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Politics & Government - 17 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-17 23:46:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

are you sad to find out that the killer at VA tech was a non-muslim?

2007-04-17 23:07:43 · 11 answers · asked by Steven C 1 in Politics

Please describe what are your feelings towards Iraqi people?

2007-04-17 22:58:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

They must really be pissed off.

2007-04-17 22:55:08 · 1 answers · asked by Steven C 1 in Politics

I wasn't advocating the killing of innocent starving children, but knowing that the Militia in Darfur are faced with these decisions that they seem to take lightly I was interested in a Western Soldiers view on how difficult they would find it confronted with such a situation.

Also in the Sudan a, child soldiers are a bigger threat to relief workers and the UN as a question answerer quite rightly stated that child soldiers are more dangerous than an adult one as they have no sense of compassion or right or wrong. We are trained to a degree on how to handle child soldiers so was interested again if you were trained any differently as soldiers.

I also apologise to those who think my questions are stupid and pointless, but I guess you don't have to look at them if you don't want to. Its true that I've never served in the Military but have managed to get under their feet several times (sorry!), but I have the upmost respect for those of you that serve and have served.

2007-04-17 22:50:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I mean this happens multiple times in Iraq daily . People shopping or waiting for a chance to work getting slaughtered . I havent heard anything on these boards about those innocents dying . But I hear plenty about some college kids in the USA . Maybe if we felt the same about the people in Iraq as we do here , we would actually pursue a solution there . ( I'm not saying we shouldnt mourn yesterdays events , I'm saying there is a hypocricy at work here).

2007-04-17 22:46:06 · 9 answers · asked by prole1984 5 in Politics

How can i apply for duplicate passport and there is no time to get the duplicate markssheets. My present and ermanent address is also changed from what was mentioned in my orignal passport.

2007-04-17 22:42:09 · 8 answers · asked by kiran 1 in Immigration

My report is due in 4 hours. . .and I just noitced one website had that. I need a picture from it as well . .may I use it if I endnote/bibliography them??

2007-04-17 22:38:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If you, as an American or as a foreigner with an opinion on the USA, could choose between strict(and I mean STRICT) gun controls, or fully endorsed, legal abortion, which would you pick?

2007-04-17 22:33:54 · 6 answers · asked by the_burrij 2 in Law & Ethics

Base your answer in terms of the law of coservation of momentum.

2007-04-17 22:29:35 · 12 answers · asked by Joseph Abu Bakarr S 1 in Law & Ethics

Being a Brit and seeing the curent situation in America, I just wanted to know what checks if any, what age, cost and of type of gun you are allowed to buy. And what restrictions are there on carrying the weapon around, are you allowed to walk around the streets legally with one? Do you have to take some kind of test to see if you are of 'sound mind' to have one? Is it true that you can walk into a supermarket and browse through a selection of guns alongside the cereals and pasta?

I understand that the rules may change from state to state, but wanted an outline of how easy it is to obtain one, legally?

2007-04-17 22:27:17 · 22 answers · asked by Emma L 3 in Law & Ethics

Deleted Question: MacDonald's WalMart Claim No Knowledge of Sponsorship for AL SHARPTON's Show??

Question Details: I have talked to both companies and both claim to have NO knowledge of their sponsorship of this man's show? I told both that I would no longer be a customer of theirs until they stop supporting this bigot who uses his show to slander anyone he feels like--especially how he talks abouty white people. His crucifixion of the Duke Lacrosee players saying they took advantage of her because she was black. The truth is she was a hooker who came peddling her wares (herself). When they were exonerated, where was AL then? What do you think? Can you BOYCOTT these tow companies? Until they do the right thing here?

2007-04-17 22:23:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The French--and other Europeans who opposed the invasion-- were clearly right about Iraq. Whatever about the legal and moral arguments, in political terms it was clearly a mistake. With the exception of the overthrowing of Saddam (and even his execution was bungled and turned him into a kind of martyr) it has been a long catalogue of one disaster after another. Iraq has descended into sectarian civil war, as was predictable and predicted. The world is undoubtedly a more dangerous place as a result of the invasion. Is it not time to say sorry to the French, and start eating French Fries again?

2007-04-17 22:21:38 · 17 answers · asked by 2kool4u 5 in Military

i have a friend(single) who is been having an affair with an another friend who is currently married. i knew about it but im thinkin its very personal to endulge in it. and the wife was now pestering me every now and then asking questions but i keep on saying i know nothing. my worry is, can she sue me concerning somethin that i dont know i violated just because im not telling her the truth? if so, what will be the case. or of ever she sued them, will i be an accessory? please help me. thanks!

2007-04-17 22:11:44 · 1 answers · asked by dimmy 1 in Law & Ethics

Imagine if we were told that Jihadists did this right from the start. What would be happening right now to Islamic communities?

When information can create civil unrest, the government does reserve the right bury it.

Cho was an english major who left a several page note behind to explain his horror. What do we know about this note? Not much.

We do know that Cho had the exclusively Islamic phrase "ISMAIL'S AX" written on his arm in red ink. This would be a hard detail to bury considering all the first responders who saw Cho. However, the note would have been much easier to keep a lid on.

Let me ask you this...if you were the man in charge, would you want such info to get out, knowing major civil unrest could result?

The dept. of homeland security is investigating this massacre...why...is their terrorist angle here or do they want to do the fbi's job?

2007-04-17 22:01:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm thinking yes because already we see the enemies of the 2nd Amendment (Rosie O'Donnell, Sarah Brady, etc) trying to exploit tragedy to further their vile agenda.

Fortunately for us, the defenders of liberty such as the NRA, will rise to meet these attacks and those with a poor track record on gun rights will be exposed (Clinton, Obama, Romney, etc)

All of this will take place in the context of the 2008 Presidential race.

2007-04-17 21:57:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am on a 3 year probation for a DWI(my first one). Originally it was supposed to be 2 years, but I got a one year extension for a failure to appear violation. I recently violated by having a dirty UA, and I only have about 4 months left to go. Tomorrow, I go before the judge. I have allready made an appointment for a rehab program, but it's not til next week. I realized there is a very good chance I will go to jail, but is it likely that the judge will let me do rehab in exchange for jail time? Also, is it possible they will just extend my probation again? What about house arrest?, I am very much needed at home cause I live with, and take care of, my grandparents. Allthough Im not sure if I can convince the judge to take that into consideration. Besides jail, what are some of the other possible outcomes??

2007-04-17 21:55:30 · 6 answers · asked by clone17 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-17 21:40:20 · 4 answers · asked by setexamplez 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm not asking for a specific endorsement of a candidate, and don't really care to know who anyone is voting for. This is merely about issues. What will be your guiding theme in choosing a candidate next year?

2007-04-17 21:31:47 · 13 answers · asked by Tommy 4 in Politics

Lets be honest.

1 guy shoots up a school and the nation freaks out.

Ppl shoot each other all the time in other countries. What do people do? Pick up guns and shoot back.

(This might be hard for some of you to grasp, since the news doesn't cover much of what's going on in the world. Sorry)

2007-04-17 21:30:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Yesterday i withdrawed some cash from ICICI bank from teller - not from ATM - and since i didnt need to use it by evening i went back to deposit it.. While accepting money, the bank person identified that one 500 Rs note is fake. The next step is to call police and file FIR. In fact that note bundle was given by same bank on same day itself.. But bank is not ready to accept it , and the reason they are saying is that bank will never issue fake notes and that i can replace a note in the bundle before remitting it back.. Finalyy they tore the note and gave me back and end reslult is i lost Rs.500/- Can any one help me to know that whether there is any law that will help the customer in such cases.. Individuals may not be able to identify fake notes in a bundle and same may happenagain.. what step can we take to avoid such situations further ?

2007-04-17 21:29:31 · 9 answers · asked by Chungath 2 in Law & Ethics

rather that be an armed child or adult soldier?

2007-04-17 21:09:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

wrapped my arms around your camouflaged leg and begged you to shoot my child that was slowly starving to death along with 1000's of other children, would you do it or lend me your gun?

2007-04-17 20:56:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Explain how and why the supreme court's ruling in the case of Narbury vs. Madison increased the court's power?

2007-04-17 20:54:16 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If you buy it yourself, doesn't it become your property, and shouldn't you have the right to do what you want with it?

2007-04-17 20:51:25 · 12 answers · asked by 9987 4 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-17 20:47:09 · 7 answers · asked by sanda m 1 in Politics

the possibilities to sell gun, today ???
Here, in France, we think that the possibilitie to buy gun and to use them is very dangerous. And today, in the XXI century, we have to try to live together without gun.
I think that America people need to evolve and to improve the way to live together.

2007-04-17 20:47:03 · 4 answers · asked by cowboy67 2 in Law & Ethics

I watched an interesting documentary on this last night. Fairly unbiased, and it seems likely that in the next 100 years we will all be at war over water. What's your take on this?

2007-04-17 20:43:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I want to be a marine aviator. I was thinking of going into the marines reserve while i finish up my BA in Physics. I was thinking on doing PLC. Should I do the reserve part or skip it? Or would it be to my favor when I apply to PLC if I have a marine background? I was told by a recruiter that if I was in the PLC I wouldnt be activated for duty is this true? Oh and I have my private pilot license would that help me win a seat in marine pilot?

2007-04-17 20:41:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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