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Politics & Government - 25 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Should a person have to pay a fee or take classes before being issued a permit to carry a concealed handgun?

Isn't this a violation of the persons rights? Why should someone pay a fee to exercise their Constitutional rights?

It was wrong to make people pay a fee to vote, or to take a test to prove they could read before they voted.

How is this any different?

By making people pay and/or take a test to exercise their Constitutional rights is illegal.

These test/fees do the exact thing as the poll tax. It keeps minorities from equal access of their rights.

It’s time to eliminate all test/fees associated with carry licenses and give everyone their Constitutional Rights?

2007-10-25 02:48:31 · 5 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7 in Law & Ethics

I asked a good question as to what effect his cocaine and alcohol abuse has informed US policy and for no reason that I can see the question was censored with no comment....has the NSA and the bush neocons penetrated this forum and has now set up free speech zones? where are these free speech zones?
what is happening to free speech in this country?

2007-10-25 02:48:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

my husband is graduating bootcamp in 2 weeks (nov 9th). he would like the kids and i to go with him for the a-school in pensacola, fl. he is going for aviation and the school is 26 weeks (a little over 6 months). i have already found an apartment, just have to send the deposit. however, i need some help with something.... i have been told by people that he cannot come off base at all, or he gets weekend liberty only, or he can live off base after 3 weeks? does anyone know what is REALLY right here?? any questions are appreciated! thanks!

** i know he is going to need a LOT of time to study, and im going to be spending a lot of time w/the kids by myself, ive heard it from enough people... some please DONT comment on that and just answer my question! thankyou!

2007-10-25 02:44:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Of course the goals of everyone is different, but what is the definition of the "American Dream"?

To me its the opportunity to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be.

2007-10-25 02:44:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i.e.; G.I.Bill unable to use for the California Army National Guard and Reserve, etc. That is 90% of the reason people join the Guard and Reserve, college, and you're going to tell me they can't even make use of that benefit? I believe all other states allow the use of this benefit with no issues/problems. Why even join the Guard or Reserve in that state if you don't get anything out of it? All I got out of it was a trip to Iraq.

2007-10-25 02:43:26 · 6 answers · asked by James P. 1 in Military

My first question is I'd like to hear of a sanction that was 'made' in history to a country, second question is 'sanction' means to allow, but when you sanction a country, you're usually blocking import/export to a country from your own country, correct?

2007-10-25 02:35:22 · 3 answers · asked by ? 1 in Law & Ethics

I hear a lot about the burden that criminal aliens place on our medical and other social structures, but I haven't heard about the drain on our schools.

English Language Learners (ELL) students are a subset of students that must meet federal guidelines. If this year's crop of 3rd graders doesn't read better than last year's, the school can receive a failing mark. Any work done in grades 1 & 2 is lost to the school if the child moves away and is replaced by a new child who has fewer school skills.

I know of a Blue Ribbon school system in which more than 90% of the students are at or above grade level, yet the system is in danger of failing NCLB because of one subset of students.

Should NCLB be changed to allow exceptions for this highly migrant population?

2007-10-25 02:34:05 · 11 answers · asked by DaisyCake 5 in Immigration

Arnold Schwarzenegger has proven to be what one might call a Republicrat. In the heavily-Democratic California, he was re-elected with a wide margin. With the advice of his wife, Maria Shriver, of the Kennedy clan, he has toned down the more radical Republican ideas and has pleased the Democratic majority of California. During the fire emergency, Arnold has been steadfastly non-partisan.

He has said, "What is wrong with taking the good ideas from one side and the good ideas from the other?"...an unheard-of position in the Republican world and one that has made him unpopular among the more radical Conservatives.

Because Arnold was born in Austria, he cannot become President, because our Constitution forbids foreign-born people to run for this office. But, would a non-partisan peace-maker like Arnold, if elected President, help unify the people of this country? Is it possible to find that Uniter after all?

2007-10-25 02:33:22 · 22 answers · asked by Me, Too 6 in Elections

Telling her she won an international lottery all the need is her bank numbers. Yeah OK....
She wants to know who she can call to report this, would it do any good? What a blatant scam.

2007-10-25 02:28:26 · 8 answers · asked by metallica_rocks0122 6 in Law & Ethics

Or is he trying to appeal to the people of Massachusetts?
No Red Sox fan would EVER root for the Yankees.
He says he is an American League guy???
I am from Massachusetts and do not care who wins, BTW!

2007-10-25 02:24:57 · 25 answers · asked by Supercell 5 in Politics

Retirement is coming up for President Bush. Let's suppose he is looking for a job for his later years. Could he get a job in financial management, since he is leaving the country in deep debt? In the business world, he hasn't done so well, with several business failures, until his Dad gave him a boost. He can't work in the literary world, because he doesn't seem to know words over two syllables? He can't be a foreign ambassador, because he can't tell one place from another. And there is no real call for a military position, since he has no experience along those lines. Where will President Bush get a job? Who will hire him?

2007-10-25 02:23:17 · 16 answers · asked by Me, Too 6 in Law & Ethics

Not that the British working man got anything out of the Empire, but at least it was upfront, rather than this Mega-corporation private army stuff like Blackwater and Halliburton.

2007-10-25 02:21:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When you add up all of the things that happened in the administration before him(USS Cole, Kobar Towers, etc..), and then consider that 9-11 happened because those things were not taken care of properly, how is any of this President Bush fault??

2007-10-25 02:18:16 · 20 answers · asked by jvwatson4 2 in Government

we might not be on this planet if the goverment keeps this up.

2007-10-25 02:13:39 · 8 answers · asked by golda 1 in Military

Living or Dead.

2007-10-25 02:08:21 · 10 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6 in Politics

i was away for a week visiting my dad. when i came home i found that my apartment was broken into. they took my 30/30 winchester, nikon n75, dvd player and a bunch of dvds. i called the police and they said they would most likely recover the rifle. what are the odds of them finding a regestered rifle? i would like to have everything back, but the rifle most of all.

2007-10-25 02:08:06 · 3 answers · asked by mcgomery2001 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What is it that the American people really try to find in their leaders?

2007-10-25 02:07:23 · 27 answers · asked by Bipul 1 in Elections

what exactly do people who work for the united nations do? what are the different jobs and what are their salarys. Just about the un in general, what is the purpouse of this organization and is it effective? positive and negatives about the un. what do you need to do to work for them.
(any information would be appreciated i really dont know anything about the united nations) thanks

2007-10-25 01:56:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in International Organizations

I get in email/blog discussions, and the "right to self-defense" argument is the most difficult one for me to handle. What are some ethical arguments I could bring up to convince someone that their right to self-defense should not be of primary importance to them? Please give me some solid ethical points, not emotional or anecdotal ones. The emotional/anecdotal arguments get torn to shreds. I need some SOLID arguments that they can't dispose of so easily.

2007-10-25 01:48:34 · 16 answers · asked by Dan M 1 in Law & Ethics

In the age of information and enlightenment , is it not time for United Nations meetings to be televised/Radio broardcast so citizens can actually get a view on how and why and when our world leaders are working together for the betterment of everyone.

2007-10-25 01:37:00 · 8 answers · asked by John H 2 in International Organizations

The FCC is launching a new program to penalize references to sex, cursing, etc. on television. We are undoubtedly going back to the Will Hayes movie era, when married couples had twin beds and, if a male hero sat on a bed containing his wife, one foot had to be on the floor.
The question is, who is the judge of just what is immoral and what is not? Will that person, or persons, be expected to have a moral life? Does morality only include sex? Does it include White Collar immorality...like fraud, corruption, money laundering? What about the presidential candidates? Many of them have very speckled backgrounds. Should we monitor them, too? Or are they forgiven because they publicly claim they have asked God to forgive them? Would it help if, at the end of every television show, the producers would ask God for forgiveness? Then, would all indiscretions be forgiven?

If Conservatives believe in less Government, why try to monitor morality? Why not monitor corruption instead?

2007-10-25 01:35:49 · 12 answers · asked by Me, Too 6 in Law & Ethics

Having to watch the Cali fire evacuees receive massages, accupuncture and sushi----- when you couldn't get a drop of water or a place to dump-------??? Oh it is a new FEMA all right Georgie my boy- can you never get anything right !

2007-10-25 01:32:16 · 26 answers · asked by *ifthatswhatyoureinto* 5 in Law & Ethics

I canceled my employment visa in uae before two months and i want to know how can i know how long i am banned to work in UAE and i want to know if i can remove remove the ban. Kindly help me regarding this, please...

2007-10-25 01:26:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

for eg: mrs.Benazir Bhutto knew that she would be definitely attacked but she still failed to inform her followers about the threat?if she had the followers would have had the choice to come or not to come to the rally.around 157 people died and scores were mutilated, badly injured.maybe if you are sitting behind bullet proof jacket and surrounded by an army for your protection you forget about those who are not and can relax.

2007-10-25 01:25:22 · 8 answers · asked by nikki 2 in Law & Ethics

I have not seen the foreclosure problem discussed from this point of view.
I have heard the lenders blamed for being greedy, I have heard borrowers blamed for being greedy and stupid. But isn't the real problem that we have a nation full of people whose credit is in the toilet and they cannot qualify for a regular "non-subprime" mortgage? WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE ONLY ABLE TO BUY HOMES BY GETTING MORTGAGES FOR MEANT FOR HIGHER RISK BORROWERS???

2007-10-25 01:24:03 · 20 answers · asked by ez f 1 in Politics

Illegal immigrants from Mexico come to the U.S. because they KNOW there are more job opportunities for them than there are in Mexico. It's called Survival of the Fittest. They come here to survive. You can't blame them for trying to improve their lives through hard work- and make no mistake- they work hard. In Los Angeles, you will NEVER see a Mexican begging off a freeway ramp - only whites and blacks do that. That is a fact.

However, they are here illegally and that is against the law. But shouldn't the U.S. COMPANIES (are you listening, George Bush) who hire illegals be the scapegoats? Shouldn't U.S. citizens work those jobs so that the Mexicans don't have to? (Right, so get your cozy **** away from the computer and pick some crops 12 hours a day in a field. Hey- you'll be fuel efficient because you can sleep in the same field!!)


2007-10-25 01:19:52 · 19 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5 in Politics

Does anyone know any articles or books written by a NONsmoker that is against the smoking ban? Or if your a non-smoker against the smoking ban what is your reasoning? Thanks.

2007-10-25 01:18:13 · 10 answers · asked by cdanie11e 2 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers