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Politics & Government - 29 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

She has not said something or not voted on something that leads me to believe hat she will not end this war.
Can anyone show me differently?

2007-10-29 03:23:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, will be taking over her husband's job as the President of Argentina.
A First Lady who wants hubby's old job, sound familiar?
Since Cristina has won, how soon will Hillary be constantly comparing HERSELF to Cristina?

2007-10-29 03:20:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

A) Impossible Israel is a impregnable stronghold of security forces
B) Risky might hurt their own people
C) Too insignificant of a target
D) The ethnic cleansing prohibits it

2007-10-29 03:20:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We only have 5 spaces in work & it is clearly marked private parking only. The parking spaces are about 1 metre away from my window & people have the audacity to park right outside then walk out of the car park into the dentists next door!! I just glared at a woman doing this 2 minutes ago & she's giving me dirty looks!! There's plenty of spaces on the road but the trafic wardens go up & down. How can i stop people parking in private land? I previously posted notices on peoples windows, am i still allowed to do this? It's really getting to me!

2007-10-29 03:20:10 · 46 answers · asked by ♥ Miss Sausage ♥ 5 in Law & Ethics

Regardless of wether or not you think we should go to war with Iran, why would you bury your head in the sand regarding their support of terrorism and their intention to build a nuclear warhead.

If anything, knowing the facts allows us to discuss appropriate courses of action.

Is there a process of diplomacy and sanctions to follow before a war, of course there is.

2007-10-29 03:18:34 · 12 answers · asked by Spartacus 3 in Politics

So it's worked great for 200+ years now. Would you change it one way or the other?
I see liberals on here claiming that conservatives want fascism in America, and conservatives claiming that liberals want the government to take control of everything - and neither accusation is honest nor true. Yes, there will always be those on the fringe that scream the loudest, but do they speak for the majority?

2007-10-29 03:18:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

started at 16, now doc said ready to get off it,no more depression as of 1 yr 1/2

2007-10-29 03:16:58 · 12 answers · asked by missyrockyblue 2 in Military

Why if most of American ppl dislike Bush, he have been president all this time??
What kind of sistem (i say electoral sistem) have America, he cant be kicked of the White House?? Ppl dont leave politic if do such a things??

2007-10-29 03:12:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Women have ran for President in the past. Over 200 years of "equality" (notice the quotes in equality) and no woman has been good enough to win?
Are people in America brainwashed to believe that only men can lead ??

2007-10-29 03:12:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I think your supposed to apply online, but is there an application I can fill out??

2007-10-29 03:10:21 · 6 answers · asked by Squeeze 2 in Immigration

I see the same behavoir from the anti-Global Warming community saying Al Gore is a liberal so there is no climate change,

and now from anti-Neoconservative people they say Iran is not trying to get a Nuclear bomb because they don't trust the person delivering the message.

I for one try and not bury my head in the sand.

The President of Iran has said his country is developing nuclear weapons.

Is it responsible to let him follow through with this program, or do I have to hear more rhetoric about why you don't like George Bush?

I for one do not like George W Bush at all and voted for Kerry in 2004 so please, don't attack the asker of this question on yahoo answers as some sort of Bush defender cause I'm not.

2007-10-29 03:06:40 · 13 answers · asked by Spartacus 3 in Politics

This was asked to me and now I am asking you:
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet! I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their REAR, doing drugs, while I work. Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

2007-10-29 03:05:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

also how do you compare the american values (norms) to your own values?

2007-10-29 03:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by vero2196 1 in Politics

2007-10-29 03:01:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

tomarrow i have a jury duty selection thing where they pick jury. im a lil nervous and excited. fill me in on what i need to know please.

2007-10-29 03:01:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

My brother was killed acouple of months ago, I would like a copy of the police report and would like to see the crime scene photos, is it possible to view these? I need to see them to put alot of things to rest. How do I go about this, would the detective secretary who did the case be able to help me?

2007-10-29 03:00:19 · 4 answers · asked by rottenapple 2 in Law & Ethics

The post had a remarkable 3 part article on Cheney's power in the white house...without question Cheney has been the most powerful V.P. to hold the office...

2007-10-29 02:58:10 · 9 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5 in Politics

If it was in your hands to stop the war, what would you to stop it or how would you stop it?
If possible for you, please e-mail this question to your friends and ask your friends to e-mail it to their friends. I want to see what people would do if they could stop the war.


2007-10-29 02:51:19 · 9 answers · asked by Me, Myself & I 5 in Military

Voted yes for the war in Iraq, yes on every Iraq spending bill, yes to the Patriot Act and yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act?

2007-10-29 02:50:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Her brothers both have their social security numbers and work permits and so does her mother. She moved here when she was 12 and is now 19. What type of paper work does she need to fill out??

2007-10-29 02:49:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I quit my job to relocate and attend college for a new line of work. I live in Texas and want to move to MN for schooling. My field is dwindling and changing quickly due to technology. I want to retrain and start my own business--can I collect unemployment after a certain period of time?

2007-10-29 02:47:38 · 14 answers · asked by Jonesy 3 in Law & Ethics


It is a nice idea but how would you pay for it all?

Are you willing to give your home and live in a condo?

Please remember the New Deal didn't solve the depression all it did was create a massive government.

Considering how the government waste money we are going to give them more money to waste?

Or is this case of Edwards wanting talk big but deliever nothing?

2007-10-29 02:43:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

My husband wants me to sign that papers because he said "that everything during our 2 years married belongs to him".
Unfortunately before marriage I signed a Pre-Nup agreement because he said" he did not want to passed another bad experience he passed with his ex- wife"...
But I bought some staff that belongs to me : furniture , etc...What I can do?
He is pushing me to sign because I'm A foreing person and he think that I do not understand the law from this Country( usa).
I came to this Country with Visa but when I got married with him I got my Green Card. I married him because I love him and I'm still loving him but he said-" he is tired of me because I think he has another women..."Now he said I can finish signing your papers but you have to sign for me a Uncontested divorce.

2007-10-29 02:42:03 · 2 answers · asked by mimi72 1 in Immigration

All their arguements are logocal fallicies in this case the appeal to pity. So do liberal Democrats have abortions fo rthe Childern, I.E. appeal t o pity?

2007-10-29 02:39:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have a question specific to copyright / trademark pertaining to a web site.

There is a large transportation company in my state that recently started a light rail transport train. For arguments sake we will call it xyz company. Since there are numerous stops on this I decided to purchase a web site and I called it www.xyz-stops.com My plan is to have all of the stops listed on this web site and allow businesses at each stop to advertise on my web site based on category (dining, shopping etc)

My questions is... do I violate any copyright / trademark with this web site? I did seek out to the transportation company and they right away threatened me with a lawsuit if I pursue this venture.

I actually took a ride on the train the other day and saw numerous businesses with the transport company name in there like The XYZ Cafe, XYZ Storage, XYZ Realty

Just looking for any advice.

2007-10-29 02:38:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

They spent that money In the form of corporate money grants, tax breaks, or other special favorable treatment. What ever happened to personal responsibility?


2007-10-29 02:35:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

ok my first question is what would give me an advantage in getting an NROTC schlorship,(im 16 working on myt eagle scout, a little above average grades, i would play sportds but my school dosen have any till next year?) What do you do during NROTC? and if i wanted to major in enginnering in college and have a career in that field in the navy, but on the official nrotc website the careers are surface,submarine,aviation,and special warfare officer jobs what do i do?

2007-10-29 02:27:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Ever pay extra, or do they claim all exemptions, to pay less.

2007-10-29 02:14:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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