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Politics & Government - 21 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-21 23:52:02 · 11 answers · asked by Amit 1 in Politics

I know we used them in WW1 and WW2. but is it possible to use magicians and their ability to decieve to fight terrorists?

2007-04-21 23:40:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-04-21 23:11:28 · 13 answers · asked by bernardmailman 1 in Elections

Do we truly have freedom of speech when you can get sued (rather easily) for what you say?

I'm not talking about stuff like racism and the like, more on intelligent criticism and comments (esp aganist govt figures and policies)

2007-04-21 23:05:11 · 5 answers · asked by lordfa9 3 in Law & Ethics

(Rep of Turkey) does anybody know this as first hand?
Is it true that only ‘neutral’ languages like English, German etc are permitted in Turkey?
Is it true that languages of neighbouring nations like Greek, Bulgarian, Armenian etc are forbidden in Turkey?
How strict is legislation about it?

2007-04-21 23:00:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

My vote is for Team America.

2007-04-21 22:33:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...someone's marital status, or whether or not he/she could "get" a mate? Is this just due to lack of having something intelligent to add to a discussion?

I think it is funny, but also a telling indication of what some folks will do when confronted with opposition of any sort.

What say you?

2007-04-21 22:19:58 · 18 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

Alcohol is an evil drug and to be okay with it's use is anti-Christian. Think about how many people die each year because of it in car crashes and because of health problems and because alcohol affects people's judgments, thus making them more likely to commit a crime.

Alcohol is almost as strong as marijuana, so don't you think it should be illegal too? Your body is sacred because it was made by God and he doesn't want you to intefer with it.

Marijuana and alcohol only lead to destruction. Marijuana kills and so does alcohol, so the Christian thing to do is to protect the children and make alcohol illegal to everyone. It WILL save lives. Just think of the car crashes alone.

Do you agree?

If not, then you are willing to sacrifice people's lives in car crashes for personal freedom. How nice of you.

2007-04-21 22:13:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The little people would be trained in exactly the same methods and tactics, except they wear smaller uniforms.

What do you think?

2007-04-21 21:52:56 · 17 answers · asked by Frank 2 in Military

why did amirica killed Sadam

2007-04-21 21:38:56 · 18 answers · asked by Snipes 1 in Military

2007-04-21 21:16:45 · 11 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

ive been enlisted in the navy for over a year now, and have always strived for more intellectual stimulation since ive been in.

recently i find myself in a locked rate that is manned at over 133% making it almost near impossible to advance - the option of crossrating is there, but i dont want be stuck in that for the rest of my naval career (however long it will end up being) -

and so, ive wrestled with the idea of either trying to get admission to the academy or try to get my education on my own (which is nearly impossible with field excercises and deployment) -

but needless to say - my question is - if you came in on a waiver for "experimentation with marijuana" - how much weight does that put on a decision to admit one to the academy - if my evals have been 4.0 - and my PRT is an excellent - never had an NJP - ect ect? -

i will talk to my career counselor - but i wanted to see what people could offer on here.

thank you.

2007-04-21 21:09:38 · 4 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Military

I don't remember who I heard this from but i remember that we were discussing liability of damage caused by pets or one pet killing another pet, and they told me that aperson couldn't legally own a cat in the United States because they are human indendent and thus a erson can't be sued for what a cat does and yeah if you have any info on this it would be greatly appreciated as well.

2007-04-21 21:06:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran......in rhythm with Barbra Ann song of Beach Boys.

2007-04-21 20:59:40 · 9 answers · asked by Steven C 1 in Politics

The North with their progressive, "Social Gospel", do good works message and the South with their traditional, personal, born again, faith more important then works message?

It's not like this divide started recently. It existed as early as the 1800s. The following statements are from Fredrick Douglas. Douglas was a former slave who became a leading abolitionist. This is what he had to say about christianity as practiced in the South.

2007-04-21 20:55:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Christian values when it comes to domestic policies that are invasive to the rights of individuals.
Behave as a Christian at home but as a tyrant abroad.

2007-04-21 20:47:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When someone kills a relative so they can collect the life insurance (and they get caught), does the murderer still get the money? If not, who gets the money?

2007-04-21 20:47:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics



2007-04-21 20:23:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Kind of seems funny they would do it now after Gates visit to Iraq.What's up?

2007-04-21 20:22:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

when saddam ruled iraq,there were no killings due to sectarian rifts.

2007-04-21 20:10:01 · 14 answers · asked by geyamala 7 in Politics

Since the majority of people who commit serious crimes(rapists murderers.) are repeat offenders, i'd kill them all.
--I'd have people come to me, the King, In order to present a reasoning for the killing of another, and i'd adress the other, and determine if i'd allow them to Duel. If people didn't work, i'd make them leave my society, since i have no reason to keep people who do nothing. Drugs would not be allowed, if one was caught, they would be executed in the gallows, and everybody would know. People would be Greatly rewarded for a technological advancement in society, perhaps a position in my royal ranks. society itself would be rewarded for each achievement as well. The only exchange between outside countries would be the exchange of knowledge. sports and entertainment would not be greatly rewarded, the reward is what sports are for, fun. If an individual excedes a certain level of Fatness, they will be put on a workout that will eliminate their bodyfat. Vote for me.

2007-04-21 19:56:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Who will go down in history as the worse of the two?

2007-04-21 19:55:26 · 17 answers · asked by hyungbinkim 3 in Politics

the members of the BJP, which boasts that it has a different culture,babubhai kataria,ramswarup koli from bayana in rajastan and the member of BSP a party's name is synonomys with corruption, mohammed tahir khan from sultanpur in up, indulged in human trafficking .SHOULD THEY BE EXPELLED FROM PARLIAMENT?

2007-04-21 19:52:50 · 3 answers · asked by geyamala 7 in Politics

Don't believe me? Do a little research. Organizations abound to protect animals, but our children are left to fend for themselves, and are ill-equiped to do that when you factor in a judicial system that fails time and again to prosecute criminals who perpetrate crimes against children, or that refuses to recognize that children are human beings possessing civil rights in the first place; a social service system that does not work in that it all too often criminalizes loving parents and tears functional families apart while exonerating guilty ones for lack of evidence; parental deciet and an inability or unwillingness on the part of children to speak out against abusive parents or caretakers; not to mention overworked underpaid workers who suffer from systematic "burnout" and case overload. Reporting an incident of child abuse rarely ever effectuates results. Loopholes abound between the initial report and an offender being indicted or prosecuted.

2007-04-21 19:42:00 · 5 answers · asked by 123 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-21 19:41:49 · 6 answers · asked by Mabuhay ang Pilipinas 1 in Law & Ethics

Berate , mock , insult. . . whatever word you choose , there's no denying that it happens and it happens quite often .

Have you ever seen a Conservative bash an entire sector of the country ?
I wonder if honest Liberals will avoid this question , as I know they don't like to lie .

2007-04-21 19:31:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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