I know this question has been asked before, but I would like to express my own opinion and make a few, shall we say, suggestions...
Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world and no matter what the government and society at large tries to do about it, it's not likely to ever just go away. Knowing that, wouldn't it be better to just legalize and regulate it?
Prostitution is dangerous. Well, so is driving a car. There are many other professions that are dangerous, but these are regulated and have safety measures. Why not license prostitutes? If someone were to prostitute without a license, then it would be against the law. Also require 6-month check-ups for STDs. Go a certain amount past the check-up time and the consequences could be, say, a fine.
It's immoral. In today's society, that's the moral opinion. It has been an accepted profession in cultures historically. Our tax dollars and the resources of our police forces should be spent on more serious crimes
22 answers
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Ima Random Thought