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Politics & Government - 29 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Here's the picture the media used when they reported on Bin Laden's new audio release.


But that's not the same picture they used when he came out with his new video tape last month. Why?


2007-10-29 16:06:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Iran is a friendly nation that just wants peace?

"Iran responsible for 1983 Marine barracks bombing, judge rules".

Iran financed the terrorist group Hezbollah.

2007-10-29 16:05:41 · 12 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics

Yea...Im 18.5 and I just got a letter in the mail all of a sudden from them ppl telling me to register...do I have to?...At first I thought it was a site hoping i'd be dumb enough to give them my credit card number or something, but all they ask for is my name, address, phone #, and signature....besides, they apparently have a website: www.sss.gov

sooo anybody knows if this **** is for real? anyone having the same problem?

2007-10-29 16:01:41 · 13 answers · asked by aruel100 2 in Military

2007-10-29 16:01:09 · 23 answers · asked by redmapleri 2 in Elections

in response to sharkwater

2007-10-29 16:00:00 · 2 answers · asked by olgita 1 in Government

Is that a sacrifice that you are willing to make?...sacrificing their lives for your safety I mean.


2007-10-29 15:59:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How do you transport a firearm internationally?

I have a very old (about 120 year old) hand gun that was my great grandfather's in Argentina. It was passed down from my Great Grandfather to my Grandfather then to my Father....

My father will like to pass it on to me, problem is I live in Florida and the handgun is in Argentina. Is there anyway I can transport this gun to Florida?

I will be in Argentina next month, but i doubt i can bring it back in cargo.

Additonal Details that may be important: The Gun has serial numbers but the registration has been lost for years. The gun does not function.

2007-10-29 15:59:13 · 2 answers · asked by Mona V 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Here's the long and short of it.

I got rearended. The person drove off and I got their plates. I went to the police station and reported it. That person got pulled in for DUI and Hit and Run.

I called the insured to settle without getting insurance involved (my insurance agent said it was fine). The insured's lawyer called my agent and said they will pay me X amount of dollars if I sign a waiver.

So I sign the waiver and sent it back Thursday. My agent calls me today and says that the agent said my signature was not legible.

So I said screw it, the deal is off. I'm going to court and I'm going to make sure this lady is prosecuted. Since the lawyer was bluffing and trying to buy time, he changed his mind and said "oh, you know what, it is legible." I said "too late, you had your chance to settle."

He says to me "I have your signature right here, if you try to pursue this we will sue." I said you had your chance, but you stalled and thought lying would work.

Case or no?

2007-10-29 15:58:28 · 9 answers · asked by Bada Bada 1 in Law & Ethics

Hey guys I have a question about Military Intellegence. I am going to enlist pretty soon. I would like an MOS that would allow me the most exposure with foreign contacts. I am an Arabic-Born Speaker, and Born US Citizen. I am interested in an MOS that would allow me more field type work, especially one where I Would use my Arabic to our advantage.

So far the best job SO far seems to be Human Intellgience Collector. Also I am very much interested in Cryptologic-Liguist. These are my main interests. What do you guys think would be best?

2007-10-29 15:57:23 · 6 answers · asked by iknato0n 3 in Military

If you knew a nuclear bomb is about to go off...but that nuclear bomb can set fourth peace...what would you do? Would you try and stop the nuclear bomb anyway or would you let it happen?

What would you doooooooooooooo?

2007-10-29 15:56:39 · 12 answers · asked by mishmallow8 2 in Military

My brother is SUCH the big fan of his. Do you think he has good ideas, etc? I'm not much into politics, but I'm curious as to what others think of him.

2007-10-29 15:54:29 · 10 answers · asked by royrox 5 in Politics

how is the US Constitution protected against Ratification

2007-10-29 15:53:03 · 1 answers · asked by David 1 in Law & Ethics

Also, please explain what the plebes have to memorize during plebe summer and plebe year.

2007-10-29 15:51:52 · 2 answers · asked by RC 1 in Military

Im sitting in a nice little country near antarctica and I observe your country and its president. your situation sucks. I hope that the next president comes to his/her senses. I hope this big mess gets cleaned up or maybe its too late. If it gets worse, NZ may be joining in the fighting in Iraq too. And I hope that never happens.


2007-10-29 15:46:37 · 9 answers · asked by "sapper"016 2 in Military

Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where it is morally proper to not obey the law? What are they?

2007-10-29 15:43:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Uprooting themselves from friends and family, daring everything against the chance of forging a new life, committing to working hard to succeed against the odds, and often having deep family values and commitments, so much so that they send money home.

Here in Australia we have benefited enormously from Hong Kong Chinese who settled here in great numbers following the return of HK to China. We have welcomed the Lebanese and Asians who have redefined our shopping centres and bought us healthy fast food. We have a backbone of British migrants and almost a third of us are migrants or second generation migrants.

America can rightly claim the same heritage of diversity, and so these days can the UK.

So shouldn't we welcome migrants as people who lterally have "Get up and Go!" ?

2007-10-29 15:42:37 · 12 answers · asked by Twilight 6 in Immigration

1. Corruptions
2. War on Terrorism
3. Immigration
4. Infringement upon basic rights
5. National debt
6. Health care
7. Social security
8. Others--please list.

2007-10-29 15:40:19 · 11 answers · asked by r2-d2 1 in Politics

2007-10-29 15:35:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Has any Muslim ever held political office in the US? Maybe city council member, judge, anything.

I'm talking about born Muslims, not that one guy in Congress who converted to Islam.

2007-10-29 15:33:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

what does this mean? thanks

2007-10-29 15:31:14 · 9 answers · asked by carriec 7 in Military

to ridiculized the muslims?

2007-10-29 15:29:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Would the russians and the Chinese get involved and would it trigger WW3?

2007-10-29 15:28:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

On this site, the UN is saying there is no evidence...I hear a lot of things from our president that Iran is making bombs...With Bush's track record on lack of WMD's, what does the world think?...I'm pretty sure 1/2 of Americans have some doubts on invading Iran as well as Iran actually developing nukes...why would Bush want to start a war with Iran if the weapons are not there? I ask this thinking we don't need their oil. Is it a way to remove a threat to Iraq and the Strait? What possible benefits to invading Iran? I ask this honestly.

2007-10-29 15:28:31 · 8 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

Your opinion?

I think Hillary is done.

Ron Paul 2008.

2007-10-29 15:28:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Lets face it, while a few migrants (legal and otherwise) make good in the USA, the majority remain in menial jobs, live in poor housing and cope with extreme prejudice from some quarters.

America, compared to most of Europe - provides a very thin welfare net, has no universal public system of health care system and provides almost no benefits to the unemployed. So you would think that any migrant wanting to leech from a new country would pick Europe streets ahead of the US wouldn't you?

Is the reason that America has such a big migrant problem PARTLY because US citizens love their country and portray it as the land where "anyone can live the American Dream" - and evangelize tantalizing images of riches and plenty in almost every Hollywood film produced?

2007-10-29 15:28:02 · 13 answers · asked by Twilight 6 in Immigration

If a Nation uses Nuclear Weapons on another Country All other countries will destroy the aggressor. It was after WW2 and I don't know if it has changed, but almost all nations agreed and signed. Is that treaty still in effect and doesn't that prevent it pretty good. Even if The U.S. used it we would face extreme consiquenses from all nations including our allies.

2007-10-29 15:27:16 · 1 answers · asked by fastfreedombailbonds 4 in Other - Politics & Government

My son might lose his guaranteed AF job when he joined cause his recruiter failed to turn in one of his waivers and put his top secret clearance in jeopardy. He is in boot camp and was so proud to get that rating for that job. Is there a board he can go before to plead his situation?

2007-10-29 15:23:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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