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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

i.e 1) what about 16 year olds who are competent to make decisions and must abide by laws...but are excluded from participating.
2) Also, the insane and criminals are excluded from voting, thus this seems to make inclusion contingent on qualifying to participate, is this democratic?
3) In Athens, 'citizens' were allowed participatre...but citizens were only one fifth of the population! I I argue against the question asked. Do you agree?

2006-12-18 19:58:14 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a court hearing in the High Court of Australia, for a special leave hearing to appeal against the wrongful conviction which grieved me. I prepared my written speech for the hearing in the limited 20 minutes argument time. I was self represeted to criticise judicial bias leading the injustce, the errors of law and wrongful conviction in my written oral submission. However, the High Court used tricky tactics prevented me to read my written submission to the High Court putting my submission to the Court and the public fully. Then, unethically stopped me citing the doctrine of the precedent about what I wanted to say about the errors of law. Also the High Court in a attemt to stop me saying more criticism by failing to comply with rule of the High ourt using the double standard of law against me to deprive further 5 minutes argument time off me that I entitled. Finally, the High Court, substantially altered and concealed many key words relating these issues.

2006-12-18 19:55:20 · 4 answers · asked by robert 1

Can you have a solicitor or other person present in employment dispute meetings at work during the grievance process who are not members of the union or employees of the company.

2006-12-18 19:47:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 18, and I want to hold a gun for my protection, property and safety. I want to know the rules and regulations of a gun permit. And information of how to get one, espicially pertaining to a concealed hand gun.

2006-12-18 19:32:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's say there is a person in this world that is named "Homer". Homer has been diagnosed with a fatal disease. He has 9 months to live, and he is suffering great pain. As Homer approaches his natural death, the pain increases exponentially. Hommer can't stand the pain, he want's to die.

If Homer was the family's pet dog, he would be put down. It would be considered the humane thing to do. So, why not with people?

2006-12-18 19:24:37 · 14 answers · asked by blue_fenetre 2

I have heard that it is legal to counterfit coin like pennies and nickle because it cost more to make them than they are worth is this true. And if so what coins and where is it stated.

2006-12-18 19:20:18 · 8 answers · asked by julio f 1

price gouging, cost is up pay is down, suckers, how much does it cost to make a product, virses what we pay for the product. tired of being taken advantage of???

2006-12-18 18:59:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look how he responds to a reporter in this short clip? He can't even put a sentence together?! Seriously people, I know I can spot a liar when I see one, can you?


2006-12-18 18:51:41 · 5 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

if you sit in you'r home & some one come to u with gun and ask you to leave because he was her befor 3.000 year what do u do ?

2006-12-18 18:31:08 · 7 answers · asked by wael_designing 1

My ex husband and I have joint custody of out 13 yr. old daughter. She's now deciding that she doesn't want to go for his full visitations, which are 5 days every other week. Can he sue me for contempt of court if I break visitation in the divorce papers and don't make her go? I live in Tennessee by the way. A lawyer told me 12 yrs. ago this could happen, but she's now 13.

2006-12-18 18:25:38 · 7 answers · asked by sweet.pjs1 5

She has gone to the cops, but they can't do anything because its his word versues hers. I don't know what to do??

2006-12-18 18:16:56 · 8 answers · asked by Tony S 1

I know someone who was issued all these but can't get any because they don't have any supporting documentation of who they are. Thanks for any info.

2006-12-18 17:52:41 · 10 answers · asked by unfinished 2

The Government is imposing laws, that as adults we should e able to make our own decisions. It would make more sence if they can't accept this, is to pass a law prohibiting young people under 18 in smoking permitted places.

2006-12-18 17:30:44 · 16 answers · asked by Stephen C 2

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'" Fox News; Hannity & Colmes; June 20, 2001

Is that how conservatives truly feel about the world around them? Isn't she the poster-child for the religious right? What do you think is more of a sin in God's eyes: polluting aka "raping" the earth OR standing in the way of capitalism by enforcing strict pollution laws?

2006-12-18 17:23:28 · 9 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

My best friend left and supposably went to Florida ( 1600 miles away) in 2003 and has not been heard from since then. He did nothing wrong and is an adult, therefore the police will not look for him. I would like to know where in FL he is. He is not listed in Class mates, Reunion, any public records or phone books. I know he is definately in FL.around the west coast. I have used pay internet sites with no results. I tried FL Public Records civil court records ( IE:traffic violations ) and he is not listed! Any suggestions?

2006-12-18 17:22:26 · 1 answers · asked by Ms G 2

I happened to glace thr'u an article on Area 51. It's unbelievable to believe the fact that US Govt is supressing information about 'Extraterristrial Beings' .. I am not sure what you guys think of this ... Is there a truth behind this or it is , like the US Givt says' an air force base.I also read something on this from Wikipedia...
However still want as much information as possible

2006-12-18 17:05:29 · 16 answers · asked by rocky 2

Why is it that 90% of the Cheney fans who answer my questions don't have their e-mail enabled? Are they afraid of an open and honest discourse or have they learned from their masters that a catchy phrase such as "honest man" or "liberal puke" serve them better than facts and honesty? By the way, Deep thoughts? That's sarcasm.....Right?

2006-12-18 17:01:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you remember - while watching a commericial look at the white man in the commerical. He is either BALD or FAT or a STUPID FOOL. Sometimes a combination of all the above.

Why do commericals portray the white man that way ?? I would say that 99 % of all commericials have the white man being the looser and boob. Ugly , Stupid and FAT.

What is more disturbing is that whitey in this country does not even notice it. Or doesen't seem to care. It's all a big joke.

2006-12-18 16:50:21 · 15 answers · asked by caciansf 4

I've never understood what the big deal is...we have many HIGHLY addictive opiates legalized (Oxycontin, morphine, etc) for medical use. Marijuana acts as a pain reliever and appetite stimulant for Cancer and AIDS pts, decreases intraocular pressure in glaucoma pts., etc. So, what's the big deal?

2006-12-18 16:50:06 · 8 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

When I got divorced 10 yrs ago I kept his name because of the kids. Easier at school etc. I don't need that name anymore, they are almost out of school.
My plan is this, I already called cable, told them I'm divorced and they changed my name to my maiden name. I figure I'll change another utility or something to get mail with my old name on it.
Then I go to DMV with my mail and original birth certificate and get a new license. Then off to Social Security. And bingo, it's done.
I'm not changing it for fraudulent purposes. I'ts just a better name, and it's mine. My kids want me to do it. They like my old name better too.
So, what do you think? Will it work?

2006-12-18 16:48:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can I find out if someone is licensed to practice law in any of the 50 U.S. states. I've determined that the individual who claims to be a lawyer is not licensed with the California Bar Association. Is there a way to do a country-wide search so I don't have to search each state bar association?

2006-12-18 16:23:17 · 2 answers · asked by devoted fan 1

Should Marijuana be legalized? Many stupid people follow exactly what the government feeds us, which is an awful way to be. The government lies about weed and only gives out its "potential" harmful effects. Anyone who is against the legalization of weed should first think about our current laws. Why is alcohol legal? People argue that marijuana has no health benefits, so then may i ask what the health benefits of alcohol are? There have been no documented cases of a single person dying off of weed, and many people find it to be a fun, mind-opening experience. So tell me what you think on this matter, whether you agree with me or if your one of those insecure people who has nothing better to do than complain to other people about what they do with their free time. I want to hear people's stand on this!

2006-12-18 16:21:24 · 6 answers · asked by Chris 1

2006-12-18 16:20:15 · 2 answers · asked by michael m 1

is it required by law that all gasstation must have security camaras on there premisess

2006-12-18 16:17:38 · 3 answers · asked by roseann b 1

2006-12-18 16:08:25 · 10 answers · asked by JohnnyB 2

I'm curious. What would happen if the federal government passed a new law that required anyone looking to purchase alcohol to provide proof of employment and annual income? It seems to me that a big problem with the poor/homeless problem is that they're so depressed from their lot in life that their primary import is alcohol as a crutch. What would happen if poor folks were suddenly denied the right to buy alcohol, much like anyone under the age of 21? Would they start spending what little money they have on more useful things? Would the homeless problem slowly but surely start to deteriorate?

2006-12-18 16:01:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My home owner association keeps issue violation citations and fines regarding my property no matter how well I take care of my property. This problem has gone on for months. I am tired and can't afford paying these fines. Should I address this issue through an attorney? What is the best way to address this issue? Please advise.

2006-12-18 15:48:25 · 2 answers · asked by hrolms 1

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