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Politics & Government - 14 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i have to debate and write an 8 page paper on anarchism is the best form of goverment. do you guys have any info, thoights, or good sites to help me? i really need help

2007-05-14 07:00:41 · 14 answers · asked by wht! you have not heard of me? 1 in Politics

Many blacks will hear Hillary’s remark as
follows: “I say Republicans run the House like
a plantation because I am speaking to Negroes
—the wretched of the earth, a slave people—
who will surely know all about plantations.”
...Does she really see us as she projects us—
as a people so backward that our support can
be won with a simple plantation reference and
the implication that Republicans are racist?


2007-05-14 06:59:17 · 15 answers · asked by hazard to your heath 3 in Politics

I hear that phrase used a lot, and I want to understand it better.

I suppose a KKK member attacking civil rights laws, or someone trying to take away women's right to vote, would be "dissenting" from existing government policy. But support of civil rights is an important and noble characteristic of our country.

So, when is dissent patriotic, and when it it not?

2007-05-14 06:58:18 · 12 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Other - Politics & Government

You want law abiding citizens to have guns, because you say criminals will always have guns. But you DON'T want law abiding citizens to have birth control, because you say it leads to promiscuity. Are law abiding citizens responsible enough to have guns but not birth control?

2007-05-14 06:54:28 · 11 answers · asked by kappalokka 3 in Politics

2007-05-14 06:52:10 · 4 answers · asked by Lacuna Coil 2 in Law & Ethics

last night i was going to my moms house now i had noticed a cop car right behind me all the way from a gas station i was doing everything right speed, signals,etc. all of a sudden they pull me over well when the cop went up to my car he asked do you know why i pulled you over i replied no he said your headlights weren't on i'm positive that they were..well at the end he still gave me a ticket but on the ticket he said i ran a stop sign. i know that street very well and we never passed a stop sign. i have never gotten a ticket before so i didn't read it carefully and didn't notice it .. what can i do?? and is it too late to call and ask the officer about it???

2007-05-14 06:51:54 · 11 answers · asked by Sussy U 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What does that mean, the acceptance letter also stated upon background completion, and that the offer is of "at will employment" . The question is "Are the employer going to conduct background and other pre-employment verifications after I start, or have the employer already previously conducted background and other verifications prior to me being hired. I like to know because I have some issues with background and I told the Human Resources representative when she called and asked if I could come in for an interview, I was not aware I would be hired on the spot. I'd like to know should I look forward to the position or are the employer going to come back and state that they conducted verfications and I don't fit the criteria. Please help!

2007-05-14 06:51:20 · 6 answers · asked by katina_scorpio32 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-05-14 06:50:48 · 14 answers · asked by hazard to your heath 3 in Politics

I was just curious since my friend told me about this and she wondered if it is legal... if so.. its NOT FAIR!

2007-05-14 06:50:23 · 4 answers · asked by skeemergyrl9056 1 in Law & Ethics

My divorce was final Sept last year. The bill came in the mail. Next came a letter from the state attorney general stating the division of property order was rejected because my lawyer used the wrong form. I sent a letter objecting to the invoice to the lawyer. He waits 4 months and sends a letter to opposing council I am not represented by him any more. Then comes a letter answering my questions about the invoice. Now I am summoned to court by opposing councel for the divsion of property order however instead of just transfering the terms to the proper form, opposing attorney knows I am without representation and is changing the terms of the DOPO. Do I pay the invoice and beg forgivness from the attorney who dumped me for questioning his bill? Do I hire a different attorney to help me? Do I pay my former attorney and hire another attorney besides? I don't know what to do.

2007-05-14 06:49:23 · 8 answers · asked by mark s 1 in Law & Ethics

I know this may sound weird to some people but I would do the right thing and try to find the owner buy turning it into the police station then if know one clames it then I would go on a missions trip and help people in need .then with the left over money buy something I always wanted. And defentlly adopt some kids when I get older because i'm addopted and it ment alot to me when I was addopted.

2007-05-14 06:48:08 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

one of my friends was a runaway at age 15. she gave birth to a girl in newyork, because she was reported missing by her parents....so she ended up giving a wrong name & dob at the hospital. now her daughter is 7 years old & without a birth certificate. now how can her mother prove the paternty & obtain her daughters birth certificate. presently she is living in california.i need the legal procedure.

2007-05-14 06:42:35 · 5 answers · asked by balpreet s 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-14 06:42:07 · 21 answers · asked by OSCAR :] :{ 1 in Law & Ethics

i am paying for someone to noterize a signature on a form the person is not signing in front of them = how can they validate the signature= why are they part of the process

2007-05-14 06:40:58 · 8 answers · asked by frankhumferdey 2 in Law & Ethics

Be honest thats all I ask.

2007-05-14 06:40:27 · 15 answers · asked by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5 in Law & Ethics

I need to get something patented before I sell a prototype to a manufacturer, for production and distribution. I am a business woman with more experience in finance. If you don't mind to please advise me, maybe we can become friends in the process. I can hire a intellectual property lawyer if no one answers me here. It is not a problem. This is just the quickest solution I have.

2007-05-14 06:38:48 · 7 answers · asked by JessesGirl 1 in Law & Ethics

my best friend just came from court today and was ordered to pay 400 a month for his son. he only makes 1200 a month and can barely pay his own bills. the mother of his son lives off the state is on drugs and leaves the child with her parent most of the time. I want to know how I can help him. he is getting screwed with the way that family court favors the mother. so if you have ANY advice or resourceses pleaseeeeeeeeee let me know asap

2007-05-14 06:36:39 · 20 answers · asked by meshelle2kz 2 in Law & Ethics

asking about my boyfriend. He is trying to dig up some kind of dirt on me and frankly, it is making me crazy!! To the point of losing sleep and causing a lot of anxiety and stress in my life. I live in Oklahoma if that helps.

2007-05-14 06:35:47 · 14 answers · asked by journeysmom 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-14 06:35:14 · 5 answers · asked by indian 1 in Law & Ethics

If he ran as an independent would he take more Republican or Democratic votes, and why? What percentage of the vote would he have if the election were today?

2007-05-14 06:34:30 · 7 answers · asked by Frizzer 7 in Elections

lottery in over 53 countries,and don,t give information to these people ,they tell you to keep your numbers and information to yourself,awnd you know that you didn,t givr it to knowone but the at these lottery winnings ,fromdouble claim ing, so who got the cash that i was to get? lets go aroun the world and see.

2007-05-14 06:32:47 · 6 answers · asked by Amelia B 1 in Law & Ethics

i was driving on the 110 frewway north on friday night of may 11 when a taxi driver merged into my lane while i was there!!!! he hit me into another lane which almost hit another car but luckly that aother car was able to get out of the way. after the accident happen the taxi driver drove very quickly away from the scene. we couldnt get the plate number. i tried to go after him but he damaged my tire. we tried calling the city cab since it was what me and my boyfriend saw on the cab but they hung up the first time the second time they denied anyone of their drivers where in that area but i should know since i was hit by one. then they said that they will call back when they find the driver but they never called back. we call again the next day but once again they hung up the first time. the second time they said the same thing. is there anyway i can sue or is there anyone else who didnt got justice from a hit and run by a taxi? can we get together and sue? i dont know what to do.

2007-05-14 06:30:24 · 8 answers · asked by Dee A 1 in Law & Ethics

we were told three days before the last day we were to work. Are we liable for any type of compensation liquidation. What helpful advise do you have

2007-05-14 06:27:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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