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Politics & Government - 12 December 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

And say why please.

I think its right in some cases and wrong in most.

2007-12-12 03:38:58 · 6 answers · asked by O.B. 4 in Law & Ethics

Pelosi has spent 3 million being speaker compared to Hastert who spent 1.8 million. Bush's poll numbers have gone up to 37% and Congress remains flat at 22% in one poll.

2007-12-12 03:38:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

ABC news plays during the commercial breaks here at the office. I bet it's been almost a month since I've heard a report on Iraq. Low and behold, there was just a hideous car-bombing today and that's all I hear during every commercial break.

That's just disgusting and it really is a shame the media refuses to report the positives.

Our troops are doing an amazing job and they should get a few accolades.

2007-12-12 03:38:24 · 16 answers · asked by Robert S 2 in Other - Politics & Government

guy claim to be both?. For some reason this person likes to humiliate themselves on-line in this Yahoo forum. So Far this person has managed to deduce I served 18 years Army (NOT in US) and am no longer Active but a reservist, he posted this question on-line and 7 out of 7 answers told him, yes you can be retired from active and be a reservist, now is it because this person only managed to hack it for 4 years and is jealous of someone with 18 (possible it might be added to shortly) or is it because this person never left the US can not be a member of VFW because he never served in a foreign War, he feels so insignificant that he feels he has a right to email real vets and demand they prove to him their service. My only conclusion is because he must feel so insignificant that he humiliates himself so much, what do you think?

2007-12-12 03:38:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

that I can hear it in my home with all doors and windows closed, do I have a right to go over and kick his ***? Or would the cops be on my side if I complained?

2007-12-12 03:34:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

QUOTE "WASHINGTON - The U.S. military's top officer acknowledged on Tuesday that for all the importance of preventing Afghanistan from again harboring al-Qaida terrorists, Washington's first priority is Iraq.
"In Afghanistan, we do what we can," said Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "In Iraq, we do what we must."....His statement, delivered with emphasis in a prepared opening statement to the House Armed Services Committee, prompted some Democrats to say it showed what they have argued for years: that the Bush administration has become so bogged down in Iraq that it cannot make more effort in Afghanistan. I find it troubling that our ongoing commitment in Iraq prevents us from dedicating resources in Afghanistan beyond what is necessary to prevent setbacks, as opposed to what is required to realize success," Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., chairman of the committee, said after the hearing."...??

2007-12-12 03:34:10 · 11 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Politics

not wanted?

So is this all about not wanting to hurt illegal aliens feelings? heh

Your comments please?

2007-12-12 03:33:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

QUOTE "WASHINGTON - The U.S. military's top officer acknowledged on Tuesday that for all the importance of preventing Afghanistan from again harboring al-Qaida terrorists, Washington's first priority is Iraq.
"In Afghanistan, we do what we can," said Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "In Iraq, we do what we must."....His statement, delivered with emphasis in a prepared opening statement to the House Armed Services Committee, prompted some Democrats to say it showed what they have argued for years: that the Bush administration has become so bogged down in Iraq that it cannot make more effort in Afghanistan. I find it troubling that our ongoing commitment in Iraq prevents us from dedicating resources in Afghanistan beyond what is necessary to prevent setbacks, as opposed to what is required to realize success," Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., chairman of the committee, said after the hearing."...??

2007-12-12 03:33:00 · 13 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Military


that people think videogames are worse than movies because you're doing it yourself?

2007-12-12 03:32:07 · 6 answers · asked by ellisMC 1 in Politics

If you have, then can you make your case to all the other people here as why YOUR candidate is the best choice?
Please do not bash any other candidates, or parties with your reasons.

Thank You, As Always

2007-12-12 03:31:46 · 18 answers · asked by Supercell 5 in Politics

... someone had protected their parents even if it was done by waterboarding Al Qaeda members?

2007-12-12 03:28:41 · 17 answers · asked by How Big is Your Govt Check 3 in Politics

2007-12-12 03:26:58 · 11 answers · asked by Siddharth Banerjee 1 in Law & Ethics

Looking for answers that have to do with the art of deception subtrafuge and chicanery and most importantly logical fallacies.

2007-12-12 03:25:17 · 16 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Politics

My son was arrested in Chicago. Minor offense. Trial date set and released. He was on the street and had no place to go. We got him a ticket to AZ. His date is in January. What should he do? He is not going back to Chicago.

2007-12-12 03:23:37 · 7 answers · asked by Tom C 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Waterboarding was effective in this particular case.

'Waterboarding broke al Qaeda captive in 35 seconds,' says former CIA agent defending torture"

2007-12-12 03:22:10 · 23 answers · asked by MrOrph 6 in Politics

2007-12-12 03:17:33 · 9 answers · asked by ANA 1 in Military

I am a contract employee and wondering if my employer broke terms in our contract, am i still held to the terms in this contract? Specifically, she does not pay me on the date stated in the contract, every month, i am paid the following day. I have never complained about this to her.

2007-12-12 03:16:03 · 4 answers · asked by saveit 4 in Law & Ethics

Recently my ex g/f and I broke up. Well before we broke up we had purchased a car together and on title it states husband and wife. She now drives the car and refuses to let me know its where abouts. Now what are my options for getting the car back? Is it possible for me to just go and pick the car up even though I do not have a key?

2007-12-12 03:12:54 · 5 answers · asked by elche 1 in Law & Ethics

If someone has full physical and legal custody, and the other party just has visitation (supervised). The custody parent hasn't given the non-custodial parent (The supervised one) any information for school grades, but the non-custodial parent hasn't even asked about the kid's or how there doing.

Why do people think that the custody parent has to give information when there the one that has FULL control and the non custodial parent LOST those rights...? The custody parent isn't WITHOLDING information but the

2007-12-12 03:12:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

86% of Americans have health insurance. Less than 10% of children don't have health insurance. Then there is medicare and medicaid to help cover the rest. Then there is an existing SCHIP program which covers even more, and if that's not enough, anybody in the country can go to a community hospital, and that hospital is required to treat them for free.

What do you want? Do my taxes have to pay for even more health care? Does everybody in this country have to have insurance? Are we that arrogant to think that we even have poor people in this country, when 86% have health insurance?


2007-12-12 03:12:18 · 14 answers · asked by Brad the Fox 3 in Politics

2007-12-12 03:11:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

this stems from a criminal case where a bank has payed the victim for their loss. Now the bank is coming after me for the amount they paid to the victim. The lawyers for the bank have subpoena.the states attorney and probation for all documents from the criminal matter. I would like to block them from getting them. Is there a way to do this? Also i am still on probation until next year. If that matters?
Also when i do lose this case, can i file for bankruptcy. i know i can't in the crimal matter, but how about this civil matter?

2007-12-12 03:11:18 · 4 answers · asked by R C 1 in Law & Ethics

I do think that Oprah is supporting Obama mainly because he's black and because they have a similar background. But don't you think Oprah and blacks in general want to see a black president. Note: I say black rather than African American because not all Africans are black and not all black people consider themselves African ie Jamacians, etc

2007-12-12 03:10:10 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


2007-12-12 03:09:16 · 8 answers · asked by theypissonourbacksandsayitsrain 1 in Politics

A 16 year-old girl was recently murdered by her father in Canada. And apparently, her friends, school authorities, and youth shelter workers were aware that this girl was being abused by her father and brother.

And this makes me wonder. Why didn't anybody report this chilld abuse to the Social Services? Why was it allowed to escalate to murder? Is there any law which says that people working with children have to report child abuse, when they suspect it?

2007-12-12 03:03:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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