.

2007-01-14 06:33:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone sue you for more than he paid for his car..No insurance is involved. My brother was in an accident and was willing to pay the total amount the person bought the car for..$800.00 which was a deal. The car is worth approx. $2500.00, according to Kelly Blue Book. Again, can a person sue for more than they paid for the vehicle??

2007-01-14 06:29:32 · 5 answers · asked by Sandra S. 7

2007-01-14 06:20:26 · 3 answers · asked by ramo 2

2007-01-14 06:00:40 · 5 answers · asked by naes2010 s 1

Through the years IBM tells employees part of their pay is the security, and people work for many decades for them. In recent years IBM decided the old retirement plan they committed to is too expensive and now targets older workers. Even if a worker is deemed the hardest worker in an area can be laid off a year or two before they can hit 30 years and get lifetime medical... if they get laid off at 28 years, as is the case the last years, they can have to pay something like an additional mortgage to get equivalent medical coverage. Is it legal or is it ethical of Sam Palmisano the CEO to allow age discrimination life this? Is it theft of benefits? or is it shrewd and astute business and the way life on the streets works?

2007-01-14 05:46:30 · 4 answers · asked by bluetruthtech 1

I am about to start up a company and am considering whether or not to apply / pay for a trademark. Is there anyone out there with some experience / advice in this area? Much appreciated.

2007-01-14 05:41:38 · 4 answers · asked by manjazz77 1

I have been paying child support for about 6yrs through wage garnishment and i do not know where my children are and have tried to search for them but have not been successful their father was military and went to england and then back to the states and still i dont know how to locate them i cant hire a private eye i dont have the money . I have not had any say in their life since the divorce or any say about medical or anything I guess my thing is at this time is that not having any say in their life now or ever i would like to give up parental rights because it is a financial burden on me to pay child support i live alone and pay my own bills including garnishment for a student loan I have had some medical issues and cannot work as much as i use to because of the stress . How do you suggest I go about giving up parental rights and please dont say i have to get my ex to sign off on it i dont knw where he is and dont have the money to find him . Please help im struggling here

2007-01-14 05:39:48 · 6 answers · asked by babybondgrl4u 1

My husband and I seperated in November. He now wants me out of his house, but I know that I am entitled to half. He is refusing to sell.
What are my rights?
I have suggested that he get a second mortgage, to take my own name off, and receive the monies back that I have invested in the house, repairs and renovations. He doesn't want to do that, as he is afraid it will wreck his credit score.
So, I asked him to pay me the half the difference between what we owe on the house, and the house's value.
Are there any other options out there for us? I dont' care all about the money, more the moral of the whole thing. I'm not walking away with nothing. Thanks.

2007-01-14 05:26:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is going through a divorce and he requested larger print from his wifes attorney. She refused saying there was nothing she could do to change the documents to accommodate his limited eyesite. With the Americans Disability Act, doesn't she have to accommodate him? Is this something he could challenge?

2007-01-14 05:20:33 · 3 answers · asked by nutnut1957 3

My professor said to use the www because I don't have my book yet can anyone help please

2007-01-14 05:13:25 · 5 answers · asked by hellyea633 2

why or why not.

2007-01-14 05:02:14 · 14 answers · asked by Cloud Nine--Sez YAHH 2 tha hatas 4

My ex g/f has been stalking me and bothering me by calling my phone and my new g/f's phone and I've had enough. Legal action needs to be taken.

2007-01-14 04:45:49 · 3 answers · asked by Greg S 3

2007-01-14 04:24:19 · 4 answers · asked by tweetygirl4today 1

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