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Politics & Government - 25 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

...I guess the proper word would be secession?

2007-10-25 05:24:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I was told that I had a violation because someone did not like my answer even though her question said the Pres. Bush was mast******ba**er twice. and her question was not a violation! T

2007-10-25 05:23:33 · 19 answers · asked by Linda S 6 in Law & Ethics

Just when the USA had me fooled into thinking that the Kurds were to be pitied in Iraq as so many horrible things had happened did I find out that they are bloodthirsty terrorists on the Turkish border looking to eliminate Turkish soldiers.

As an American: Bravo Turkey in defending your land! The USA has no right to tell you to use contraint! After all the ENTIRE WORLD told us not to invade Iraq. Did we listen?

2007-10-25 05:21:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have a misdemeanor on my record and failed to disclose it on my notary application. The SOS found out and revoked my license. Do you know what I should expect tomorrow? How should I prepare myself for the hearing? Would you happen to know what my chances of having my commission reinstated are? Thanks for your help!

2007-10-25 05:20:36 · 3 answers · asked by Erika S 1 in Law & Ethics

For example, if there was a murderer whom everyone knew was guilty, but a key piece of evidence was thrown out, and therefore the jury would not be able to convict. Why does the government allow this even when it is obvious that the defendant is guilty?

2007-10-25 05:19:39 · 7 answers · asked by marky p 1 in Law & Ethics

... causes people in Africa to starve to death since they can't afford to pay twice as much for corn and other food?

(Farmers are cutting down forests to grow more crops to make ethanol. Cutting down trees is BAD for global warming.)

2007-10-25 05:17:27 · 14 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

Man in his mid 30's works with an overweight woman (in this case, the woman has had to have a special chair ordered to fit her rather large carriage).

So, apparently duing a meeting, there was discussion of accidentally bumping cars in the parking lot (backing in, putting a car in gear and letting it roll...etc)

Well, this woman's car hit another one in the parking lot...

The man asked "well, was she in the car?"

Someone responded "what difference does that make?"

He said that "well, if she were in the car, and it rolled into another it would most likely be wrecked"

Someone told him to stop... this was IN A MEETING!

He then asked "have you ever read a physics book"...(referring to the momentum the car would gain with the large lady inside).

What would have happened at your workplace in this situation?

2007-10-25 05:14:24 · 18 answers · asked by Reserved 6 in Law & Ethics

The school district we just moved into says they use corporal punishment on all students, and parents do not have a right to choose if its used on thier child or not. Could this be true?? I can't and don't believe it is ...

2007-10-25 05:14:05 · 4 answers · asked by rebecca w 1 in Law & Ethics

Only in their imaginary world would there be

no North Koreans arming Saddam with outlawed missiles,
no weapons experts snuck in past inspectors' eyes,
no Iraqi experts ordered not to leave,
no millions siphoned from Oil for Food,
no UN officials bribed,
no "friends" kicking back,
no financing terrorist attacks on Israel,
no race with Iran to nuclear-arm,
no Libya nuclear-arming already,
no A.Q. Kahn exposed since there'd be no one to expose him,
no No-Fly zones since there'd be no sanctions,
no attacks on Kurds north and Shias south when Saddam was again free,
no mass graves, rapist rooms, wires electrocuting testicles,
no millions of barrels of oil gushing out, billions of bucks gushing back in,
no haven offered to Al Qaeda when Afghanistan was attacked but Iraq was not.

2007-10-25 05:10:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Congressional leaders love to mesmerize, hypnotize, repeating again and again that Iraq is a fiasco staged by Bush, waged by Bush, controlled by Bush, unaltered by Bush, conducted by Bush.

Unanimous advice of the Joints Chiefs? Never mentioned. Unanimous judgment of the world's intelligence communities? Never heard. Unanimous resolutions by the UN Security Council? Never happened. Unanimous conclusion by the 9/11 Commission that a failed Iraq will be the top breeding ground for attacks against Americans? Never mind.

Iraq isn't a quagmire -- it's a crucible. Masks are burned off, character stands bare, make-up is wiped off, what you're made of shows through.

Rob troops of honor, parents of belief, Iraqis of hope: and what's left? A world peopled by the two-faced. Abandon hope all who enter here.

2007-10-25 05:08:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

after termination

2007-10-25 05:08:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

and make up lies in an attempt to get the officer fired to get out of a ticket they earned?
I understand the right to argue an officers opnion of a complete stop as opposed to roling through a stop sign. The legal system has an avenue set up just for this. If you do not like the officers opnion you take him to traffic court. But to go beyond this and make out sworn statements and lies in an attempt to have the officer fired is beyond me.
I know there are people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and find ways to blame others for their actions, but there needs to be a limit somewhere. If you don't want to take the responsibilty for your actions and want to blame others that's fine. But to get out of a $150.00 ticket by trying to ruin the officers reputation and job is silly.
The officer relies on his income the same as everyone else. He has bills to pay and mouths to feed as well.
Why do people try this approach to handeling a situation.

2007-10-25 05:07:37 · 18 answers · asked by thanson73 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

Everyone who had a ticket by this cop was told he was sick and it would be rescheduled.. even those who asked for a dismissal. After watching them get nowhere doing that and them having to speak to another officer I just let the judge reschedule for me. I was told they have to dismiss it on failure to prosecute and cannot do this.
Is this true ?

2007-10-25 05:06:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Snipers aim for a soldier's heart; congressional leaders aim for the heart of why he serves: Honor, Country, Duty to both. But to congressional leaders, there's no honor in Iraq. There can't be: it's immoral. Illegal. And it's not even their country's war: it's Bush's.

Telling parents their child died for George Bush is telling Christa McAuliffe's folks she died for Ronald Reagan.

JFK committed the US to space, but it wasn't his race -- it was America's. Astronauts knew the risks, the myriad of things that could go wrong, yet signed on, boosted by their countrymen as much as by rockets. There's no such lift for soldiers today; they're stranded, ignored unless exploited, gains unseen, achievements unheard. The Tomb of the Unknowns isn't only in Arlington.

It's one thing for leaders to oppose a mission, another to undermine it; one thing to make course corrections, another to sabotage the ship, one thing to overhaul an engine, another to wreck it in flight.

2007-10-25 05:05:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My Bankrupcy Lawyer and I uncovered the Fraud of 3 "proofs of claims" filed by 3 Creditors with the New York Bankrupcy Court, from (2) Lawyer's and (1) Doctor. They were filed December 2005. I can no longer afford my attorney, what can I do with this information at this point?

2007-10-25 05:02:47 · 3 answers · asked by Lea S 3 in Law & Ethics

... as the Dems get rid of the AMT?

2007-10-25 05:02:22 · 8 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

Six undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested today by U.S. Border Patrol agents at Qualcomm Stadium, after a report that they were stealing food and water meant for evacuees, according to spokesman Damon Foreman.

San Diego police responded to a call about alleged theft from the evacuation center and encountered six people in a van who didn't speak English and didn't have California driver's licenses, Foreman said. The police officers called the Border Patrol, who arrived at the stadium and made the arrests, he said. Foreman said the immigrants admitted they were Mexican citizens and that they were stealing.


IMHO they should all be immediately impaled alive at the border with a big sign that says thieves in English and Spanish.

2007-10-25 05:01:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Here are some other words that begin with L I B...
Liberate, Liberty, Libido, Library, Libretto
All good words.

Now let's explore some words that share the same begining as Conservative...

Conceal, Conceit, Concentration Camp, Concubine, Condemn, Condyloma, Condaleeza, Confine, Confiscate, Conflict, Conflagration, Confused, Con Man, Conniving, Constipated, Contradict, Contraband, Contagious, Contaminated, Contemptuous, Convoluted, Convict, Controversy, Conspire, Contrive........
And the list goes on.

2007-10-25 04:59:55 · 22 answers · asked by Sherri 2 Kewl 5 in Other - Politics & Government

for political discussion ?

2007-10-25 04:59:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My daughter's father was deported last week due to a felony he committed in 2002. He has barely been in her life since this, although he says he loves her and would anything for her. Yeah, right? I am ok with the deportation. First of all he was an illegal (although he was adopted by an American family at age 11) he was still not here legally. My current husband has been in her life since age 2 (she is now 7) and we would love for him to adopt her as his own. I know her real father would never give consent for this, although he has not been there for her. I talked to the attorney general's office today and he owes me $32,000 in past due child support, which I will probably never see. Now that he is across the border there is nothing that can be done to enfoce this. Does this make my daughter eligible to be adopted? Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

2007-10-25 04:57:52 · 8 answers · asked by Akmayeli 2 in Immigration

LOL! I would. I think it would be not just hysterical, ticking the Liberals off to no end, but I do agree with many of her points on issues.
What say you?

2007-10-25 04:57:12 · 22 answers · asked by xenypoo 7 in Politics

I'm so sick of the one we have that appears to have 2 faces but only supports corporate interests and their own, that I will not vote if there isn't a more balanced choice.

2007-10-25 04:56:44 · 4 answers · asked by Ktcyan 5 in Elections

This person pulled up too far, hit my car while I was in the store. They didn't leave a note or anything. SO I took a picture of license and left note with my info. I just want them to acknowledge they did it.... I waited for 15 mins but they never came out.

2007-10-25 04:56:10 · 9 answers · asked by aveskee 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Yes, that's right the US tax payer has paid for the Israeli Military (Israel gets far more US aid than any other country - about 80 percent of it in fact and 90 percent of that is tanks, f16s, bulldozers etc.).

How does it feel?

In fact, considering that the US have no real military rivals how do you feel about all of your tax dollars being pumped into your own army? Couldn't it be spent more usefully? They don't even give you free health care...

2007-10-25 04:55:32 · 5 answers · asked by airmonkey1001 4 in Politics

I would have never thought it would happen to me, but Child Protective Services invaded my home a couple of years back and took my daughter for no God given reason. I did a little of my own investigating and I found that they were trying to use my daughter in an adoption scam. I don't know what to do because I have audio tapes, written statements, etc. A lawyer won't even talk to me here in NC. Is there a lawyer that will do this case probono? Is this even grounds to sue? CPS devestated my life and I regained custody of my daughter a year later, which cost me 5 thousand in my entire savings. Now my daughter has to visit with a out of pocket therapist because she still has nightmares when they so viciously took her away that fateful night! Help?

2007-10-25 04:55:19 · 5 answers · asked by LKimme 1 in Law & Ethics

Im just as poor as she is and I don't have free houseing like she does either.

2007-10-25 04:54:19 · 10 answers · asked by Margaret D 2 in Law & Ethics

Flipping channels I came across Rush Limbaugh and couldn't believe what an idiot he is. a caller called in that didn't agree with him and Rush acted like he was so mad that he had to count to 10 outloud and then proceded to call the guy names. He didn't have any solutions to problems but spent all his time bashing people who don't agree with him. This is not news, what is it??? No wonder people are so intolerant of each other and don't feel the need to compromise if this is what they listen to and believe is what the truth is. Aren't we all better than that???

2007-10-25 04:50:35 · 22 answers · asked by Ktcyan 5 in Law & Ethics

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