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Politics & Government - 19 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Turks have committed atrocities against their ethnic minorities including Armenians and Kurds. The first genocide of the 20 th century was the Armenian genocide committed by Ottoman Turks. Armenians were foced out of their homes and they were deported to Syrian desert but many Armenians lost their lives. Women ,children and men were starved and tortured. Ottoman Turk officials planned this crime against humanity and made a pretext and excuse for referring to their national security. Ottoman Turks released criminals from their prisons mainly those who were in jail for murder. This was one example of how Turks treated their ethnic minority then I will mention Kurds who face discrimination in Turkey. Kurds cannot celebrate their own holidays without being monitored by Turkish police and Turks suppressed Kurds till to date. There is no real freedom of expression in Turkey. Please remember what happened to Mr. Hrant Dink Turkish/Armenian journalist who was shot dead by an ultranationalist

2007-04-19 09:44:01 · 5 answers · asked by Sandy 2 in Law & Ethics

The simple fact is that, for the first time in decades, the plurality of the American people associate themselves with the Republican party. Liberals in the country are losing clout not because they lack a clear vision, or the guts to “stand up” to the President, but because their policies of the last decade have been an abject failure. They hitched their wagon to political correctness, expansion of entitlements, and appeasement of lunatic regimes, all of which have proven to be nags in a political climate searching for thoroughbreds. Democrats have failed not because they moved too far to the right, but because they moved too far to the left. Emboldened by American guilt over the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and the excesses of the 1980’s, they pushed forth an increasingly left-wing agenda that was no longer a reflection of the will of the people, but a pseudo-socialist vision of benevolent government taking care of its constituents.

2007-04-19 09:42:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

They killed the church of england, they stood by , folded there arms whilst all the churches were converted into pubs, and they have the nerve to complain about a mega mosque being built,
When you lot rpent and return back to God then you can complain.

Bunch of hypocrits

2007-04-19 09:37:10 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It's funny that the liberal media was never an issue until Bush got us into this travesty of a war. Once they started reporting on the atrocities in Iraq, they were labeled as "liberal". So if I understand this correctly, any news organization that does not kiss the President's azz has a liberal bias, right? When the news agencies were covering the Clinton impeachment ad nauseum, was that the conservative media?

2007-04-19 09:35:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am pro-choice (Lib)
I am against gun-control (Con)
I support gay marriage (Lib)
I support death penalty (Con)
I support separation of church and state (Lib)
I support war in Afghanistan (Con)
I oppose war in Iraq (Lib)
I support pro-environmental policies (Lib)
I support hate-crime laws (Lib)
I oppose universal health care (Con)
I oppose privatization of Social Security (Lib)
I support steam cell research (Lib)
I oppose amnesty for illegal aliens (Con)

2007-04-19 09:34:24 · 2 answers · asked by Dr. Adriano Nostromo 2 in Politics

1. It is my body and my choice........ then why do people chastise women who smoke and drink while they are pregnant?
2. It is not a life until it can sustain itself outside the womb..............Then I guess premature babys in incubators or on ventilators are not life?
3. The government cant tell me what I can do with my body..............The government does this all the time, it is illegal to use drugs and the government will try to stop you from commiting suicide!

2007-04-19 09:31:57 · 29 answers · asked by NO SOUP 4 U! 1 in Politics

I recently heard this on the radio and am finding it hard to confirm. If this is true is it any wonder that Roe v. Wade is soon to become an artifact of the past?

2007-04-19 09:29:56 · 10 answers · asked by jj raider 4 in Law & Ethics

I don't believe the government has a right to determine who lives and who dies. That is why I am pro choice, and that is why i am against the death penalty. How is that a double standard?

2007-04-19 09:28:12 · 19 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

When my wife's spouse visa is finally processed and she comes to the USA, can she travel to other countries, while she waits for usa citizenship? Would there be any problems traveling back to the Philippines during this time?

2007-04-19 09:26:46 · 5 answers · asked by Dante 2 in Immigration

My husband is an illegal he cant get a green card because he lied about being a us citizen when he was 17yrs. hes now 44. So in order for our family to feel safe from all these new laws i decided that i want to move to canada. I cant move to mexico because I dont like it there. I have a degree in interior design and hes a license eletrician. Would canada let him enter from the us side with just his passport? once we got there whats the easiest way to get jobs sponser and or become legal resident. I dont want to jump out of the fire into the frying pan. Any help would be appriciated. P.s we own our own buisness and two homes. I was told that would be important. thanks

2007-04-19 09:25:28 · 12 answers · asked by adonisbro 1 in Immigration

We've been together for 2 years and now we want to get married. He is here in the US without papers and I would like to get him some. If we have to go to mexico we will. Can somebody help us out with what to do?

2007-04-19 09:23:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I'm a Canadian married to an American guy. Currently living with my husband and waiting on my greencard. How long will I have to wait before I get my greencard?

Knowing I will have to wait 3 yrs before naturalization for U.S citizenship - what if I have my greencard by then and than things don't work out in the marriage and we end up splitting before the 3 yrs? How will this affect my green card status?

2007-04-19 09:22:45 · 3 answers · asked by Vanessa 1 in Immigration

2007-04-19 09:22:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Gore says that he is concerned about the environment, but he only seems to pay lip service the problem. He relies on tricks like buying offsets or alternative energy, but why won't he actually make a major cutback on his lifestyle. He has plenty of money so paying more isn't a sacrafice, why won't he make a real sacrafice and use less energy?

2007-04-19 09:21:34 · 9 answers · asked by geronrocks1 2 in Politics

is it right to kill someone knowing that he is planning to kill you later?? that is in case you don't have a chance to call for help or to escape.... it's just between you and him......

take note, he's not doing anything wrong yet but the thing is you know he will kill you later?? would it be justifiable??

2007-04-19 09:19:48 · 7 answers · asked by pawpawpaw 3 in Law & Ethics

I wish to enlist in the Army's 18x program and it says I need a secret security clearance, but im not sure if i will qualify, i had a misdameanor charge that was sealed and expunged when i was 14 but i dont if it will affect it, how could I find out?

2007-04-19 09:18:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-04-19 09:14:04 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Like most people, I feel sickened every time that I see the news and hear about this awful crime, but why does it seem that the media has almost become numb to the Americans who are dying every day in the God awful desert of Iraq?

2007-04-19 09:12:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Survivability outside the womb? Who, without their mother or other, would not survive outside the womb?

Ever seen a preemie? They wouldn't survive outside the womb without some help.

2007-04-19 09:10:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is it the right to carry arms while in service to the state (caveat: my interpretation of "a well-regulated militia". Yours may differ) or the right of the individual (with no felony record, obviously) to own and carry firearms?

2007-04-19 09:08:58 · 7 answers · asked by A Balrog of Morgoth 4 in Politics

Why or why not? I want to know if it can get taken away and why is it important to have. What does it mean to you?

2007-04-19 09:08:26 · 5 answers · asked by vickii 1 in Law & Ethics

their money is more important to them than someone else's life. this really seems strange and immoral to me. now i know that not all conservatives are this way, so dont get me wrong. but indeed, many are.

In discussing the difference between iraq spending and government assisted healthcare, andy stated this:

1- if you think we shouldn't be building hospitals in Iraq what do you think of Mexican women getting free hospital care when they cross the border to have their baby?

now, this really set off a bell in my head. he is obviously stating that this healthcare is a bad thing. but i completely support this woman. if having her child in our country would prevent that child from growing up in the horrendously awful mexico, i would pay for her care myself. it shouldnt be an issue about money when a child can grow up with a great opportunity compared to a terrible one. so i have no problem with using my tax dollars on this type of care. what are your takes on this?

2007-04-19 09:07:56 · 15 answers · asked by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 in Politics

Since no one is allowed to own a gun here, why is this still happening?

I keep seeing liberals who want to ban guns, yet why would they advocate something that does not work?

2007-04-19 09:07:43 · 10 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6 in Politics

Seems kinda logical. Let them fend for themselves over there and save some of our tax dollars ans prison space for non violent offenders.

2007-04-19 09:04:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I mean technically it was never a WAR!!! look at the history books classified as NOT A WAR!!! so does that mean were still undefeated?

2007-04-19 09:02:35 · 17 answers · asked by baseballpro0716 2 in Military

2007-04-19 09:02:26 · 17 answers · asked by ruttster 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-19 08:58:21 · 4 answers · asked by James K 1 in Law & Ethics

Just wondering from a Canadian's point of view

2007-04-19 08:56:57 · 6 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

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