Fact is: Muslims want us to respect their laws in their countries, why can they not respect ours?
Democracy will some say: Sure, but we have a culture and other people should respect that.
Why era the western world always the ones that must adopt and do what others want.
It is time we stand up for ourselves and be aware of terrorism and facial expressions that are hidden behind the veil.
Believe me, most Muslim women will love us when we make laws that alow headscarfs, but no veils in our countries.
Many will say no and Muslims will riot again, but they must realise: What goes for th goose,goes for the geese.Stop feeling guilrty about who we are and what we stand for: Freedom.
The scarf abuse women rights in our society and they must understand that it is our way and laws.We don't discrimanate against their religion, but want nothing to do with something that discriminate against women.
Nothing they say or do must be accepted.
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