The northern states seem more willing to put freedom higher than security. There is absolutely no cowardice in standing behind an ideal. I am from a Northern State and I have always thought that freedom could have a price and that any government intrusion into any citizen's life is a loss of freedom. I understand that there are southern Liberals, but the southern states almost without exception give their electoral college votes to Conservatives who seem to want a Republic rather than a democracy. Why is there so much difference between the way people think of the "pursuit of liberty". Think of security, laws against gays, abortion, and other such things. I have lived in Oregon, the Midwest and the North and it seems the same issues in one place educe a different repsonse in another. For example, when I was in Oregon, the Methodist Church was behind the anti-gay laws and when I was in Minnesota the Methodist church was against them--both purely on moral grounds
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Ford Prefect