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Politics & Government - 25 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

In the 70s a few scientists warned that if we didn't start getting our sulfur dioxide emissions under control, we might trigger an ice age. As a result, we did just that (SO2 emissions have decreased since 1980 - see pages 12-14 in the link below), avoiding the potentially catastrophic scenario.


In the 80s we were warned that our CFC emissions were causing a hole in the ozone layer. As a result we phased them out in the mid-90s.

In 1999 we were warned that the Y2K bug would cause computers to crash. As a result we fixed the software.

Last year researchers in San Diego warned that "fire crews, land managers, ecologists and others need a better understanding of how global warming is making wildfires more frequent, bigger and more destructive"


Isn't it time to start listening to scientists' warnings about global warming?

2007-10-25 05:54:24 · 30 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Politics


2007-10-25 05:54:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Iraq was a soverign nation and I feel you just cant go in remove a head of state just because you thought he tried to kill you father. This war by the time it end will cost you 24 trillion dollars yes you. Not Bush and his friends. You, your children, your children childrens and so on. So keep waving that red white and blue. The whole world is laughing at you. Thats why the dollar will be less than the mexican peso soon.

2007-10-25 05:48:07 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-10-25 05:45:45 · 9 answers · asked by Coper 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-25 05:44:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A member of the staff said that secrets between friends are illegal, and, I want to prove him wrong, because, a private conversation is Private, and I said I would never tell ANYONE, and I don't intend to either.

2007-10-25 05:41:48 · 20 answers · asked by ooogamoooga 1 in Law & Ethics

A typical day? What am I in charge off?

2007-10-25 05:39:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

It seems to me that Dems are trying to create a country of "victims" who always need someone else to pay more in taxes.

The best way for Americans to get ahead is to do well in school, go to college, and work hard. It works for LOTS of Americans.

My goal for my kids isn't that they convince the rich to pay more in taxes. My hope is that my kids work hard and earn their own way in life.

2007-10-25 05:39:18 · 21 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

i began work at a new place that uses temp agencies and i'm sure that alot of the hispanics here are not legal immigrants. who is responsible if INS comes in and does a "sweep" and we lose employees? Are they or we responsible for any fines imposed? I know that they are more than likely illegal.....any advice from anyone????

2007-10-25 05:35:40 · 11 answers · asked by debsworld59 1 in Immigration

I am very upset with my Senator who voted for the Dream Act, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas. The majority of the people said No and she voted against us. or she voted for cloture, which means to bring it to the floor again. Doesn't No mean No?

2007-10-25 05:34:54 · 17 answers · asked by My Baby! 7 in Elections

In the US, we have a right to participate (or not) in whatever religious tradition we choose. This freedom of religion means allowing others to have their own moral code; people might have their store open for business on Sunday, or attend a mosque for worship, or drink/smoke/gamble, or write books/make movies about offensive topics, or have sexual relations outside a committed relationship, or even form a household with someone of the same-sex.

Laws should forbid things that are intrinsically, verifiably, and significantly harmful to people and/or society. Same-sex marriage, IMO, doesn't fit those criteria. Therefore, a law against it would be based primarily on religious opinion. BTW, giving rights to only traditional marriages IS THE SAME AS outlawing SSM.

Either you believe in the Freedom of Religion and therefore legally allow people to hold and practice either Christian or non-Christian values AND ALSO not legally endorse one value system over another OR YOU DON’T.

2007-10-25 05:31:59 · 8 answers · asked by nc 3 in Law & Ethics

father and his brother partitioned the ancestrol property in India during the year 1959.In dthe partition deed the minor son was also added as party.A daughter was born afterwards.Father died in the year 1980. Daughter married after 1988. Son claims half of the share of his father and declare that the daughter is eligible for her share only in the balance of the property along with him..kindly offer your views.

2007-10-25 05:30:49 · 4 answers · asked by selvaraj s 1 in Law & Ethics

As being in favor of Ethnic Cleansing as they support the President in his efforts to appease the Turkish aggressors?

Or is their a deeper purpose, like a warning to the Turks that they face International Sanctions and NATO Military resistance if they carry out their plans to invade Iraq and renew their campaign of genocide against the Kurds?

2007-10-25 05:30:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...why would the politicians in D.C.look the other way when it came to honoring the Constitution?...it jus seems like an interest in dividing the country...which is what the constitution warns against?

2007-10-25 05:29:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Requiring mandatory spaying/neutering. If you decide you want to breed a dog then you will be required to obtain a breeders
license. They are passing such an ordinance in Huntington Beach

I'm trying to gather more information on this issues. If you know anything could you please respond.
Thank you

2007-10-25 05:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by Breed-Specific Bans 1 in Law & Ethics

The chaotic monumental mess Bush (w/ Congresses approval) started when he invaded Iraq or the the chaotic monumental mess he is going to leave us once he cuts & runs from the White House in 2009?

2007-10-25 05:28:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Boxer's and Pelosi's home state, which always votes for Dems to be president, have done a great job of destroying the environment.

Mother nature isn't allowed to have natural forest fires every decade or so. Rich libs have $1 million to $5 million homes but Mother Nature suffers.


2007-10-25 05:28:07 · 13 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

Just curious what you guys think since they said that arson started them. They haven't released any information about the guy they shot yesterday.

2007-10-25 05:27:55 · 12 answers · asked by civil_av8r 7 in Other - Politics & Government

I know there have been many other female presidents around the world, but never in the US, where women have difficulty getting top positions in companies & corporations not owned by them. The presidency of the US would certainly qualify as the largest "glass ceiling".

2007-10-25 05:25:53 · 25 answers · asked by The Wiz 7 in Elections

takes over the oil rich areas of northern Iraq?

Just imagine two long time NATO allies (US & Turkey) fighting each other over Northern Iraq's rich oil fields?

2007-10-25 05:25:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My cousin knows a guy who faked injury at work and is trying to sue his employers ins. co. What should be done?Who could he contact to report?

2007-10-25 05:25:23 · 5 answers · asked by MandoTrojanChamp 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Sandy Berger was given only minor punishment and not banned from the National Archives for STEALING original classified documents by stuffing them in his pants. This man is now working for Hillary Clinton. Does anyone see this as a little bit ridiculous? DO YOU REALLY TRUST THIS GUY WITH OUR SECURITY? A THIEF? Read up, Clinton lovers.

2007-10-25 05:25:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and a possibility for residency, or better, for themselves under a "reunification" policy.

What rewards do US citizens get?

Do existing government policies create incentives to repopulate the country with the children of illegals?

If so, is this a good or a bad thing? Why?

2007-10-25 05:24:57 · 18 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Immigration

please can someone be more pacific and tel me if i have to fill in this form and is it a criminal affence or act.im nearly fithty years old this is my second property i have two grown up children and have never filled in one of these forms.i class my self as a responsable person.i have been subject to some one els using my details for deception.this is why i hate giving my details out especially to squirts knocking on my door on sundays frettning me with fines for not filling in forms.and dont blane me for the state of the country

2007-10-25 05:24:53 · 8 answers · asked by mitchell c 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Is there any way to get out of your license not being suspended for a minor in possession? I've read that the penalty is one year, I was planning to move back home to Nevada in January but cant do so without a drivers license. Also my current drivers license is Nevada issued, could this have any implications.

2007-10-25 05:24:19 · 4 answers · asked by Kevin H 1 in Law & Ethics

Calderón of Mexico is delivering a grim message: The largest oil producer in Latin America is running out of crude."Our oil reserves have been consistently falling," and the decline is "severely threatening" government finances, Calderón told a nationwide television audience in an address last monthuela. Calderón said in his Sept. 2 address that the country held proven reserves that could last nine years.
Looks like those Peak Oil theories are correct. Does this explain a lot to you?

2007-10-25 05:24:17 · 12 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics

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