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Politics & Government - 14 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


say I break into your house

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials
in ages!!! It explains things better than all
the baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place
across the country protesting the fact that Congress
is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that
the US might protect its own
borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and,
once here, to stay indefinitely.
Let me see if I correctly understand
the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover
me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all
the beds and washed the
dishes and did the laundry
and swept the floors. I've
done all the things you don't
like to do. I'm hard-working
and honest
(except for when I broke into your house).

2007-05-14 09:45:17 · 21 answers · asked by Sweet Honesty 1 in Immigration

face righties.........iraqis will butcher each other just like they've done for hundreds of years------with or without US troops.

you can pretend to stop caring about freeing the repressed iraqis, undoing bushs war is like putting toothpaste back into the tube.......cant be done

2007-05-14 09:43:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We've been through so much already, and it's still not enough.

2007-05-14 09:43:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I was rearended on a Highway when traffic was forced to stop because of trash that was thrown in the middle of the road. "troubled" kids were out picking up trash and one of said kids took a bag and deliberately threw it in the middle of traffic traveling 65 mph! (police issued said kid a ticket for causing the accident!)
The full size van behind me was unable to stop in time and smashed into me from behind which sent me flying 75 plus feet across another lane of traffic and into a ditch. Totalled my car, I am in extreme discomfort and unable to sleep. Constantly picturing the van in my rear view as I very easily could have died if more traffic had been around. I'm fully insured, as is the driver of the van; and my company said they will handle the claim for me and get me reimbursed for everything... would I have better luck with a lawyer, obviously I want to get all that I'm entitled to and make sure the kids aren't able to do something like this again. Suggestions?

2007-05-14 09:40:03 · 7 answers · asked by Amy L 2 in Law & Ethics

Why are they making such a big deal out of this so called Global Warming? Why now? Is this just another money grab and completely B.S.?

2007-05-14 09:35:05 · 26 answers · asked by dca2003311@yahoo.com 7 in Other - Politics & Government

The Lancet published two studies on the effect of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation on Iraqi mortality, the first in 2004, the second in 2006. The studies attempt to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the occupation, both direct (combatants plus non-combatants) and indirect (due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poor healthcare, etc.).

The first survey published on 29 October 2004, estimated the risk of death following the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq to be 50% higher than that prior to the invasion. This led to an estimate of 98,000 excess deaths (with a range of 8,000 to 194,000, using a 95% CI (confidence interval). The authors called this a conservative estimate, because it excluded the "extreme statistical outlier" data from Falluja. If Fallujah were included, the estimated increased risk of death was 2.5 fold (95% CI: 1.6 to 4.2). The second survey
published on 11 October 2006, estimated 654,965 excess deaths.

2007-05-14 09:30:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-05-14 09:27:28 · 4 answers · asked by StRaWbErRy BaNaNa 1 in Law & Ethics

I recently paid restitution to my ex-employer, now they refuse to give me a receipt showing i paid them. Can they do this? What should i do.

2007-05-14 09:26:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-05-14 09:25:42 · 14 answers · asked by dvdhrv 1 in Politics

Look at this:

*Mexican immigrants are more likely to say the U.S. is too closed -– 22 percent vs. 11 percent of other immigrants, although 41 percent say the country strikes the right balance.
* Mexican immigrants say they are drawn to the U.S. by the opportunity to work and make a living (48 percent compared to 34 percent of other immigrants) rather than personal or political freedoms.
* Fifty-four percent of Mexican immigrants vs. 68 percent of other immigrants surveyed, say the U.S. should expect all immigrants who don’t speak English to learn it.
* Fifty-one percent of Mexican immigrants think all public school classes should be taught in English (rather than allowing some classes to be taught in a student’s native language). Among other immigrants, the majority is stronger (67 percent).

Is there an entitlement issue here?

2007-05-14 09:21:24 · 13 answers · asked by Terry H 3 in Immigration

Is it? I have made one before, but I want to make a nice one that can be reused and will be made safer. Anyone ever done anything like this before? Do I need to register it with the ATF? I do not want to do anything illegal so please let me know what you know. Thanks.

2007-05-14 09:16:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i know there are plenty of people willing to work the jobs they do its bullshit they live here and we pay for them if that is how its going to be we should have full control of mexico

2007-05-14 09:14:57 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration


2007-05-14 09:12:51 · 15 answers · asked by hazard to your heath 3 in Politics

If I did any of the following when would I be breaking a law?
1. buy a cd and listen to it.
2. listen to my cd with a friend.
3. let my friend borrow my cd.
4. burn a backup copy for myself so I don't scratch the original.
5. lend a backup cd to a friend.
6. listen to the backup of a cd while my friend borrows the original.
7. backup a cd to an mp3 file
8. send the mp3 to my friend to listen to
9. play a song over my phone so my friend can hear

2007-05-14 09:11:33 · 8 answers · asked by brydges6756@rogers.com 2 in Law & Ethics

I don't think he was a communist even though he did have correspondence with Karl Marx. I do, however, think him and his Radical Republican Party of the northeast were the left-wingers of their generation.

Regardless of how "conservative" the Republican Party may or may not be, it is easy to forget that there was a time when the Party was far from conservative, that in the early days of the party, socialists and outright communists played an active role. In fact, it can and will be argued here that the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was made possible by communists and socialists, most of them German immigrants in the Midwest, and indeed the prosecution of the War depended in large part on those same alien people. Consider, for example, the following.

2007-05-14 09:05:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was in class the other day and of course the topic was about Israel wars.
One of the discussions was about when Nixon deployed a large mass of Artillery and weapons for Israel to use at that time.

A certain gentleman spoke up and said, They didn't really have to even use the Artillery and weapons, Because before israel got there to fight their enemies had up and left. Why? Because they heard a massive sound of what sounded like a nation of Bees/insects and they fled the scene.

Is this true or even near true? If so could you give me a link to a website that would the information on it.

2007-05-14 09:03:26 · 7 answers · asked by Just Me 3 in Military

2007-05-14 08:59:11 · 11 answers · asked by Dodo 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Say you are sitting on a bus bench alone can the police arrest you for smoking weed even though a DR ordered it. It is legal by state law. Would the police arrest you anyway dispite having poof you have Dr's orders and the state say's medical weed is legal ?

2007-05-14 08:57:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Is there anything I can do to protect my family, what I should do as an individual, and what do you think the next attack will be?

2007-05-14 08:57:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What is your view?
Is our concern of losing jobs to illegal immigrants blinding us to the real problem?

Regarding the news link (below), Mexican drug cartels are now attacking the Mexican
The cartels would not do this unless there was a lot of money at stake.
And American drug addicts are paying that money.

Perhaps the so-called “War on Drugs” should be re-thought and re-packaged as part of the war on terror.
My best analysis is this: if our government does not act quickly to stop illegal immigration, Americans will witness a new wave of drug-fueled terror in our streets.

Please note that this is not a diatribe against Mexicans who come here legally to work or those seeking to become citizens.
I am not one of those “English-only” xenophobic people who don’t want anyone in our country but Americans. Immigrants made this country great and I welcome the good citizens from south-of-the-border as long as they abide by our laws.


2007-05-14 08:56:30 · 14 answers · asked by docscholl 6 in Immigration

Why can't people debate without name-calling and childish behavior? Why do people have to call Republicans facists, Nazis or made up words like repukes or repubes? Why do people have to call Democrats commies and traitors?

Can't we be civil and mature and debate without all the childish crap?

2007-05-14 08:54:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I already posted by neo-nazi articles. Here are the KKK articles. Like always, straight from the source.

"Every election season, the Klan is always "out there" campaigning for some conservative politician, who still believes in moral, Christian values. Most times, "the people" never even see our contributions! Every once in a while the media will run a story on some of our rallies. Those events are soon forgotten. For example, last year the AWK rallied for the marriage between one man and one woman in Texas and North Carolina. There were positive results from those rallies. Amendments and/or referendums were passed in favor of traditional marriage. We know that we weren’t necessarily the decisive factor in the passage of those laws. However, we were VERY instrumental in gaining massive, public attention concerning the issue."

2007-05-14 08:53:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

my fellow citizens had enough of these bad situations, they're like any other human who like to live in peace. alot of Iraqis killed in this war, they still patient, but i can see that thier patience will has end cause they believe that even patience has end. when you ask them about oil they'll answer you that they are ready to give thier oil to everyone who will help them for peace if you really came for oil cause i don't think that you came for oil, you're here for us now n i appretia, but what if the troops leave Iraq now? what will happen to us, we can't face the terrorist i meant Saderists alone, so the answer if that really happens is that we are all will be dead, why ? i still young to be dead!! i still have faith that someday we'll live in peace and freedom by your troops. yes we'll live in peace. i don't think that the troops really wanna leave Iraq now, because their humanity will never make them take like this decision. what you think?

2007-05-14 08:53:11 · 7 answers · asked by Sara 3 in Military

2007-05-14 08:51:54 · 17 answers · asked by eye-luv-jay 1 in Government

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